Saturday 27 July 2013

It's Time to be Poetic

Hey Blogging World

I know that I told you about the creative writing that we were going to be beginning in English and we actually started on a poem. We read two poems about 'Father and Child' and then were asked to write our own poem about father and child. I am pretty happy with it and so I thought I would share it with you wonderful, non-criticising people!

Please note: The poem you are about to read is not about my dad. We have a very good relationship and all but I didn't particularly want to write a poem about him and I. Some events are based on experiences I can relate to, but the poem in general is not personal. Just thought I would tell you that before you all start feeling sorry for me.

Father and Child
The Precious Moments

He sits quietly on the pews
A world away from everyone else.
The minister rambles on,
“A man’s life greatly lived.”
He smirks at the comment.

The sniffles of noses fill the church.
Tears hit the icy marble floor.
But his eyes remain still.
Fixed on a different moment.
Reminiscing of the time spent.

The day his father taught him football.
He kicked it so high and all that little boy did was stare.
Stare in amazement and wonder at a man so strong.
Each day that little boy kicked further and higher.
And every day his father praised his tiny feat.

His mind floats back to the present.
The emptiness of the church is filled by grief
Of family and friends who’s cries are ever so haunting.
He whisks himself away from the melancholy
Travelling to a place of jubilant memories.

His first day of high school.
His father, with a tear in his eye.
That little boy growing up.
Time ticking away, venturing out into the world.
His father, slowly drifting out of mindset.

One day, an unwilling victim.
A man seeing no risk of a traffic light.
A fatal crash.
A disaster turning his life upside down.
His father.

So there he sat in the pews
A world away from everyone.
Educing every recollection of his father
Every precious moment spent with a prodigious man.

A man whom he called his father.

La Vie Vivante

Where Have I Been?

Hey Blogging World

I just realized as I posted that it has been over a week since I posted anything, considering my two most recent posts were 'Wordy Wednesday' posts. So maybe I should catch you up to speed of the very interesting and wonderful life of moi.

To be honest, nothing much exciting has happened. School seems to take up majority of my life which is fantastic. (Sarcasm) But I should probably start there.

We have been given an assessment task in French to find a french recipe and record ourselves making it while talking through what we are doing, in french. I know, so much effort. But it has been pretty fun as there are some damn delicious french foods out there. Whether they are easy to make or not is another thing. I finally landed on Croque Monsieur and Croque Madame as my recipe.

Croque Monsieur
Yes, that's right. It's a toasted sandwich. Croque Madame is basically the same, except you add an egg on top as well as the cheese sauce. I have yet to make it but I do believe it will turn out scrumptious. Even though I won't actually eat it because of the ham inside. (If you think I'm crazy for that, read my pig post)
I will be sure to post the end product for you.

In psychology we have started learning about attitudes, prejudice, discrimination, racism, stereotyping etc. It's really interesting and I never knew that it was covered in psychology. It was a mighty good thing though as we were able to watch Remember the Titans. An amazing film that I had seen before, but of course was more than happy to watch again. It is the story of a football team that mixes black and white people together, with a few setbacks along the way. Based on a true story it is a truly touching film that provided some great examples of what we had been studying. Unfortunately we were not able to sit back and just enjoy the movie as we have to write up an assessment task on it soon. Woo.

Must See Movie.
 I'm not sure if anything else half exciting has happened recently. I'm going to go see Muse with dad! And if you don't know who they are then just listen to all their songs immediately and love them because they are amazing! Oh and talking about music, I have also recently discovered a band that I quickly fell in love with then found out that about half the population already knew who they were. Boy did I feel left out of the loop.
Mayday Parade. Song that I fell in love with first was Stay. And I have that discovery of the amazing band thanks to SongPop. Yes I found out this band by purchasing the pop punk playlist on SongPop and guessing their song right.

La Vie Vivante.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

It Has Been a While

Hey Blogging World

I know it's been a while and I've missed you all! But somehow school begins and life begins ticking at lighting rate and it just becomes all crazy like and oh you know it's just blah! But I have managed to not forget about Wordy Wednesday this time.

And the word is....

Some of these words are really useless.
I mean, grammatology.

