Wednesday 11 September 2013

DAY 30

Hey Blogging World

Day 30: Your highs and lows of this month.

Oh my gosh. We have done it. Finally, we have made it to the last day of the thirty day blogging challenge. I would just like to thank all my fans and my parents for being so supportive...

Okay okay, I realise we are not at the logies but I really am so happy and so  thankful for any of you that have been reading these posts and following along with me on this not so difficult but turned out to be difficult challenge. I have fallen behind, (Many a time) and I have been organised and ahead, (only once) but finally I have reached the end. I did not plan for that last sentence to rhyme, I promise. But the last prompt is one of the ones I am not particularly fond of. Although it is a perfect day to end this as today is my....

Sweet Sixteen. Wouldn't really call myself sweet but anywho. I thought I could use this to my advantage and talk about the highs and lows of this month, but only use today as this month.

Highs: Well it was my birthday so that makes it pretty wonderful in itself, and all the lovely people who wish you a happy birthday and make you jelly slice and cupcakes and buy you snakes and write all over the whiteboard so everyone can get their nice little message across to you. I just love birthdays.

I also love when people don't know it's your birthday and they have this entire conversation with you, then someone else says happy birthday to you and they break down in apologetic words and wish you a happy birthday over and over again! Sounds a bit harsh of me but that happened today and I was just cracking up laughing every time.

Low: I guess the only low will be that I'm not fifteen any more and the fact that I am growing up. Although I know that I will always be a kid at heart and I don't think any number will ever change that/

So there you have it. We are done. Not with the whole blog, I will be sure to keep writing to you all. But it's going to be a little different, just general writing, whatever interests me. I hope you all stay interested, and as I have said before, if you have anything you want me to write about then leave a comment and I will do my best to make it wonderful for you. Wonderful. I have been using that word a lot lately.

La Vie Vivante.

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