Saturday 18 May 2013

Majors and Minors

One day I went to the bathroom and I saw a lizard and it poked its tongue out at me and so i kissed it and it turned into a rabbit.

Not really, just thought I might get your attention with that.

Hey Blogging World

I have more money therefore this makes me extremely happy to go out and buy things, most things being delicious food items. Work experience is over. Not saying that is a good thing, but it has given me a chance to explore my options and have a lot of fun with a range of different people. In one class there were two grade 1 boys who were taking it in turns to set the other one up with me, telling me the other said they love me, blowing me kisses and even using their best french 'oh la la.' Very tempting but I had to let them go. I am having a blast with my friends, old and new and a lot of things just seem to be falling into place or new things seem to be scarily squeezing their way in. Oh and one more big thing, I am nearly up to date with all the episodes of the Gilmore Girls again, just a few more to go!

My mouth has been sore the past few days (Don't get any ideas, it was from wisdom teeth removal) which isn't a good thing but it has started to get better. I got to bang sticks in band. (Once again don't get any ideas, they were drum sticks) I ate a mars bar muffin, which was really yummy and if any of you reading have never had a mars bar muffin I suggest you stop reading, but don't close down, and go to the nearest place that will sell one just so you are able to taste heaven in a muffin. I suppose it comes down as a minor thing though because not many people care what I have been eating lately. And if you do, well my diet has involved plenty of nutella.

So I googled 'Majors and minors' to see what making that the title of my post would actually mean. It came up with a whole bunch of uni stuff talking about major degrees and minor degrees. The colleges of business and other universities had something to do with it. But it also came up with an american reality t.v show based on a singing competition for kids 8-16 years of age. Therefore, to all the Americans reading who got super excited when they saw the title of my post and thought I was going to write about a kids talent show, I apologize.

To be honest, there are so many singing and talent shows these days it seems like everyone can sing. And the worst part is you only have to be good. It is so hard for singers these days to stand out with just a talent, they are having to worry about the look and everything else that comes along with it. I have always promised myself that if I ever get on the radio I would never let my voice be auto tuned. I would prefer to be singing in bars for my life than have people loving me for a voice that belongs to a machine. However these days it's not hard to become famous. Making YouTube videos or going on t.v shows like The Voice, X Factor and you are instantly on the road to becoming a star. A show like the Voice starts out with judging a person solely on their voice, but then afterwards can be just as easily voted in or out by the way they look. X Factor auditions always include people saying, 'You look like a star, and you can sing.' It can be based on the looks from the very beginning. I had a friend, who when talking about Reece Mastin said, "He's so hot. It's just a bonus he can sing."  Now I am by no means saying anything against Reece Mastin or these shows, I myself watch the Voice regularly  But it can be sad to see the society in which we live in today can be so opinionated on someone's looks. That's a major.

La Vie Vivante.

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