Sunday 26 May 2013

Imma Build A Bridge

Hey Blogging WORLD

Sorry, caps lock went on by accident and I was going to take it off until I thought it looked effective so I left it there. The world is a big place so it seems only fair to make it seem like a big word.


Well I think that's big enough. Anyway, you are probably wondering what is up with my post title. It is pretty self explanatory but still,, you may think it's a little strange. You see, I'm really bored with life right now. I mean there's the odd excitement with new experiences, new people and other things, but honestly I'm just in school and doing the same thing most days. Wake up, get on a bus, go to school, get on a bus, go home.

So I have come up with a brilliant idea to build a bridge. And no not one of those massive ones that cars drive on, more like the kind that you put over ponds and look at all the fish on. Besides, people are always telling me to go to Bunnings, by some timber, build a bridge and get over it. So I'm finally going to take their advice and do it. Although my parents don't really see the point in why I'm going to build a bridge so I guess I will have to pay for the timber by myself, which means having to get a job.

It's not that I've never wanted a job, I do love money. But I am just too lazy to actually go out there and hand out my resume to get one. At least after about eight months I have been able to write up a resume and now just comes the tricky part of printing and presenting. Babysitting every now and then acts as a good job in the meantime, and when I do have money it usually seems to be spent on food. (Most of which is not healthy) So maybe not having money isn't all that bad. But I do need it to buy myself timber to make myself a bridge.

I don't just want to make a plain bridge either. Once I have actually made it I want to spray it with different colours and write all different words on it and make it look as awesomely awesome as possible. Because what's a bridge if it isn't awesome?

So now you know my master plan to bring some excitement in my life. No I will not go buy a new outfit. No I will not go try a new food. This has to be exciting and a bridge is a sure way to fill this massive hole that has been screaming out for something new and intriguing to come along. It never came. Hence why I have had to go out and figure it out myself. The stupid hole didn't scream loud enough.

I tried googling colourful pond bridges but nothing came up. This was the next best thing.

La Vie Vivante.

Friday 24 May 2013

My Spazmatic Friends Part A

Hey Blogging World

I have a friend named Abby.
She lives in Melbourne.
Abby is... well Abby is Abby.

Her full name is Abigail, but call her that and she'll go spaz at you.
That's not to say Abby regularly has a spaz. Well she does. But that's what makes her so unique. Abby also has a high irritation issue. Not that she irritates people, (even though she may the odd time when I am desperately trying to get homework done) but people irritate her very easily. She is one of the biggest Geelong Cats fans I have ever met. We believe she is stoic but the diagnostic is not final. But she is one of the most amazing, awesome funny people ever and I know you will get sick of me saying that about all my friends but it is very true. She is one of the coolest people I have ever met and I talk to her every day, whether we are just chatting or video calling. Oh and Abby goes down to Lorne every year which makes her that much cooler.

Abby is a light milk drinker. Apparently everyone else is drinking the full cream milk and she is just the lone light milk drinker. By this strange analogy Abby claims she is going to be the crazy cat lady. Convinced she is going to be forever alone, it's one thing Abby and I have in common. But that doesn't stop her from flirting with all the boys, especially the young ones.

She loved the idea of me writing me a post all about her, not sure if she'll be regretting it now though! Truth is I really haven't spoken about my friends that much and they are pretty cool people. So every now and then I will make a post about one of them, their little quirks and amazing qualities. So Abby, (who I know will be reading this) Thanks for being a prodigious friend.

La Vie Vivante

Monday 20 May 2013

Desperation Pride Opinions

Hey Blogging World

Have you ever been so desperate for something you have been willing to do whatever it takes to get it?
I haven't so I wouldn't really know how you feel.

But I have been desperate before. Everyone is desperate at some time in their life I guess. I remember being so desperate for a chocolate bar when I was younger that I had a mega tantrum in the middle of the aisle in the supermarket. I was with my grandma so she just walked away and left me until I was done. I don't think I ever got that chocolate in the end. That's not to say the chocolate desperation hasn't stopped over the years, however these days I'm more diligent in the way I act.

