Saturday 23 August 2014

Late Night Pondering

Hey Blogging World

I presume (and really hope) I'm not the only person that has those nights, laying in bed thinking about every single things good or bad and end up still lying there at some crazy hour of the morning still thinking about it?

I tend to think that music will help me sleep, it usually turns into an occupational health and safety hazard. Having my headphones is fine until my eyelids begin to close and I wake up in the morning freaking out that the chord has wrapped itself around my neck, I think my mum always warned me about it when I was younger, must have turned into a fear. Or those school mornings when you wake, the music is still playing and battery is critically low and you wonder how on earth you will make it through the bus trip without your iPod. However the worst thing is waking up and believing you must have some sort of sleep disorder because your iPod has been flung across the other side of the room, but you seem to have no recollection of how it got there. Not to mention my music taste at the moment is a lot of acoustic guitar serenading me to sleep. I have been absolutely obsessed with Secondhand Serenade, only knew one of their songs (Fall For You, check it out) but just pushed on another one day and was hooked then. Their music is simple but beautiful and their lyrics are so raw they travel into you and unleash emotions you didn't know you contained. Music also helps me in pondering of course as whatever I'm pondering about, the mood of the song is chosen to fit the ponder. Funny how I know to manipulate my mood to what I would like to be.

Pondering. Well, shall we ponder about the word ponder? After all it is such a funny word to use. The dictionary definition shows:

think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.

I've thought about this for some time now and can only draw to one conclusion. It made no sense to me the word ponder especially as the word has the word pond within it and I didn't know what ponds had to do with thinking. But ponds are relatively deep, not as deep as an ocean, but you would have to go a little deep or think carefully before you reached the bottom or the conclusion. That is the only thing I can think of. Otherwise ponder is just another funny word like majority of the words in the English language. At least ponder is a word that you can look at and pronounce unlike... Well I can't think of any at the moment, being awake doesn't mean my brain is functioning to its full potential.

I'm not sure if I feel comfortable using the word ponder for the rest of the post now, it's in the title though I probably should. One difficult thing to ponder then write about is the dreaded P word. No not panoramas, or pandas or playgrounds. Oh gosh I could talk about playgrounds for hours that wouldn't be hard to describe after pondering. Wait, I think I discuss playgrounds in another post. Right. Back to the dreaded P word. I really get distracted too often. P is for people. At the moment I'll say friends are going pretty well, I shouldn't jinx it but any arguments you haven't heard about but of course still worried about have been sorted so you can relax. There are people who have become a family to me and our little family has ended now, which you think would make me being the emotional person I am quite sad but there's been certain people making me oh so tired, but oh so happy this week and I hope they hang around for a while. I hope I haven't made you all too curious now, because if you are you'll be finding out nothing until perhaps my next post.

"She's going to begin posting again?!" You're thinking! Yes I would love to start blogging more often and it's going to be a huge time allowance as school is really coming first this year, I've realized I need to really start trying in order to attempt to have a lovely future. But hey, when I have a spare hour early in the morning with eyes that won't shut and nothing to do I'll be sure to jump on here because I miss you all. I know hardly any of you commented and I'm not sure if people actually read what I'm posting but I enjoy writing to a world full of people. Making new friends one anonymous reader at a time.

Signs that I should really go to sleep, I'm listening to Beyonce and Rihanna. Not that they're bad, if you like that when you're wide awake then good for you. Until next time.

La Vie Vivante.