Monday 30 September 2013

So I may have forgotten..

Hey Blogging World

Free wifi has been tight in these places so I apologize for not posting anything. I am also sorry for the fact that I am a terrible diary writing keeper. The best thing about a blog is I don't have to keep a schedule for it! Well I'm not sure of you're actually supposed to. The thing is, I may have written day one (which was posted) then forgot to continue the days that continued. It probably would have been boring anyway. I have decided I will give you a summary of the days gone by and the fun of going on a road trip. 

We have had some good times in the car. There's been laughter over really bad jokes, really bad singing to wonderful songs, really bad singing to terrible songs too. But it hasn't all been smooth sailing, not that we've been sailing but you get what I mean. My little brother and I have had our moments, not enough space in the car for the two of us. But I'm not implying we're fat! We should be though with the amount of maccas stops along the road! My dad has been an excellent driver, but a not so excellent sign reader. We have got lost a few times, but with his (not so) calm head and (really not) soft voice we have reached our destination (eventually). 

The only other bad thing about cars and road trips is they allow for too much thinking time. Now I'm not going to get too personal here because what I think about should not be put out on the World Wide Web for all to see, I would never live down the embarrasment. It's just been strange, with nothing else really to do my head just explodes with thoughts on life, and weird thoughts too. All those what if questions come back to you, those unanswered questions. I really do think I think too much, but that's just another thought. Thinking comes in handy when I have to write an interesting post to you all, so make sure to tell me if my thinking is heading in the right direction. Not one direction, the right direction. 

Funny things. So much that has happened should not be put online. Let's just say my family is not the most classiest or the most sane, but we do know how to have fun. Car races throughout theaquarium, corny photos putting heads through the boards, even my dad making a strawberry sing. A lot of those 'you had to be there' moments I guess. We have been having a blast but only a few more days, then home sweet home. As far as I'm concerned though, we can stay at this place forever with free wifi. 

The moral of this post: (because every post should actually have a purpose, shouldn't it?)

Always have space in the car, never think you think too much, never stop having fun and make sure free wifi is at the top of your must list for hotels.

La Vie Vivante. 

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Radical Road Trip (Day 1)

Hey blogging world 

Sunday 22nd September

You must realise the dedication that is going into writing this and remembering the happenings of each day. Feel privelaged that I am scavenging for any small bit of wifi to write to you all.

As you know I'm on my road trip at the moment, first day in and we have been having heaps of fun. I have been making the most out of my brand new moustache onesie, which are surprisingly comfy. So comfortable that I have worn it while taking a photo with the smurfs. I got a tad excited when my brother sighted them, forgot what I was wearing and sprinted to them for a photo. I even received a free balloon out of it! (Boy, weren't they great in the car...) 

We stopped at a few little towns, looked around, are some damn good hedgehog, a mighty huge milkshake and arrived at our hotel just before night fell. Excitement hit when mum brought in the wifi password. Much to my dismay, it wouldn't work properly! How I am going to survive, I'm not sure. At least I have my music. 

Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to upload all my music onto my new iPod. Not that I am complaining, what I did put on there is amazing. 

My survival music: 
The neighbourhood- amazing band. Love them to bits. They are just so unique and their lyrics are so strange but also relatable. 
Muse- I absolutely love Muse. After I got vouchers for my birthday, one of the first things I did was going to the store to purchase the newest album. I am not disappointed. Their sound is incredible and for those of you who don't know, I am going to their concert!!
The 1975- Listen to them. That's all I can say. The titles of the songs may be deceiving, but the music is amazing. 
OneRepublic- Their new song Something I need is constantly stuck in my head, makes me overly happy and I always want to sing along, which isn't all that great in a car. But it is wonderful. 

It has been very good so far, but a long and very tiring day. We are back in the car tomorrow so hopefully our next destination has better wifi! I'm sure I will have more stories for you, with my family, something hilarious is bound to happen. Oh and one more rather exciting thing! I saw/met/got a photograph with Mike Smith, the actor who plays Cal on Winners and Losers! For those of you who don't know, that's cool. 

