Tuesday 21 January 2014

Words to Find

Figure it out. 

Hey Blogging World

So today is Tuesday and if you have been keeping up, it's Take Your Pic Tuesday. I am going to make up a page with the schedule on it to make life a little easier for everyone. It was quite hard to choose the right photo today so there may be a few. But I like this one and for me it has a small story behind it.

I was walking back home one day (I never said this story would be interesting) and in Australia the heat had been extraordinary so I was a little hot, but then a cool change hit. A calm breeze russled the leaves on thirsty trees, the sun glowed and the weather was perfect. And I take a photo of the path.

It just seemed so beautiful in the strangest of ways. The dead grass that surrounded it and the cracks in the pavement. The cracks meant something, it showed age, it showed use and power. Power in the way that it could break. The path looked so long from this angle, like it could go on forever to who knows where. I came home and immediately thought, 'oh, Instagram!' I edited the photo, put the effects on, focused it in the right places and came to a halt when I had to write a caption. Obviously I couldn't just write 'The Path'. Well actually now I think about it, that would have been pretty cool. I had to write something that explained the metaphor of the cracks and the length of the path, but I didn't want to bore them with a paragraph like the one I just wrote for you. Sorry. So I ended up posting a photo of the sky, that pretty sky. The caption read 'A change is coming'. It wasn't my best work but I put something up. Every time I look at this photo now I cannot come up with a good sentence. It's like Writers Block but on Instagram, like Instagrammer's block.

I googled 'cracks on path' quotes and they all ended up being about crack. Therefore they didn't seem like very good quotes for my particular photo. Maybe the fact of the matter is that there is no caption needed for this picture. Or perhaps just a caption like 'Figure it out.' Everyone will have their own way of looking at it. The cracks in the path will mean something different for each person and the distance will be symbolic for everyone in their own way. I don't need a caption to describe what I believe the photo is saying when I can allow others to figure out what it means to them. One should never limit another's imagination by telling them something bluntly. Life is a puzzle and it's the individuals job to put all the pieces together.

La Vie Vivante.

P.S I have recently started up an Instagram page for the blog. It hasn't got much at the moment (one post) but why not go check it out, give the photo a like and follow? I would love to get to know some of you that read my blog and also to give you a better look into my life, the places I go and the things I see. So come visit me at @lavievivante13 I hope to see you there.

Sunday 19 January 2014

It's Monday

Hey Blogging World

Well it's time  to begin my newly made schedule with My Life Monday. May I just begin by saying how excited I am? Although it is going to be slightly stressful making sure I post something excellent each day, I am still looking forward to having some sense of order.

The thing I like about the whole Monday topic is that it can be anything about what I've done, so I basically have endless options on what to write.

My friends came over last night for a HSM Marathon. For those of you who don't know, that means High School Musical. We hadn't seen the movies in ages and thought it would be best to sleep out on the deck, sing and dance to all the songs that we loved when we were younger. It was fabulous, number one didn't work so after a brief recap of what happened we moved onto number two, then three. It was amazing actually realizing how much we remember, all the one liners, the lyrics, even the dance moves! They were all still there in our long term memories, even though we hadn't watched the films in about three years.

It's crazy how much people can remember. I retell conversations to people and remember it word for word, which seems strange to the person listening who is most likely thinking I'm an obsessed creep reading over the same conversations millions of times. I probably am. I went and helped at a nursing home once with a music therapist. We walked in, the people greeted us and she brought out her guitar and began singing, and there was this one lady who sang every word with her. The music would stop and her memory would be faded, "Yes... the um... the title to that... the one about the..." and so on. But as soon as the music started, the lyrics flowed through her mind and poured out of her mouth.

After the movies finished and our enthusiasm for Troy died down, a good ol' game of Truth or Dare broke out. The usual questions, who's your crush at the moment, what do you like about them, what's your dream date... All the soppy questions that girls ask. However this is a truth zone, so I've decided to tell you about my perfect meeting with a guy, only because I think it's the most wonderful way to meet the love of your life ever.

I'm in JB-Hi Fi. I walk to my favourite aisle (the alternative/punk aisle) in search of new music. As I turn into the aisle there's this guy browsing through albums, looks around my age. So I'm looking through albums, as is he, and I notice him pick up an album that I already own, so I tell him, "That's a really good album." He says thanks and shows me some great new bands and we each buy each others recommended albums. I go home that night and listen to the album, love it and text him (because somehow through this we exchanged numbers) saying how wonderful the album is. He texts back and says the one I recommended is even better and we make plans to meet up and listen to amazing music all day. Bam. If only my dream would actually happen one day. If only.

The most important thing to remember about Mondays is that I won't always stick to myself, the point is that I've experienced it in my life, or it was thought of by me. So from High School Musical to nursing homes, to truth or dare and dream meetings at a music store, this has been My Life Monday.

La Vie Vivante.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Let's Get Serious

Hey Blogging World

I've decided I need some order in my blogging because it's unfair on my readers to have to wait around for me to come up with something to write. So let's see how you like this?

