Friday 26 April 2013

A deep and meaningful to shake things up a bit

Hey Blogging World

So. Life. Four letter word that means so much to everyone. You ask someone what life is and they reply, 'Well duh, life is living.' Thanks Sherlock.

I looked up the (best website ever) definition and there were five, but this is the one I liked best:

5. the general or universal condition of human existence

Human existence. So that's what life is. Existing. And not even in cool dangerously awesome condition. Nope. General condition. Generally existing. Maybe that person that said life is living was right. Because life is about so much more than existing! It's about going out there and making the most of this existence. So I guess when people say they're 'living life' they're really saying they're living their existence. 

I want to live life. I don't want to just float through it. I love to travel and I want to do more of that.  have been luckily enough to have traveled to America, Hawaii, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and France. But there's a big world out there and it needs to be explored, every nook cranny and alley way. I sometime wish that instead of long expensive plane flights, there could just be these escalators around the whole world. And if you wanted to go visit somewhere you just hopped on the escalator and went on over. Then I have this funny image in my heead of people looking at Earth from space and seeing all these escalators wrapped around it.  How cool would that be?! One can only dream and hope.  But that's life. Dreaming about things bigger than life, than existence. It's pretty cool, this whole blogging thing. Gives me a way to show people I exist.

La Vie Vivante.

Wednesday 24 April 2013


Hey Blogging World
Needless to say, the picture and caption say it all.

My View On Love 

La Vie Vivante.

Tuesday 23 April 2013


Hey Blogging World

Lorne- An hour from Geelong, I go down there every year and hang out with the most amazing people ever. It's got the beach, the shops and stone cold, an amazing ice cream shop. My fav is adding in the gummy worms and they freeze. Food will be another topic to talk about because you know, who doesn't love food? But really, Lorne is pretty cool.

Only where all the cool people go :P I am not the coolest person, however much I may like to think it, I'm not. But I love hanging out with my friends especially SAZAA (that's what we call ourselves), there's five of us including myself. This includes Abby who I spoke about in my first post, she's otherwise known as the big walrus. There's magnum P.I, Au natural, the dali and the englishman, who is me. Yes their all types of mustaches  yes it's a little weird. But it's us! And there is no dull moment when we are all together.

Really really really fun playground nights!!! I know a playground doesn't seem very fascinating but you can't judge if you've never hung out there every night with friends talking till all hours of the night. And the swings are definitely a fight worth winning, though I do tend to lose most times.. I'm too nice!

Never a day goes by in Lorne without a slushie. Now slushies are good, but Lorne slushies are to die for. It's heaven in a cup I tell you! Multiple colours to choose from- green, blue, cola, pink etc. The walk to get there is half the fun of it but the moment you sit down and take that first slurp. It's magic.

Everyday I wish I was there, with my friends and just having the best time ever. After all, you kinda wish you were anywhere else but school most days! I love Lorne and I love everyone and everything there. Trust me, this is not the last time you will be hearing about Lorne as it is something I am extremely passionate about.

La Vie Vivante.

Friday 19 April 2013

Wisdom Teeth

Hey Blogging World

Wisdom teeth: If you don't have to get them out, then don't.

I went into hospital this morning, waited around for about 2 hours before going in to the op room. Some anesthetic nd I was put to sleep to get all four wisdom teeth out. I woke up later on with a mask over my face and having no idea where I was. Taken to a different recovery room I got to have some apple juice and got the first of very many ice packs to come. I got out of my hideous gown ( You know, the one with no backs? Ewies) and got dressed back into trackies, still a little shaky.

The couch became my new best friend very quickly as I came home to sleeeeeeeeeeep. And I mean full on wonderful sleep! Water also became my new best friend, helping my throat to ease the pain. Frozen yoghurt and ice cream was the way to go and you should have seen the size of the antibiotic I had to swallow!

I can't say I'm looking forward to the next few days but I'm glad I got them out, better late than never! Well I definitely will have a lot more spare time to write more so keep on reading to stay posted. If any of you have had your wisdom teeth out and have any stories, funny or horror, comment em in for me! And if you have anything you want me to write about then comment about that too. I'd love to know if there are people out there following, and if so what you like! I'm gonna have a lot of free time this week coming so I need inspiration on what to write about. Something not boring. Keep enjoying your wisdom teeth filled life!

La Vie Vivante.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Music = Life

Hey Blogging World

Music eh?
You listen to it?
Me too!
Who doesn't?

Music = My Life.

I grew up into an extremely musical family. I love to sing and play the piano. And if I may say so myself- I'm actually not that bad!

I love Regina Spektor!!!!! She is one of my favourite singers of all time and I love her style of music. I also love the Beatles and songs like Let's Dance to Joy Division by The Wombats, Plans and Reveries by BlackGold and She Moves in Her Own Way by The Kooks.

Don't get me wrong I do love some of the more mainstream songs too, right now I'm loving the interpretative dance skills for I need your Love by Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding. They're pretty straight forward when it comes to the chorus, the dance skills I mean. And I must admit I did enjoy Macklemore's Thrift Shop. However the line does draw at One Direction. Just... no.

Music is my passion and I want to pursue it in any form possible, whether it is my only or part of my career. I hope you like some of the songs that I do and if you've never heard some of these songs or artist, I do advise you to look them up and love them. If you have any awesome songs for me comment them below. I wanna hear all your fav songs, I don't care how weird and wacky they are! As long as it's not 1D.

My obsessed song at the moment: I've just seen a face by The Beatles.

La Vie Vivante.
Hey Blogging World

It's been a while since I've made a blog so sorry if I kinda suck at it. I just thought that if real people don't wanna listen then maybe some person over the computer might want to? I'm not saying no one listens to me, poor me. I have a great life, at school, many friends, loving music and living life.

Thing is, writing is so much easier than talking! And I wanted to try and show you that :) So I hope you like my blog, if you are reading this. Don't even know if anyone will. I know Abby will though, she's my friend from Lorne. I guess you'll read about that too!

La Vie Vivante.