Sunday 8 September 2013

Problematic Day 27

Hey Blogging World

Day 27: A problem that you have had.

This is also a little difficult as I don't want to delve too deep into my personal life but I don't really want to give you all a puny little problem either. Or maybe I might. Okay, I will. But it has a good solution to it and a nice moral so y'all are gonna listen up, ya hear me?

Yesterday I lost my myki card. Now for those of you who don't know what a myki card is, it's a card that allows you to use public transport, such as buses. I had to catch a bus into the city to meet mum, was rushing around my house with two minutes to leave, had everything, went to run out the door, checked my phone case for my myki card... It wasn't there. Quickly run back in the house and tear my bedroom apart, break into tears as the clock turns over to 2:03pm and I realise the bus would have already gone past.

I was agitated. In myself, I had lost my myki card which really is just another thing added to the list of items I have 'misplaced.' I was mad at the public transport company for making it compulsory to have a card because apparently it makes it easier to 'swipe on' and 'swipe off''. Pffft, the only thing it was useful for was getting lost. Then I thought to myself, people in third world countries would never be having this problem. They don't have myki cards so they wouldn't have to worry about keeping them safe. If they want to get somewhere, they walk. Which is exactly what I decided to do.

I put on my runners, packed my good clothes in my bag along with a water bottle and some food, I almost felt like I was running away from home. I text my mum to tell her what was happening and began to walk. It also helped the fact that I am doing Steptember for the moment so it increased my step count a lot. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I will inform you in a post soon to come. Anyway, my mum rang me up as I was about 30 minutes into the journey and told me it was still going to take me another two hours to walk into the city and I was crazy. But I was determined to keep going. I had one song on repeat for most of the time:

I am obsessed.

To end the story, I managed to get where I needed to be in 1 hour and 50 minutes, forty minutes shorter than my mum expected me. And it was a pretty fun walk! Even if walking for just under two hours can sound fun. That was a problem I had, but I overcame it with a few tears, a fair bit of sweat, and a whole lot of charge on my phone for music.

La Vie Vivante.

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