Hey Blogging World
I have a friend.
Her name is Caitlin and she thinks I should celebrate the fact that I actually have a friend.
I know, she's hilarious.
Caitlin (or Caity as I sometimes call her) and I went to the same primary school together and now the same high school so we really have only grown closer through the years. She plays the flute and is an amazing singer even though she hasn't had experience! Star netballer and basketballer and overall sporty person.
Now Caitlin is very proactive when it comes to part time jobs. I myself am still too lazy to go get one, something which Caitlin willingly reminds me of frequently. But there was one stage when she had two jobs going at one time! The best thing is he job at a bakery now though. She is regularly doing closing shift which means a lot of free food. It is wonderful.
There is never a dull moment with Caitlin. Whether she is cracking a joke or just doing something crazy she can make anyone laugh. She also has similar and therefore a great taste in movies, mainly being comedy: The Internship, Identity Thief, The Big Wedding and the best movie ever...
I cannot begin to count the many times I have watched this movie with Caity. We sit there and watch the movie and say everything word for word. It does seem sad but the movie is truly wonderful. Dumb but hilarious.
So to Caity, thanks for being a stupendous friend.
La Vie Vivante.
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Hey Blogging World
So I thought it was time for you to hear about my most favourite of animals.
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How Cute! |
That's right, my favourite animal is the pig. Most people stick their noses up this and think, but why not a pony or a cat? No. I love pigs.
It all started on grade four camp to Camp Kangaroobie. It was a farm camp and a pretty fun one at that. One of the activities was a farm tour, got to hop on the back of the ute and travel around the farm to see all the animals. We got to the pig pen and the man, I forget his name so we will just call him Albert for now. Albert asked us all, "Who would like a ride on the pig?" Of course everyone put their hands up. Albert continued on, "Well to ride the pig, you have to give it a kiss. On the bottom. Now who would like a ride on the pig?" No one put their hands up.
"Oh come on. I'll have to choose someone if no one volunteers."
So me being the lovely person I am and not wanting anyone else to get chosen out of their will, I reluctantly put my hand up. "Oh yay!" Said Albert as he let me enter the pig pen. I walked over to the pig, the one that hadn't been rolling around in mud, and gave it a peck on its gluteus maximus.
Then voila! I got to mount the pig and got a ride! It was pretty cool except no one would go near me for the rest of the day, in fear that I kissed them and gave them pig germs? I don't know. People always ask me, "What did it taste like?" I stare at them in disbelief. I didn't take a bite out of the thing, I didn't french kiss it! I just gave it a peck. Yet I still reply, "Chicken."
From then on I have loved pigs. So much that I don't eat any pig. Bacon, pork and ham. None of it. It has been about six years since I have eaten pig. That's not to say I don't love it. I used to eat hawaiian pizza at every chance but my love for pigs have overtaken that urge.
So there you have it. I have always wanted to get a teacup pig as a pet but either my dogs or my dad would eat it. Weird favourite animal to have, I know, but I can't help that they are so damn cute.
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Pig in Boots. Simply too cute. |
La Vie Vivante.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Hey Blogging World
Hip Hip Hip Hip Happity Wednesday!
Sorry my friend and I were doing that on the bus tonight but instead of Wednesday we were saying birthday, funnily enough it was no one's birthday! But we all know there are people out there celebrating their day of birth. So to all you people:
Woo okay so now that's done, I have not forgotten about Wordy Wednesdays so even though I am incredibly tired and have homework due tomorrow for school, I choose you people over it so feel loved. And I know you're thinking, oh she's just procrastinating, and you are exactly right. But procrastination talk for another day.
Todays word is snood.
The thing is, I always thought snoods were the scarves that had no end. You know, the ones that look like this:
So I was a tad confused when it told me it was for the hair? However as I was google imaging it, I found a box at the top that said 16th Century, only to find out that they were these hairnet things. They look a little something like this:
So there you have it. Snoods were not always non-ending circular scarves, but originally hair net thingys like you see on all the American shows where the cafeteria lady has to wear the hair net when she's serving the food. It reminds me of that.