The word comes from the greek words, gramma meaning letter and ology meaning the science of.
There are no synonyms or antonyms of the word as far as I can tell.
My view of the antonym: the non scientific study of the not systems of drawing.

These words really aren't that wonderful at times.

As a part of the community service program we take part in, we visit a retirement and talk to the elders about anything. A wonderful man told us his many stories and told us of a particular word that instantaneously made me think  of Wordy Wednesday.

Syzygy. The man told us the exact spelling, the game show he saw it on, in the age of 1952 or something and yet he has never forgotten the word. Asked him what it meant and he would tell you he had no idea! So, this is especially for him.


Astronomy an alignment of three celestial objects, as the sun, the earth, and either the moon or aplanet: Syzygy in the sun-earth-moon system occurs at the time of full moon and new moon.
Classical Prosody a group or combination of two feet, sometimes restricted to a combination of twofeet of different kinds.
any two related things, either alike or opposite.

La Vie Vivante. 

Thursday 18 July 2013

No I Did Not Forget.

Hey Blogging World

So I put that post title up at about 10:30 last night because I had been reminded about Wordy Wednesday. I was all ready to write, had up and then BAM! A tornado hit my house and sent me away somewhere over the rainbow to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City. You were there and you and you...

That is a load of tosh and I apologize (Again) for forgetting Wordy Wednesday as I let the power of sleep capture me and take me away to DreamLand. So once again I shall do yesterday's word and try to make it as wonderful as possible. And I do still believe my post title rang true-I did not forgot, I blame my stupid eyes for closing.

Well these words just don't get any easier. Hmmm. Abby has a large gobbet on her toe? It's quite vial and now it's all bandaged up hopefully healing. She was kind enough to show me while it was infected and uncovered, I'm not sure if it was exactly a lump but it sure looked ugly.

Good girls
Only receive the
Best presents and the
Best friends for
Eternity, which usually causes them to become little

La Vie Vivante.

Monday 15 July 2013

School Time Again

Hey Blogging World

Well the dreaded S word has returned again. That's right. School.

You know I have never actually liked the word school. Not only is it just about one of the most boringest places ever but it is such a tricky word to spell. I mean, why not spell it like skool? That's how it's sounded out. But no, just like school is, the word itself must also be challenging to spell.

Not to say that school is difficult. It's actually quite boring and to be honest I find myself drawing all over my pages already. Not a very good start to the Term. I guess English will be good as we are starting creative writing, which as you can all probably guess I enjoy writing in general. So maybe if you are really lucky and I am really nice then I just might put some of my pieces up here for you to have a read of. That's only if they're extra good.

In economics we had to discuss what six items (out of a list of 13 items) that we would take onto our desert island if our boat was sinking. I came up with the handy tool kit, first aid kit, survivor book, picnic blanket, two fishing rods and a map of the island. All very reasonable items I suppose. But if I was really stuck on a desert island, would I actually have the skills to be able to use all these items wisely? I'd probably end up attempting to make a parachute out of the fishing rod string and the picnic blanket. Hey, that's not a bad idea!

I am actually in class at the moment, rebellious I know. But the task was to summarise a movie and write our opinion on it, not really a fifty minute task. You might get more than one post from me today, so keep your eyes peeled. But next lesson brings on an aerobics routine. That's right, they even want us to exercise here! Luckily I have figured out my boxercise and am ready to get punching. Good thing when it comes to getting all your anger out.

Homework given on the first day and I was off to a great start. But meh, how good can school actually get? I guess getting to see my friends again is a positive, not that I am being very social at the moment.

La Vie Vivante.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Time for Vociferation

Hey Blogging World

I thought I would say "Time for a Rant" but then I realised, I don't really like the word rant. It just seems so pessimistic and I am not one of those people. So I chose the word vociferation instead as it sounds, well it just sounds nicer. I haven't really just rambled on in a while (or I don't think I have at least?) therefore I thought I would have a little chat with myself. *smiles to self as I am listening to an incredible song*

'Adventure Time' by BriBry. If you haven't already guessed I kind of love what he does, his music and his charity and just everything he stands for. But back to my vociferation.