Does desperation ruin pride?

Pride: a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

To be desperate doesn't really help give you a high opinion of yourself, but if you're desperate then perhaps pride could just get thrown out the window? I'm not sure but there is a difference between being proud and well, stuck up. Stuck up is defined as: snobbishly conceited. Rather different to the definition of pride and for a good reason. A lot of people don't even know the difference nowadays, somebody says, "Oh yeah I'm a great singer." No. Not stuck up. Just proud. "I'm an amazing singer, I really am so much better than anyone else, better than like all the famous people even." A bit too proud, don't you think?

But enough about my opinionated thoughts, which by all means you don't have to agree with. The whole point of a blog for me is to rant and rave about practically everything (well everything that isn't too personal for me to tell you!) and give my opinion on it. Not that my opinions are always interesting or thought correct in your own mind, but you can't please anyone.

I had crumbed lamb cutlets with mash potato and veggies for dinner tonight. It was wonderfully topped off with ice cream and chocolate topping for dessert. The reason I'm telling you this is I have a desperation for food right now. Therefore I shall go and find some food, hopefully delicious.

La Vie Vivante

Saturday 18 May 2013

Majors and Minors

One day I went to the bathroom and I saw a lizard and it poked its tongue out at me and so i kissed it and it turned into a rabbit.

Not really, just thought I might get your attention with that.

Hey Blogging World

I have more money therefore this makes me extremely happy to go out and buy things, most things being delicious food items. Work experience is over. Not saying that is a good thing, but it has given me a chance to explore my options and have a lot of fun with a range of different people. In one class there were two grade 1 boys who were taking it in turns to set the other one up with me, telling me the other said they love me, blowing me kisses and even using their best french 'oh la la.' Very tempting but I had to let them go. I am having a blast with my friends, old and new and a lot of things just seem to be falling into place or new things seem to be scarily squeezing their way in. Oh and one more big thing, I am nearly up to date with all the episodes of the Gilmore Girls again, just a few more to go!

My mouth has been sore the past few days (Don't get any ideas, it was from wisdom teeth removal) which isn't a good thing but it has started to get better. I got to bang sticks in band. (Once again don't get any ideas, they were drum sticks) I ate a mars bar muffin, which was really yummy and if any of you reading have never had a mars bar muffin I suggest you stop reading, but don't close down, and go to the nearest place that will sell one just so you are able to taste heaven in a muffin. I suppose it comes down as a minor thing though because not many people care what I have been eating lately. And if you do, well my diet has involved plenty of nutella.

So I googled 'Majors and minors' to see what making that the title of my post would actually mean. It came up with a whole bunch of uni stuff talking about major degrees and minor degrees. The colleges of business and other universities had something to do with it. But it also came up with an american reality t.v show based on a singing competition for kids 8-16 years of age. Therefore, to all the Americans reading who got super excited when they saw the title of my post and thought I was going to write about a kids talent show, I apologize.

To be honest, there are so many singing and talent shows these days it seems like everyone can sing. And the worst part is you only have to be good. It is so hard for singers these days to stand out with just a talent, they are having to worry about the look and everything else that comes along with it. I have always promised myself that if I ever get on the radio I would never let my voice be auto tuned. I would prefer to be singing in bars for my life than have people loving me for a voice that belongs to a machine. However these days it's not hard to become famous. Making YouTube videos or going on t.v shows like The Voice, X Factor and you are instantly on the road to becoming a star. A show like the Voice starts out with judging a person solely on their voice, but then afterwards can be just as easily voted in or out by the way they look. X Factor auditions always include people saying, 'You look like a star, and you can sing.' It can be based on the looks from the very beginning. I had a friend, who when talking about Reece Mastin said, "He's so hot. It's just a bonus he can sing."  Now I am by no means saying anything against Reece Mastin or these shows, I myself watch the Voice regularly  But it can be sad to see the society in which we live in today can be so opinionated on someone's looks. That's a major.

