Thursday 4 February 2016

Conversation Starters.

Hey Blogging World,

I'm not particularly fond of the title for Wednesday, "What the?! Wednesday". It just doesn't have any zing for me any more. I was more thinking Witty Wednesday or something still half comedic. I'm never sure if I'm actually a comedic person, especially in writing. Oh well, I'll still just write how I write, no point really in changing for the world.

I met a boy yesterday.

I was sitting on the bus minding my own business, thinking my own thoughts, when about seven seats down a teenage boy sitting with his carer/friend waves to me. "Hello!" He says. I say hello back and he begins asking me questions; what school I go to,  how much work I have to do, what stop I'm getting off at. He asks me if I have a boyfriend, I will admit I get a bit worried as I say no to which he tells me he has a girlfriend, "lucky," I say. He then asks if when I get off am I able to shake his hand. "Of course I can!" I reply. And so I do, he wishes me fun with my work and I thank him for the chat and hop off the bus with the biggest smile on my face. That boy made my day and if I ever see him again I'll be sure to tell him that.

It got me thinking, why can't all boys be like that?! It was so simple to have a conversation with this boy I had never met and he was more than happy to talk to me, asking all the questions and seeming genuinely interested. Why can't all the good looking boys I've seen over the years on the bus have the guts to do the same thing? This boy's brain most likely worked in a different to manner to everyone else on that bus, yelling across seats to have a conversation with someone is quite normal in his mind. We find it strange, different, amusing. But why can't it be normal? He left me feeling so happy being able to have a pleasant chat with a stranger, learning about someone else and having someone want to learn and know about you. People like him see the good in people, they see the opportunity in every experience they have, even if it is in the simplest forms such as a bus trip. I respect those people for having more guts than most of us. He could really teach males a thing or two, should have already knew he had a girlfriend the way he could strike up a conversation with the ladies so quickly.

See how this has turned from really trying to be a little comedic to something so insightful, well I hope it's a little insightful. Or perhaps it's just a pointless post. Too bad no day of the week starts with P, I could have had Pointless Pednesday. Haha, alright. Wednesday is now Pednesday because that in itself is funny enough which means my post no longer have to be so forced funny. Pointless Pednesday it is. Oh and happy 102nd post, thinking I might just celebrate every post after the 100th now to make up for the lack of celebration on the 100th post.

La Vie Vivante.

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