I was writing just above about pessimism and I want to expand on it in contrary to optimism. I really can't stand those "Oh the glass is half empty" kind of people, I'm sure I have friends who are like that but still, it just frustrates me. I do realize I am probably like that at times but I try not to be as much as possible, because there is no time to be pessimistic when you can be optimistic. To be optimistic is to be hopeful and confident about the future. To be honest, I am not confident about the future, I have no idea what it has in store for me. But I can be hopeful about it and I can refrain from thinking about the worst to come in the future and the worst that has happened in the past and just live in the moment.

I had a friend today that I was chatting to and I get a message from her saying, I give up on everything. The first thing I think of:


So of course I start to over react and call her up and tell her she has to suck it up and she can not say she gives up on everything because life is everything and that means no life and I just went rambling on, a little like I am doing at the moment. The thing is, did I overreact? Or was I in my right mind to be concerned about my friend after she said that? I believe that if someone says something the least bit out of the ordinary (and this was pretty out of the ordinary for her) then yes, you should talk to them about it, or tell them to talk to someone else about it who can help them. Now I'm not here saying my friend is depressed because this has only just happened and she is feeling better now, just a little bored with life as I was a while ago. (Remember my bridge post?) But you shouldn't just leave something left unsaid, if there is something that someone has said that you don't feel comfortable about then talk to them about it. But I guess I am now starting to sound a bit like a councillor.

Councillors tick me off at times. But I think they are misportrayed in the movies as those councillors that sit there and do nothing or pull the stereotypical "And how does that make you feel?" or "hmm" lines. I don't think I have ever been to a councillor or maybe I have and I just don't remember so I can't really judge them. I mean you gotta hand it to them, helping people turn their lives around and some of the things that they would have to hear would be pretty rough. I guess I just don't really like people telling me what to do with my life, even though I do listen to my parents and I am a good daughter, but I don't think I would really like a stranger to tell me what to do with my life. If anybody reading is a councillor or knows a councillor, I am in no way trying to be offensive and I think the work they do is spectacular, I just personally would never get into that profession.

I was also talking to another friend tonight (Yeah I know, big shocker, I've got more than one friend) and we were talking about a dramatic change that would make our lives more interesting. I decided that I would drop out of school to become a professional ice-cream flavour taster person. This would be an amazing job, on one condition, the flavours would have to be nice. And there would be a high chance that I would not like all the flavours they gave me and quite a few would be vial. So I have decided I want to be the person who confirms the flavours that the ice-cream flavour tester people have picked as delicious are actually delicious. If that even makes sense.

I would test rainbow flavoured ice-cream any day.

So from pessimism to optimism to life to overreacting to councillors to professions and then to ice-creams. I really have something with ending my posts about food. And I don't even think I have done a post about food yet! Thank you if you still reading at this point as I do ramble on and I have decided to live on the wild side and not check over my work (rebel I know) so if there are spelling mistakes or grammatical errors feel free to correct me in the comments below, or if there is a topic you would like me to vociferate on then you know what to do. Until next time, happy vociferating. *Smiles at screen in an awkward manner*

La Vie Vivante.

I Forgot Wordy Wednesday!

Hey Blogging World

I come here today to sincerely apologize for forgetting about Wordy Wednesday. And the worst thing is I wasn't even doing anything that important last night (other than talking to Abby of course) so I really feel as though I have let you all down. But I have found yesterdays word so I am going to do it now and attempt to make it extra interesting and wonderful to show how sorry I am.


Wow. What an awful word of the day.
Well. I have to apologize again as there is nothing, and I mean nothing that I can write about this word.

La Vie Vivante.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

The People You Know

Hey Blogging World

I was amazed to watch the other night and see that within ten minutes of posting I had 25 people looking at my blog. Many of these were most likely all the people I had messaged but there were also people from Russia and the U.S. I know it doesn't seem like that many people, but sitting there I felt like I was actually making a difference in some small way, instead of my usual random words.

In many ways though, life is about the people you know. Going back to my job hunting, (which has yet to commence still) my parents are always telling me, "Just one call made and you could have a job." They are talking about a family friend who is able to get me a job, and all I have to do is make the phone call. The thing is, I don't want to just jump the queue. It's not fair in my eyes. In reply to that my dad just says, "Life's not fair. It's about who you know, not what you know."