La Vie Vivante. 

Saturday 21 September 2013

Road Trip

Hey Blogging World

I apologise for not posting lately and I am also about to apologize as I am writing to tell you I may not be posing for another week, due to a rather exciting family holiday!! I will try and keep you up to date while on the road trip (wherever I can get free wifi) but have lovely holidays for those of you in Australia, sorry people of America but as you were on holidays, we were stuck in those boring classrooms five days a week. It's just time to swap over now!

Stay happy and keep smiling
La Vie Vivante.

Friday 13 September 2013

Mia and Twig: The Beginning

Hey Blogging World

If any of you are keeping up to date, you will see that I have a new page, but also the fact that the post I wrote the other day, beginning a story has been replaced by this message. I figured that instead of you having to flick through posts, you may as well just read what I write as I continue writing it on that page as it will be a lot easier for you then! Therefore the beginning has been put over there and I will be sure to write the next bit up for you too. I am really excited about this as I have a feeling it might be a good story. We are watching Romeo and Juliet in English at the moment, so hopefully the story won't end up turning out like that. 

Short post, but keep an eye peeled for more.
Yes that's right, just one eye. The other may do what it pleases.

La Vie Vivante. 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

DAY 30

Hey Blogging World

Day 30: Your highs and lows of this month.

Oh my gosh. We have done it. Finally, we have made it to the last day of the thirty day blogging challenge. I would just like to thank all my fans and my parents for being so supportive...

Okay okay, I realise we are not at the logies but I really am so happy and so  thankful for any of you that have been reading these posts and following along with me on this not so difficult but turned out to be difficult challenge. I have fallen behind, (Many a time) and I have been organised and ahead, (only once) but finally I have reached the end. I did not plan for that last sentence to rhyme, I promise. But the last prompt is one of the ones I am not particularly fond of. Although it is a perfect day to end this as today is my....

Sweet Sixteen. Wouldn't really call myself sweet but anywho. I thought I could use this to my advantage and talk about the highs and lows of this month, but only use today as this month.

Highs: Well it was my birthday so that makes it pretty wonderful in itself, and all the lovely people who wish you a happy birthday and make you jelly slice and cupcakes and buy you snakes and write all over the whiteboard so everyone can get their nice little message across to you. I just love birthdays.

I also love when people don't know it's your birthday and they have this entire conversation with you, then someone else says happy birthday to you and they break down in apologetic words and wish you a happy birthday over and over again! Sounds a bit harsh of me but that happened today and I was just cracking up laughing every time.

Low: I guess the only low will be that I'm not fifteen any more and the fact that I am growing up. Although I know that I will always be a kid at heart and I don't think any number will ever change that/

So there you have it. We are done. Not with the whole blog, I will be sure to keep writing to you all. But it's going to be a little different, just general writing, whatever interests me. I hope you all stay interested, and as I have said before, if you have anything you want me to write about then leave a comment and I will do my best to make it wonderful for you. Wonderful. I have been using that word a lot lately.

La Vie Vivante.

Day 29 - Almost Done!

Hey Blogging World

Day 29: Goals for the next 30 days.

Well I am almost there and I am actually keeping up to date with it! I am pretty happy with myself and proud of myself for keeping it up but I'm not particularly happy about today's post.

The thing is, I don't really believe in goals or like the sound of goals because they just seem pointless to me. I know when I'm going to do things and I will do them at my own pace, therefore I don't need to have a set out schedule of all the things I am going to have completed and the way in which they must be completed and when. But they can be useful at times so I will give them a go for you today. 