La Vie Vivante.

Short but not Sweet.

Don't try to fix something that is permanently broken.

La Vie Vivante.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Strange Inspirations

Hey Blogging World
                 Sorry I haven't been keeping up to speed with my blogging lately. It has been a combination of life just being busy and lack of inspiration. It's hard after a while because you can't just sit and expect inspiration to come to you. You have to go out there and experience, look at all the finer details rather than just that big picture. 

I watched this bug the other day. You know the ones that you think are walking bugs but then their wings magically appear? Or maybe you always knew there were wings and I just love being oblivious. Anyway, this bug brought out its wings and attempted to start flying off, but one of its wings were broken. So it just prodded along with this awful broken wing and I thought, inspiration! Who wouldn't love hearing about a bug with a broken wing and the big metaphor it represents! But then I realized, a bug has no bigger metaphor. Surely somebody will walk past soon enough and squash it. This would have no interest to anyone. ( Except probably bug lovers) So therefore I have just wasted your time with no worthwhile conclusion other than some bugs may have wings.

The other day I saw a giant billboard in town, 'SLURPEES ZILCHED. 0% SUGAR'
What an outrage! No sugar basically equals no fun. So there I was, steaming over this sign thinking I could write an exacerbated opinion piece and post it. But then it hit me, who cares? 

Inspiration has been so hard to find. But it is most commonly found in people. The people I have been working with have inspired me to never forget, always be learning and to remember every person has a story and I am just going to have to look a little deeper to find it.

I have been talking to some people that have inspired me too. People who have opened up to me. My friend Abby who has been constantly telling me to get a new post up will be very glad so I thought I better mention her. Then I have this one friend. He inspired me to not give up on love. He has loved this one girl for two years and she doesn't love him back, at least not the way he wants her to. I still find it hard to comprehend why she doesn't just love him if he is so willingly loving her. But he says it's okay. I think about all the people who have been hurt before. They're the brave ones. They're not afraid to put themselves out there and get back up when they fall. ( I know so cliche.) But he inspires me. 

La Vie Vivante

Monday 6 May 2013

Strangers, the word Hello and Questions.

Hey Blogging world

Strangers are friends just waiting to happen.

It's weird how strangers read your blog, they pass you in the street, you listen to them talk. But fear gets in the way of saying hello. That magic word that begins a friendship. It really is all about not being afraid, because if you are you won't meet new people, make new friends.

The thing is everyone is so hung up on technology these days it seems you could have a conversation with anyone over the internet and it could mean anything... or nothing. Now I'm not saying I'm anti-technology or anything, I'm on a laptop writing this at the moment, and I do talk to people over the internet.. a lot.

But what's so wrong with having a conversation with someone in person? I mean yeah you have to use more emotion in your face rather than just clicking on an emoticon, oh and be scared if you actually have to laugh out loud rather than typing 'lol'. But talking to people, getting to actually hear their voice and their laugh, to see their smile or their tears. It's something that just starts with a simple hi.

In fact, it doesn't even have to be hi!
Hello, wesh (french for yo), bonjour, ciao, aloha. hey, sup. They all mean the same thing.
I have never been a big fan of shaking hands with someone when I first meet them, especially if they're the same age as me. It's just weird. I understand it's another way of greeting someone, but isn't that what hello is for? Something about it just makes me think that people are too lazy to open their mouth, so they compensate it for a hand gesture. But whatever floats your boat, tickles your fancy, cooks the apple pie. I find the best way having a conversation with a stranger is to ask them a bundle full of questions.

Questions are fun to ask (even if you're told your questions suck), but maybe they aren't so fun to answer. I have this friend who every time they ask me a question, it just makes me squirm and grin at the same time, I'm so scared to answer but I just have that feeling that makes me want to! But what really gets me is why. When someone says to me, 'why?' I never know how to answer. It's easy enough to say something, but providing a reason for it is tough. So many times I just want to say, I don't know. But it's the easy way out, and at any time in our life, someone could ask why? Why do you like that? Why do you think this? Why did you say that? So many questions. So many unanswered...