Mondays will be all about me, if you don't mind. Anything going on in my life, anything interesting I have done, and I will try to keep it interesting. I want to give you an insight into my life and Mondays will help you do just that!

I have decided I want a lot more photos on my blog, photos taken by me. Tuesdays will be all about photos. Whether I just post up a lot and leave them for you decipher, or write the story behind them, it will be very spontaneous.

I want to attempt to make Wednesdays my comedic post, if it will turn out that way, I'm not so sure. Anything that's out there, something wacky or never heard of, I will be writing about it.

Think Thursday. To be honest I have no idea what Thursdays will about, I suppose it's whatever I think of. Thursdays will be the day to write whatever pops into my head, it's where I will write anything based on people's requests, show anything that people have been telling me about, anything that the people are thinking about.

Every Friday a new installment of Mia and Twig will be written on my blog. You will be able to read this on the page that says Mia and Twig. I am determined to really get into this story and hopefully you enjoy reading each short chapter every Friday. If writers block hits me on a Friday for the story, I will be posting a poem or a short story on the main page for you to enjoy.

The name is sounding a bit too soppy for my liking so it may be changed soon. Saturdays will be for a reflection basically, if there's something happening I will write about it in a way that I can hopefully relate to my readers. By Saturday I should be feeling philosophical and obtain the ability to write an inspiring post on the mystery of life. Yes, I really do think this name will need to change.

Every young writer needs their rest day, these may have to pop up more often as the year goes on and inspiration to write based on topic dies, but I am determined to give a schedule a shot.

I will also be starting a new page Which I have entitled Music Madness where I will be completing the thirty day music challenge, only that I will do it in thirty weeks and post one throughout the week. Any new music I find, old songs that I love, my favourite playlist, I'll be writing up there for you to have a look at.

I'll begin the new schedule tomorrow (Monday) and give it a trial. To those reading, get ready, La Vie Vivante is about to become ten times better.

La Vie Vivante.

My Spazmatic Friends Part A-lby

Hey Blogging World

I received a request from a friend to write a post about him and it made me realize I haven't written a 'Spazmatic Friend' post in a while so this would be the perfect excuse.

I know this boy.
He's twelve years old.
No I am not a creep.

Alby is another member of the SAZAA family and a regular Lorne visitor. After being read my latest post he requested a post about him, so I'm wondering whether to make him regret asking for a post or not.

You could easily say Alby is a traditional 'twelvie'. hashtag yoloswag. But he makes up for it in good looks and a charming character. Ha. Just kidding.

I'm finding it harder than I thought I would to write about Alby, it doesn't help that there's a red line under his name every time I type it. Off putting much. The thing is, even though this kid might only be twelve, he's just as tall as the rest of us, as smart as the rest of us and mostly likely more hilarious than the rest of us. He's always got something witty to say in a dull moment, or something amusing to add even when the situation has all us in stitches already, he gets us rolling on the bark laughing (ROBL)

Abby and I like to think of Alby as the glue that holds us all together. He's there for everyone even if they're not there for him. Put AAA at a swing set at 9pm and you've got yourself one hilarious talk show. AAA being Alby, Abby and Annalise, we all have the best time hanging out and laughing about things I wish I could recall but I feel as though they weren't even funny, we were just laughing because we were happy. That's it with Alby, he's always there to make you happy.

This isn't to say Alby hasn't had his fair share of stuff ups. He steals your pens and throws them down gutter holes, steals your swing and doesn't give it back, he steals your phone and texts people you don't particularly want to talk to. Yeah, you can say I get mad about that sometimes, especially when it comes to the texting phone thing. I know he's only trying to protect me and he's great for that but it makes things more complicated to me. And I know he will read this and he will know what I'm talking about, so Alby, nothing will happen and thank you for texting them because deep inside, it made my night.

Alby is Alby, he's our little twelve year old brother getting ready for year seven, but he's so much older when you get to know him. Damn he's got the heart of like a 90 year old. You know, because 90 year old's hearts are all shriveled up because they've used them a lot, or something meaningful like that.

Hope this suits you Albikins.

La Vie Vivante.

Friday 17 January 2014

New Years Resolutions

Hey Blogging World

I hope you all had an excellent Christmas and a fantastic New Years. I had a wonderful time, spending Christmas with family and New Years with my friends, at a playground. The fireworks went off at 9:30pm this year to avoid the chaos that occurred the previous year. We all walked down to the foreshore at 9:15pm and were there waiting till about 10pm for the fireworks. In the mean time we put on a stunner of a show with the macarena, the hokey pokey and singing many favourites along with our interpretative dance moves. In my opinion, it was the last night of 2013, we had to make the most of it. So the fireworks went off and all the oohs and ahhhs were accompanied with every bang. But after it was over there was still two hours left of 2013, which meant sitting at the playground until 2014 came.

While we were there we came up with a sort of New Years Resolutions list, a Do's and Don't's of 2014.