La Vie Vivante.
Hip Hip Hip Hip Happity Wednesday!
Sorry my friend and I were doing that on the bus tonight but instead of Wednesday we were saying birthday, funnily enough it was no one's birthday! But we all know there are people out there celebrating their day of birth. So to all you people:
Woo okay so now that's done, I have not forgotten about Wordy Wednesdays so even though I am incredibly tired and have homework due tomorrow for school, I choose you people over it so feel loved. And I know you're thinking, oh she's just procrastinating, and you are exactly right. But procrastination talk for another day.
Todays word is snood.
The thing is, I always thought snoods were the scarves that had no end. You know, the ones that look like this:
May I just say I own two snoods, I love them! |
So I was a tad confused when it told me it was for the hair? However as I was google imaging it, I found a box at the top that said 16th Century, only to find out that they were these hairnet things. They look a little something like this:
Thought I would use a modern day photo. |
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 24 June 2013
The Tricky Stuff
Hey Blogging World
May I just begin by saying I am in an extremely good mood? I can say? Well, I am in an extremely good mood! I had a great day shopping with friends, my singing performance went wonderfully and I am just very happy to be here typing to you. But back to the topic.
Life faces us with many difficult questions that can be challenging to answer. So today I am going to attempt to answer them for you.
Question number one: Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
This is a damn good question. But if you think about it, would you put a square pizza in a round box? My thoughts are that the founder person of pizza thought that it looked classier to have a square box. It is also much easier to get out than if you put it in a round box and that way the box fits nicely in your recycle bin once you are done with it. Although I doubt most people wonder this when they are eating pizza because it's so scrumptious.
Question number two: If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?
Duh. Baby oil is made from: Mineral Oil, Aloe Vera Extract, Vitamin E, Acetate, Fragrance.
Too easy.
Question number 3: If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?
Yet another simple question. Of course! The definition of synchronize is to occur at the same rate or time. Therefore if one drowns then the rest are to occur at the same rate or time. It comes with the profession really.
Question number 4: What would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way?
It would look a little something like this:
Hope I answered some of your unanswered questions and if you have any more questions you would like me to attempt to answer then leave a comment below.
La Vie Vivante.
May I just begin by saying I am in an extremely good mood? I can say? Well, I am in an extremely good mood! I had a great day shopping with friends, my singing performance went wonderfully and I am just very happy to be here typing to you. But back to the topic.
Life faces us with many difficult questions that can be challenging to answer. So today I am going to attempt to answer them for you.
Question number one: Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
This is a damn good question. But if you think about it, would you put a square pizza in a round box? My thoughts are that the founder person of pizza thought that it looked classier to have a square box. It is also much easier to get out than if you put it in a round box and that way the box fits nicely in your recycle bin once you are done with it. Although I doubt most people wonder this when they are eating pizza because it's so scrumptious.
Question number two: If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?
Duh. Baby oil is made from: Mineral Oil, Aloe Vera Extract, Vitamin E, Acetate, Fragrance.
Too easy.
Question number 3: If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?
Yet another simple question. Of course! The definition of synchronize is to occur at the same rate or time. Therefore if one drowns then the rest are to occur at the same rate or time. It comes with the profession really.
Question number 4: What would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way?
It would look a little something like this:
Imagine having to sit on one of these. |
Hope I answered some of your unanswered questions and if you have any more questions you would like me to attempt to answer then leave a comment below.
La Vie Vivante.
Saturday, 22 June 2013
If I Could Change The World..
Hey Blogging World
I asked my friends a while ago what they would do if they could change the world. I have always meant to do something with their thoughts but have never actually known what to do about it. So I have thought, why not start here? Their names will be kept anonymous but here's the sort of things that they want to happen:
I asked my friends a while ago what they would do if they could change the world. I have always meant to do something with their thoughts but have never actually known what to do about it. So I have thought, why not start here? Their names will be kept anonymous but here's the sort of things that they want to happen:
- Boys treat girls with the respect they deserve
- I want a boy who loves me for me; me in all my imperfections; not being a fake
- People won't judge a book by it's cover
- I would live in London
- Beauty was real; no photoshop, plastic surgery, fake tan, cake faces
- Love is equal no matter what gender
- No one would feel insecure about themselves
- There is no such thing as war
- Everyone has fresh food and clean water
- Everyone was loved no matter what the skin colour, race, culture, religion etc.
