Monday 15 July 2013

School Time Again

Hey Blogging World

Well the dreaded S word has returned again. That's right. School.

You know I have never actually liked the word school. Not only is it just about one of the most boringest places ever but it is such a tricky word to spell. I mean, why not spell it like skool? That's how it's sounded out. But no, just like school is, the word itself must also be challenging to spell.

Not to say that school is difficult. It's actually quite boring and to be honest I find myself drawing all over my pages already. Not a very good start to the Term. I guess English will be good as we are starting creative writing, which as you can all probably guess I enjoy writing in general. So maybe if you are really lucky and I am really nice then I just might put some of my pieces up here for you to have a read of. That's only if they're extra good.

In economics we had to discuss what six items (out of a list of 13 items) that we would take onto our desert island if our boat was sinking. I came up with the handy tool kit, first aid kit, survivor book, picnic blanket, two fishing rods and a map of the island. All very reasonable items I suppose. But if I was really stuck on a desert island, would I actually have the skills to be able to use all these items wisely? I'd probably end up attempting to make a parachute out of the fishing rod string and the picnic blanket. Hey, that's not a bad idea!

I am actually in class at the moment, rebellious I know. But the task was to summarise a movie and write our opinion on it, not really a fifty minute task. You might get more than one post from me today, so keep your eyes peeled. But next lesson brings on an aerobics routine. That's right, they even want us to exercise here! Luckily I have figured out my boxercise and am ready to get punching. Good thing when it comes to getting all your anger out.

Homework given on the first day and I was off to a great start. But meh, how good can school actually get? I guess getting to see my friends again is a positive, not that I am being very social at the moment.

La Vie Vivante.

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