Monday 30 September 2013

So I may have forgotten..

Hey Blogging World

Free wifi has been tight in these places so I apologize for not posting anything. I am also sorry for the fact that I am a terrible diary writing keeper. The best thing about a blog is I don't have to keep a schedule for it! Well I'm not sure of you're actually supposed to. The thing is, I may have written day one (which was posted) then forgot to continue the days that continued. It probably would have been boring anyway. I have decided I will give you a summary of the days gone by and the fun of going on a road trip. 

We have had some good times in the car. There's been laughter over really bad jokes, really bad singing to wonderful songs, really bad singing to terrible songs too. But it hasn't all been smooth sailing, not that we've been sailing but you get what I mean. My little brother and I have had our moments, not enough space in the car for the two of us. But I'm not implying we're fat! We should be though with the amount of maccas stops along the road! My dad has been an excellent driver, but a not so excellent sign reader. We have got lost a few times, but with his (not so) calm head and (really not) soft voice we have reached our destination (eventually). 

The only other bad thing about cars and road trips is they allow for too much thinking time. Now I'm not going to get too personal here because what I think about should not be put out on the World Wide Web for all to see, I would never live down the embarrasment. It's just been strange, with nothing else really to do my head just explodes with thoughts on life, and weird thoughts too. All those what if questions come back to you, those unanswered questions. I really do think I think too much, but that's just another thought. Thinking comes in handy when I have to write an interesting post to you all, so make sure to tell me if my thinking is heading in the right direction. Not one direction, the right direction. 

Funny things. So much that has happened should not be put online. Let's just say my family is not the most classiest or the most sane, but we do know how to have fun. Car races throughout theaquarium, corny photos putting heads through the boards, even my dad making a strawberry sing. A lot of those 'you had to be there' moments I guess. We have been having a blast but only a few more days, then home sweet home. As far as I'm concerned though, we can stay at this place forever with free wifi. 

The moral of this post: (because every post should actually have a purpose, shouldn't it?)

Always have space in the car, never think you think too much, never stop having fun and make sure free wifi is at the top of your must list for hotels.

La Vie Vivante. 

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