- That people didn't say things behind your back
- The only tears to be cried were tears of happiness
- Make the world so beautiful and peaceful that it's like a fairytale
- I would get rid of Cancer and Aids and all the horrible diseases in the world
- I would make childhood last longer
- Give homes to everyone and food and water and happiness to everyone
- Get rid of one direction!
- Make everybody friendly and nice and love each other
- I wish everyone would love their bodies
- I would get rid of depression
- No pollution or third world countries. I wish everything was equal.
- No divorce because everything would be simple and everyone would love each other.
- I would feed people who couldn't fee themselves
- I would change the way people treat the environment
- Change the way people are safe on the roads
- Make the world a safer place
- World Peace
- no war
- One cent and two cents come back
- Free lollies and chocolate
- No allergies and intolerances
- There would be no poverty or such things as third world countries
- No one would be homeless and everyone would be kind
- Everyone would feel loved by a girl/guy
As you can see some of them are light hearted but most really come through deep. These are just regular teenagers who genuinely want to see change. I thank them for sharing these thoughts with me as they were very curious to know why I had suddenly asked them a random question. Funny thing is, I never actually asked myself this question. I guess I would say all the things above: peace, happiness, love. All those usual things. The reality is that not all of this is possible. But most of it could be, if everyone was willing to make the change. Now I know you are probably thinking that you've heard this all before and I'm just another one of those people that are all talk and no action. But I want action and I will fight for action to be taking. There is one up there that I am extremely passionate about at the moment.
- I would get rid of depression
I have not experienced depression. I don't think I know of anyone who has. But it still affects me greatly. (Sorry not sure if I used the right affect/effect there) I just don't understand how someone could be that sad that they would want to take their own life away. So I want to change it. BriBry (A YouTuber) has started something called "Cut Cake Not Wrists" and I really like it. Therefore I want to help raise awareness for it and try and do something myself, so keep reading for more updates on it.
This video basically explains what he is trying to do and you can always youtube part 1 if you enjoyed it.
Anyways that was my little inspirational rant for the day and I hope you are thinking about what you would do. If you have anything you would like to add to the list of what you would change then feel free to leave a comment.
La Vie Vivante.
This video basically explains what he is trying to do and you can always youtube part 1 if you enjoyed it.
Anyways that was my little inspirational rant for the day and I hope you are thinking about what you would do. If you have anything you would like to add to the list of what you would change then feel free to leave a comment.
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Think. What Would You Do? |
La Vie Vivante.
I Hate That Feeling.
Hey Blogging World
So this is the way I basically feel right now.
The worst thing is I don't even know why. I'll be so happy at one point and then this will happen. Nothing. No emotion. And it's just so strange.
But as the quote says, my mind is spinning. There is so much going on and I don't know how to slow any of it down. I'm trying to just go with the flow, but that doesn't really work for me. I feel like to stop all the crazy, I need to do something crazier. Which I also realize makes no sense.
One thing that is keeping me sane though is music. Now I know I have done a post on music before but I really love it and it just.. well music is just amazing.
I just love the passion that musicians put into their performance. That look on their face that shows just how much they love what they're doing.
Thanks to Abby for showing me this video on YouTube because it is such an amazing video. You can just see the passion when he sings and when he runs out and he has no fear. Then when the whole audience sings along and it just makes me think, he is living the dream. That Utopia that we all long for, that band is living it. They are doing what they love and they're making a difference in people's lives. Because that is what music does, it takes you to another place. A lot of people say you can tell what type of mood someone is in by the music they are listening to and it is completely true. If I have come home from a bad day at school the best thing for me is to listen to a couple of sad songs and get over it. Or lately I have found listening to one particular song can perk my mood instantly.