I am going to try and continue writing at least 4 times a week to you as I have really enjoyed this challenge because it really made me write even if I wasn't in the mood. The reason I say at least four times is I can get a bit busy, as I'm sure you could tell when I was doing catch up posts throughout the challenge. This will still give me enough time with you and I have some new things I want to try out, but if there is anything you want to see me writing about, reviewing, arguing about then don't hesitate to comment ad I will try my best to grant your wishes. 

I guess I don't really have any other goals in terms of my blog. I would also like to start sharing more of my own photography with you actually, rather than the google images you are getting. So perhaps I will try that. You never know, the thirty day photo challenge might be next... 

1st instalment of original photography with help of Photo editor app. 

La Vie Vivante. 

Monday 9 September 2013

Missing Day 28

Hey Blogging World

Day 28: Something that you miss.

Well this is pretty obvious so I might put in a couple of things that I miss.

I miss Lorne. My friends that I hang out there, the sunny days in which we can all go down to the beach or up the street for a magnificent slushie. I miss all that but it's okay because with Abby's help we are counting down and it is almost in the double digits!! To see everyone again will be so wonderful because that is half of what make up Lorne for me, the amazing people that I have met and will continue to meet.

I will miss being 15. I am turning 16 tomorrow which is rather exciting (probably half the reason why I can't sleep, that and I didn't want this post to be even later than it already is!) I like, no I love, the idea of a birthday but I don't particularly like the idea of growing up, although 16 won't be too bad. I think I just love being a teenager overall and so as that ticks away I will miss it more and more. 

I try not to miss things because it's just looking back on the past and we should always aim to be living in the present which is exactly what I am going to do tomorrow!

Sweet 16 and never been kissed, or have I?

La Vie Vivante. 

Sunday 8 September 2013

Problematic Day 27

Hey Blogging World

Day 27: A problem that you have had.

This is also a little difficult as I don't want to delve too deep into my personal life but I don't really want to give you all a puny little problem either. Or maybe I might. Okay, I will. But it has a good solution to it and a nice moral so y'all are gonna listen up, ya hear me?

Yesterday I lost my myki card. Now for those of you who don't know what a myki card is, it's a card that allows you to use public transport, such as buses. I had to catch a bus into the city to meet mum, was rushing around my house with two minutes to leave, had everything, went to run out the door, checked my phone case for my myki card... It wasn't there. Quickly run back in the house and tear my bedroom apart, break into tears as the clock turns over to 2:03pm and I realise the bus would have already gone past.

I was agitated. In myself, I had lost my myki card which really is just another thing added to the list of items I have 'misplaced.' I was mad at the public transport company for making it compulsory to have a card because apparently it makes it easier to 'swipe on' and 'swipe off''. Pffft, the only thing it was useful for was getting lost. Then I thought to myself, people in third world countries would never be having this problem. They don't have myki cards so they wouldn't have to worry about keeping them safe. If they want to get somewhere, they walk. Which is exactly what I decided to do.

I put on my runners, packed my good clothes in my bag along with a water bottle and some food, I almost felt like I was running away from home. I text my mum to tell her what was happening and began to walk. It also helped the fact that I am doing Steptember for the moment so it increased my step count a lot. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I will inform you in a post soon to come. Anyway, my mum rang me up as I was about 30 minutes into the journey and told me it was still going to take me another two hours to walk into the city and I was crazy. But I was determined to keep going. I had one song on repeat for most of the time:

I am obsessed.

To end the story, I managed to get where I needed to be in 1 hour and 50 minutes, forty minutes shorter than my mum expected me. And it was a pretty fun walk! Even if walking for just under two hours can sound fun. That was a problem I had, but I overcame it with a few tears, a fair bit of sweat, and a whole lot of charge on my phone for music.

La Vie Vivante.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Attracting Day 26

Hey Blogging World

Day 26: What kind of person attracts you.

Now I hope you have all seen the post I did on the five most attractive celebrities according to moi, and if you haven't then I suggest you do as it is my best looking post I have done so far. But that doesn't mean they are all my sort of guy. I mean yeah, they are damn good looking but I don't know anything about their personality and I'm one of those people who like a good personality rather than just a pretty face. Although a pretty face is always nice.