Wow a lot of topics covered. I guess I was in the mood for a bit of writing, telling people what I have been thinking, and trust me a lot of thinking has been going on in the past few days, with everything happening. Some things too slow and others so fast I think if I stopped for a second I might get lost and realize there is actually reality out there. Reality filled with strangers, the word hello and many, many questions.

La Vie Vivante

Friday 3 May 2013

Tribute to the Birthday Girl

Like it? I love DIY presents!

Hey Blogging World

It's a Saturday. Filled with all sorts of fun things like homework, cleaning up, being bored. *rolls eyes*
But this weekend I actually have something to look forward to, for I am going to what's going to be an amazing party. *party dance*

You all remember my friend Abby? Well she is celebrating her wonderful 15th birthday. Oh my little sister's growing up... But I am so looking forward to going to her party, partly just because I will see her again, but also who doesn't love a party?!

Her theme is black and white, which for me creates some very difficult outfit choices, but aside from that it's pretty cool. And it got me thinking about birthday themes, I have had some good ones in the past if I may say so myself.

I remember my cousin having a birthday party and the theme was 'I can't believe you wore that.' I wore a clown suit to La Porchetta where we all got quite a few stares, then the movies. ( Thank goodness it's dark in cinemas.) But there were tutus and fairy wings, wacky things galore.

My year 7 party was a disco theme and there were some good ones there, a lot of teased hair! My year eight party was a 'French Dinner Party.' Everyone had to dress up in their fancy french dining clothes while we were treated to a glorious three course meal filled with party pies and croissants. TrĂ©s fantastique.

When I was younger, maybe about 5 or 6, I had a 'Wizard of Oz' themed party. Everyone had to come dressed up as their favourite character. I remember Dorothy and Galinda, the tin man and the scare crow. But I most remember the moment where my dad came out as the lion and roared. Long story short I ran away crying and screaming there was a lion coming after me. How I was supposed to know the lion wasn't real. The one in the Wizard of Oz could also stand on two legs and talk, but he was a cowardly lion, so I don't think my dad played the part very well.

But I am so so so excited about her birthday party tonight! So to my friend: Hope you have a great night Abz, you will always be the big walrus.

 La Vie Vivante.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Six Word Moments

Hey Blogging World,
                             So my friend showed this book one day called "I can't keep my own Secrets".
It was filled with people who had come up with six word sayings or phrases and I loved it! Just to name some of them:
'I will be that cat lady.'
'Life's full of awkward turtle moments.'
'I'm just a simple human. Being.'
'Finally learned weird is a compliment.'
Fake smiles. Hidden tears. Real laughter.'

There's more and I really love them, so me being me I came up with my own. Hope you like, even better if you love and comment if you have your own ones, it would be awesome to read them.

'Death is easy. Life is hard.'

'Music is my way to Utopia.''

'Three favourite words: Music, Love, Peace.'

'I feel happy when I laugh.'

'Crushes are made to be crushed.'

'Trust. Difficult to earn and keep.'

'Live everyday like it's your last.'

'Sing like no-one can hear you.' ( Let's just count the no-one as one word.)

'That moment when everyone annoys you.'

La Vie Vivante.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Two Girls

Teardrops rolling down my face,
Rain hitting the ground outside,
I can still put a smile on my face.
I have a roof above my head,
I have a bedroom with a bed,
I have clean water that if I take five steps I'll be there.
I have all this, so why should there be any reason to want more?

Thousands of kilometers away there is a girl like me,
She's fifteen, she's a girl and she is crying.
There are just a few differences.
This girl has a straw roof above her head, that could collapse any minute.
She has a room, with dirt as the floor,
There's nothing in the room except for a blanket.
She can get water... three kilometers away,
And it's not necessarily clean.
She has nothing,
But everyday she puts a smile on her face and says,
"I'll be okay."

By Annalise B

La Vie Vivante.