Saturday 7 September 2013

Attracting Day 26

Hey Blogging World

Day 26: What kind of person attracts you.

Now I hope you have all seen the post I did on the five most attractive celebrities according to moi, and if you haven't then I suggest you do as it is my best looking post I have done so far. But that doesn't mean they are all my sort of guy. I mean yeah, they are damn good looking but I don't know anything about their personality and I'm one of those people who like a good personality rather than just a pretty face. Although a pretty face is always nice.

What A Guy Needs To Be:

  • Funny: This one is pretty self explanatory. If a guy ain't funny, then buh-bye. It's just so boring being around serious people who are constantly having the same serious conversation about politics, racism etc. Yes, I know they are big topics and I'm not saying that we shouldn't address them because they need to be spoken about, but non stop? Everyone needs to have a laugh, it's healthy for you.
  • Musical: He has got to love music. And I don't mean just 'oh yeah I like this band a lot and I saw this band live last year'. I'm looking for ' I play this instrument and I practice constantly every night to this song and that song and I feel like if I'm not listening/playing/thinking about music then a part of me is missing' kind of guy. I'm starting to sound a bit fussy. 
  • Smart: Even though he has to be funny he also must be smart. I don't mean that he has to be crazy Albert Einstein going to create the next big thing smart, but some brains never hurt anyone. I really just have to be able to hold a conversation with them. If he is there going on about how good his hair looks or how the sky looks blue today, then I'm going to get bored quickly and my departure will be just as quick.

They are really the personality traits that I think would attract me most in a guy. Of course all the other things like kind, honest, friendly etc. come along with that but unfortunately there are not a lot of guys out there in the world who tick all the  boxes, or they are just hiding from me. Yep, that's it, they all know what I look for in a guy now so they will all just be the opposite of that. Great.

La Vie Vivante. 

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