What A Guy Needs To Be:

  • Funny: This one is pretty self explanatory. If a guy ain't funny, then buh-bye. It's just so boring being around serious people who are constantly having the same serious conversation about politics, racism etc. Yes, I know they are big topics and I'm not saying that we shouldn't address them because they need to be spoken about, but non stop? Everyone needs to have a laugh, it's healthy for you.
  • Musical: He has got to love music. And I don't mean just 'oh yeah I like this band a lot and I saw this band live last year'. I'm looking for ' I play this instrument and I practice constantly every night to this song and that song and I feel like if I'm not listening/playing/thinking about music then a part of me is missing' kind of guy. I'm starting to sound a bit fussy. 
  • Smart: Even though he has to be funny he also must be smart. I don't mean that he has to be crazy Albert Einstein going to create the next big thing smart, but some brains never hurt anyone. I really just have to be able to hold a conversation with them. If he is there going on about how good his hair looks or how the sky looks blue today, then I'm going to get bored quickly and my departure will be just as quick.

They are really the personality traits that I think would attract me most in a guy. Of course all the other things like kind, honest, friendly etc. come along with that but unfortunately there are not a lot of guys out there in the world who tick all the  boxes, or they are just hiding from me. Yep, that's it, they all know what I look for in a guy now so they will all just be the opposite of that. Great.

La Vie Vivante. 

Day 25

Hey Blogging World

Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why.

A person who fascinates me. Hmmm...

I would have to say that Albert Einstein fascinates me for some weird reason. I guess I just think that he was a really clever man who was also a complete nutter. In other words, I can relate well to him.

I wanted to know more about this crazy genius so I googled "Ten random facts about Albert Einstein" and picked out the ones I liked to expand on.

No socks: A part of Einstein's whole profile was his crazy look. Not only did he have the uncombed hair look happening, but he never wore socks. He believed that if you had socks and shoes that you should only wear one, what's the point in wearing both?

Einstein was not always seen as one of the smartest men to take the world. He didn't speak until the age of four and wasn't fluent until the age of nine. He failed all subjects except for science and maths and he was always seen as not being serious about his studies. One teacher even referred to him as a lazy dog. That teacher would have been a bit embarrassed years later.

He loved sailing, but never learnt how to swim.

He loved playing his violin which he called Luna. But this was only after he heard the music of Mozart that he actually enjoyed playing, his mother had been trying to get him to play for years.

The man did say some clever things which are such valuable quotes in life for us now. That's what I love about many quotes, it doesn't matter when they were said or who they were said by, they are still going to be relevant to the people of today and will continue to be important for future generations.

La Vie Vivante.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Movie Time

Hey Blogging World

Day 24: Your favourite movie and what it's about.

I have many favourite movies so this is a bit of a hard one for me, some of them I have already spoken about briefly, or a lot, (Billy Maddison) so I wanted to find one that I have not mentioned at all in earlier posts. Therefore I decided to look at my DVD collection which is rather small and find one that I really like and drum roll please...

500 Days of Summer. Now I am constantly broke so if I buy a movie it means I really like it, which is the case for this movie. Either that or it may have been on sale for $10 so it wasn't too expensive. Either way this is a fabulous movie that I have watched on many occasions.

It is about a boy and a girl, who's name is Summer. The movie basically tells the story of their lives, how they intertwine and break apart. I'm not sure what else to really say about it as if I say anymore it will just spoil the whole movie for you.

One of the reasons I really love it, and this is going to sound dumb, but in the opening credits they play Regina Spektor's Us which is a fabulous song and I love Regina Spektor so it just makes the movie a whole lot better, even though it's still wonderful.