  • Get a job: This one wasn't really for me, as I already have one of the most amazing jobs on Earth with the most amazing staff and just about everything about it is perfect. But we all think Abby needs a job besides Netball Umpiring, not that it isn't a real job (considering you get paid a decent amount of money) but a real job would be nice. 
  • Breathe: I'll remind you that it was about 11pm and we were all growing bored of the playground and becoming tired, so this list may not be at it's best. 
  • Have fun: Such an obvious one but still such an important one. Every year should be the most fun you should make it. I mean I was already making the most of my 2014 after I went back to my cabin. I opened the fridge and got a can of creamy soda, a handful of chocolates and a good movie and I was set for a brilliant first morning of 2014. This will not stop throughout the year. 
  • Well in exams: Wow we can be such 'nerds at times', however doing well in exams is important to us and for me I'm starting to arrive at some pretty important times in my schooling. So if you start reading posts about psychological studies and legal studies then I apologize in advance. 
  • Make a new friend: I absolutely love this one. Abby's younger sister had thought of it and it's beautiful. I'm determined to find someone this year and befriend them, and I mean really befriend them. But don't go out and start stalking people obsessing over befriending them... please don't. 
  • Eat food: Another pretty self explanatory one as it's necessary for survival. Enjoy your food though, don't sit at every meal and count your calories, eat what you love. 
  • Find a new band: Any new music group or singer, up and coming talent that is raw talent. We are all going to find one and share it, this was another one of my favourites. 
  • Judge people: You're probably re-reading that and wondering if it has been placed in the wrong section, it's supposed to be in the Do. Everyone is a hypocrite in saying they don't judge people when it's human nature to do so. What you do with that judgement is what can turn it into a rude remark or a mere thought. Not all judgments are bad either. The bottom line is the person whom you are looking right at is probably judging you as much as you are judging them, so don't hold back. 


  • Get a boyfriend: Abby and I were the only ones behind this point I think. The thing is, Abby is content with being the crazy cat lady and sees no need in having a boyfriend. I had a little trouble and no I'm not a quitter but the advice I heard the most from 2013 is don't get a boyfriend. So I guess it has to be put up there. 
  • Get pregnant: However cool it may seem to be on one of those 'Teen Mom' shows I just don't think I am that tempted to grow a human being inside of me just yet. Besides, that would counteract point one... and if it doesn't in your case then don't do that either. 
  • Get fat: Yes we said eat food but we also are trying to not end up the size of whales (no offence intended to whales) next year for the beach. The whole thing of having to suck in whilst running to the water and once waist deep letting it all out, thought it is quite fun, is also quite tiring. 

There are not as many don't's as there are do's which is good I guess, your options are endless as long as it doesn't involve a relationship/pregnancy/overweight issues. So I think I will be alright this year. This will be the rules of 2014, the one thing I will bring myself back to and remind myself of when I'm stuck in a rip. I should also add to my do: blog more. And I'm definitely going to try, I may even do another 30 day blogging Challenge but in my own style, make up my own? Remember, if there's anything you would like me to write about, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to write it with justice. 

I leave you with the song I was listening to as I finished this post. Arctic Monkeys-Fireside. 

La Vie Vivante.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Isn't it Crazy..

Hey Blogging World

Isn't it crazy how a friendship with a person can change in an instant. 

One day you can be messaging flirtatiously and the night after they tell you to get out of their life. Then they come back a week later wanting to be more than friends not realizing the damage they have put onto that person. The harm they caused, it all  backfires. 

A friend that you have barely spoken to all year and then talk to every day for a week. A person who you think, 'hmm, I am finally becoming friends with this person...' Then after the week they return back to their normal life, leaving you behind once again.

That person that you never thought would change and the next time you talk to them their whole life has turned around for the better and they won't shut up about it. When you feel like the only way you're friendship is surviving is because they keep bringing up the one topic that they love and you're secretly sick of. 

When you feel as though your friendship is just a game, a label being tested. They push all your buttons, then tick all the boxes. But the hardest thing is that you never feel like you're winning, you're always that one step behind, always the one being played. 

Missing out on the action is worse when you know what you're missing out on. There will  always be that friend who will help you out by telling you everything they got to do today with this person and that person, while you sit at home hopelessly wishing you were there with them all in on the action, instead of watching from a distant sideline.

Sometimes I wonder whether it's people who change, or if it is I who notice the differences in people that I may have not seen the day before. Perhaps it is I who changes in an instant, if I change my viewpoint. I am most likely the one pushing these friendships away but sometimes you get sick of the complicated friendships, of all the confusion that follows it. Sometimes you just want a person who doesn't get tired of you. Here I am thinking of the perfect friend. We all  know by now it's impossible to be perfect therefore I should stop creating perfect people in my mind. It's crazy how people do things in a split second that can cause a shatter in the friendship for months. Girls fight over guys, people accuse people of backstabbbing, gossiping and rumours.  Friendship is a rare thing these days. To find a true friend is a challenge, and having the ability to keep that friend is an even greater one. 

La Vie Vivante.