Sunday 21 February 2016

Let's talk.

Hey Blogging World, 

So I've been slacking off, again. It makes me realise why I stopped the schedule in the first place, if I had nothing exciting to write for that day I would just not write. This actually makes a lot of sense, why bother writing something for you if it's going to be boring and practically a waste of my time writing something half-hearted and your time for having to read it? 

Therefore maybe the schedule might end, maybe it will continue. I've never been too much of a structured person. I'll just write when I write and if it happens to coincide with the themes for the day then that's a bonus. 

I've moved into my new room. It's rather exciting. That first step of independence is thrilling and scary and all together quite wonderful. Uni O week also starts today, another thrilling and terrifying adventure I'm about to embark on. I can't quite seem to figure out my emotions, I got barely any sleep so I must be feeling some sense of excitement. My stomach is gaining a few butterflies, the first big day where you meet some of the people you'll be spending the next few years with. I'm a person who loves making friends and am able to make friends quite easily, yet the actual process of befriending someone scares me to death. What if they don't like you? What if you don't stay friends for more than that day and it wasn't worth it? What if they leave you for other friends? What if you're not good enough? I know I'm good enough for myself, but it's too easy to worry that my eccentric personality and attitude towards life can be too full on for people. It's odd because I am confident in my own skin and if a person doesn't like my personality they don't have to befriend me, but what if barely anyone appreciates it? 

On a completely different note; I had a dream that there was a redneck spider on my wall and woke up, turned the light on and checked. There wasn't. I then had another dream I kissed someone I really shouldn't have but I think they were just a spirit for another type of person because their name didn't match their face. Then I dreamt that I went into the city in the middle of the night and there were hundreds of people all watching a documentary on a tower about McDonalds. It's just been a weird night. 

See I like this much better, just writing down my scattered thoughts. It works better that way. 

Until next time... 

La Vie Vivante. 

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