I also love the fact that we are told this is not a love story. It is a story about love. Now I am so sick of all the romantic movies these days when boy meets girl, obstacle in the way stopping them from being together, jump over the obstacle, boy and girl together. It is so predictable and so boring! This movie doesn't end the way you would expect it to, but I still believe it has a nice ending and it leaves the audience walking away happy, which is what a movie should always do in the end.

La Vie Vivante.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Attractive Day 23

Hey Blogging World

Day 23: Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive. 

This is probably one of my favourite prompts out of all the prompts on the list.

Number 1: Now just so you know, these are in no particular order as I could never choose between them all! But to the lovely gentlemen.

Josh Hutcherson. An amazing actor and a very lovely looking young man. I'm not sure if there is much else to say about him. I don't exactly find the Hunger Games the best movie but having him in it does make the film a little better.

Number 2: Steven Motlop from the Geelong Cats football team. I would just like to thank Abby for this wonderful discovery as she was telling me about the wonderful men on the Cats team and sent me a photo through, I was hooked ever since. He actually is a very good football player as I have seen him (and his shiny legs) play before. But he also plays guitar and sings. Boy is he good! It's amazing because he is multitalented and just seems like a really nice guy. Although it's a bit awkward as he is 22 years old. This doesn't make it very legal, or at all legal for that matter.

Number 3: Alex Pettyfer is an amazing actor. I am trying not to make this about the looks entirely, even though I know that the prompt is based on that. I don't like just focusing on a person's looks as that isn't all there is to a person.

 I genuinely think that you could Pettyfer in any role and he is able to play it. Although most of them contain him being the attractive male lead. Examples; Wild Child, Beastly and Magic Mike. Magic Mike... Don't even get me started on that amazingly wonderfully totally not a family type of movie.

Number 4:  Jesse Rutherford from the Neighbourhood. He is the one right there ---->
Yes the one in front. I believe his looks are just an added bonus to what this guy can do. He has one of the most incredible voices and their band as a whole is just amazing. I would recommend listening to them  as soon as possible. Now would be wonderful. Their song Sweater Weather is the most well known but just listen to all of them because they are bootifullll with their singing but also this guys looks. Seriously, you must see all his amazing tattoos.

Number 5:  I could not go without putting this man on the top five. Ryan Gosling is one of the sexiest men alive. And I am not just saying that from my opinion. He is on the countless lists of the sexiest men of 2013. So I'm not the only girl who thinks he is good looking?

I realized today (as I wrote this post yesterday because I am so organised now!) that I forgot to put one very impressive guy up, but I also feel bad as this guy has passed on. Yes I am talking about the late, great, Heath Ledger. He was an amazing actor but also a wonderfully looking gentleman. Ten Things I Hate About You seems to be one the greatest movies I have seen.

Thought I would leave you with this :) 

La Vie Vivante.

Monday 2 September 2013

Changing - Day 22

Hey Blogging World

Day 22: How have you changed in the past 2 years?

I am in a pretty bad mood at the moment from something that just happened. It turns out I can't take criticism well when a lady comes in and says that I have to step back and be the sweet singer while the other singer takes power and tells the story. Therefore I am not in the best mood to write this post, so if it sounds a little moody, please forgive me.

I think I have changed in the fact that I am now more determined to get what I want. Two years ago I would have been happy to just float through everything, as I still am for some things. But I know when I want things now and I know the effort that I need to give in order to get there. People are not going to stop me from achieving these goals either.

I am a lot more positive on my outlook in life. Two years ago, as I was saying, I was simply floating through life and there were days when I didn't feel a whole lot and I wasn't that interested in many things. It really kicked in last year that I do need to be more positive in what I do. So I continuing to do this, but as you can see, sometimes people push my buttons and my positive outlook changes a little bit.

I don't even know how much I have changed! I got a haircut, long to short. But it has grown back to the length it almost was now. I'm not sure what else to say as I haven't really changed that much as far as I'm concerned. I have become more confident, also more whacky and I think my craziness has just escalated to the point where people call me mentally unstable.

La Vie Vivante.