What a saying. It's about who you know, not what you know. We are living in a world where you get ahead by knowing particular people. It doesn't matter how smart you are, what talent you have, if you don't know the right person then you may as well just throw brains, talent etc down the drain.

So I google imaged the saying, as I do with everything I write about.
I found this:

I like this saying a lot better.

La Vie Vivante.

Monday 8 July 2013

Cut Cake Not Wrists.

Hey Blogging World

In one of my earlier posts I wrote a bit about depression and about the "Cut Cake Not Wrists" thing that was started by a youtuber named BriBry. I also told you I wanted to do something in my own little way, so here you have the first installment. I used post it notes and the app puddingcam to create this. Of course with the help of Imovie as well. I hope you like it and I apologize in advance for my drawing.

Stay Happy and keep smiling.
La Vie Vivante.

Friday 5 July 2013

Posting with Abby

Hey Blogging World

So Abby has been here for the past few days, which has been the best fun. But she is constantly complaining about things that annoy her. And there is a lot. Therefore I decided it was time for her to make a list of everything that annoys her. Apologies if you lose interest as I promise you the list will not be short. And if you do any of these things, well, stop doing them please.

Everything that annoys Abby:

collingwood supporters that aren't nice
people who think they know everything
T-shirts that tell me what to do
 people that tell me what to do
 anyone who thinks they are better than the rest of us
 people who don't wear appropriate clothing for the situation they are in (eg. its winter. WEAR PANTS!), when people don't respond
people who expect everything
the wind
iphones when they refuse to work properly
people walking slowly in front of you
old computers
throwing sand
flight attendants who on a ten hour flight while you're trying to sleep,*nudge nudge* "Are you okay?" Well of course I'm okay I'm just trying to sleep! 
trying to get toothpaste out of the tube
losing phone chargers
Hairdressers- When you have your hair washed it just feels like they've walked into your shower and start massaging your head. Personal space please. 
People who invade your personal space
My brother bouncing the downball in the house
People walking into my room without knocking
Scratched DVDs
Even though I am not the driver, when cars pull out and don't even bother to say thank you.

My interpretation of what Abby looks like when  she gets annoyed.
 Charming, isn't it? 

Everything that annoys Annalise:

People who pinky promise
Macs that you have to keep the charger plugged in constantly because if it falls out you have to set up the whole thing again.
People who walk slowly 
People who think they're the best 
Underage smokers
People who wear t shirts of bands that they don't even know, just because they liked the look of the shirt. 
People who diss other bands but still love One Direction
People who have no respect for musicals
People in general? 

Interpretation of me when I get annoyed.

As you can see there is a slight difference in the lists. And don't worry people in general don't annoy me THAT much, just sometimes our society is a little whacked. 

La Vie Vivante. 

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Sprechgesang - What A Word

Hey Blogging World

Happy Wordy Wednesday! *GRINNING*

Now may I begin  by saying I am extremely happy it's the holidays as I have been sleeping in, staying up late, going to the movies (You must see Despicable Me 2, but Kevin the Minion is mine) and just hanging out with friends. But I have not forgotten about you and even though today I am going to see Legally Blonde (again) which I am extremely excited about, partly because I bought the soundtrack after the first time seeing it and now know all the lyrics, but after the show... drumroll please ... Abby is meeting us and she is coming to stay with me for a few days! So you never know you may get a post from not only me but from the fabulous Abby as well. So even though I have this massive day on, I have gotten up extra early (8am) to fill you in on Wordy Wednesday with our coolest word yet.

Wow. Now that is a word.

Sprechgesang originates from the German words Sprech, which means to speak, and gesang which means song.

Now I was trying to find examples in which I knew of sprechgesang being used but, well I don't know any. I did google though and found:

It is basically a radio station for sprechgesang with top artists such as Fettes BrotBlumentopf and Kinderzimmer Productions.

I haven't actually listened to them yet but I will asap and get back to you with my viewpoints.

So here's the awkward part. I just realized that have not changed the word of the day yet and sprechgesang is still the word from yesterday...

Meh. If I get time I will do another post with the RIGHT word for today, because we really can't be having Wordy Tuesday now. 

I wish you all a wonderful day and if you're feeling bored, maybe try and sing some sprechgesang.

La Vie Vivante.