S.O.S by Gin Wigmore. If you have not heard it (which I presume most of you haven't) then I suggest you look it up now and listen in awe of her voice. That song always seems to make me happy. I am obsessed with her and her music and her lyrics.
Lyrics. They are so important to a song and that's the problem with a lot of today's music. There are hardly any words involved and when there are, majority is just repeated. But there's something about lyrics that just get straight through to the heart. When they mean something to you, that's when they are most powerful.
I really just love music. I think it's one thing in my life that I can always rely on. I mean I have my family and my friends, don't get me wrong about that. But music just gets to me in a way that I don't think spoken words could. If only everyone could sing everything.
La Vie Vivante.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
The Street Art Scene Part 2
Hey Blogging World
Just thought I would share with you the look of the completed wall after telling you about those guys working on it. I must say if it were possible to be in love with a wall, I would be in love with this one. It seems kinda cool now to be able to look at the finished product and be able to know all the work that was put into it.
La Vie Vivante.
Just thought I would share with you the look of the completed wall after telling you about those guys working on it. I must say if it were possible to be in love with a wall, I would be in love with this one. It seems kinda cool now to be able to look at the finished product and be able to know all the work that was put into it.
Remember in my earlier post and we saw him working on the triangle? This is the awesomeness that becomes of it. |
Our little grumpy fella got himself a happy friend! |
Aren't they just amazing? |
La Vie Vivante.
Balk (The First of Many Wordy Wednesdays to Come)
Hey Blogging World
So as you can see balk is the word of the day and being the nerd I am, I just love dictionary.com and the fact that they have a new, wacky, wonderful word each day up on their site. Therefore I have come up with a plan. Every Wednesday from now on will be known as Wordy Wednesday, original right? I'm not exactly sure what I will write about, but it will come around the basis of that word.
But back to balk, which by the way sounds really weird to say.
Try it. Balk balk balk balk. It kind of sounds like a chicken noise.
I'm trying to think of a way to use balk in a sentence. I mean one that is actually relevant to me.
I used to balk at singing in front of people.
Does that even make sense? It's true, I used to refuse to sing in front of people because I was so scared. But I have a performance on Monday so I won't be able to balk any more. Hey I think I'm getting the hang of this whole balk word!
Synonyms of balk: demur, desist, dodge, evade, recoil, refuse, resist, shirk, turn down.
I know maybe resist and turn down out of those words? Look at that, learning so many new words on Wordy Wednesday! (That is going to get very lame very quickly)
La Vie Vivante.
So as you can see balk is the word of the day and being the nerd I am, I just love dictionary.com and the fact that they have a new, wacky, wonderful word each day up on their site. Therefore I have come up with a plan. Every Wednesday from now on will be known as Wordy Wednesday, original right? I'm not exactly sure what I will write about, but it will come around the basis of that word.
But back to balk, which by the way sounds really weird to say.
Try it. Balk balk balk balk. It kind of sounds like a chicken noise.
I'm trying to think of a way to use balk in a sentence. I mean one that is actually relevant to me.
I used to balk at singing in front of people.
Does that even make sense? It's true, I used to refuse to sing in front of people because I was so scared. But I have a performance on Monday so I won't be able to balk any more. Hey I think I'm getting the hang of this whole balk word!
Synonyms of balk: demur, desist, dodge, evade, recoil, refuse, resist, shirk, turn down.
I know maybe resist and turn down out of those words? Look at that, learning so many new words on Wordy Wednesday! (That is going to get very lame very quickly)
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 17 June 2013
The Street Art Scene
Hey Blogging World
I spent the day exploring the ins and outs of our laneways. The ones that have art are simply amazing. But I have to admit, the street art scene is dead. I came across these two men who were busy recreating a particular wall they had been spray painting for the last five years. It was amazing to just watch them create this spontaneous art that can be known as graffiti.
Art in the Making. |
Loved this (Even though I have no idea what it is) |
And some of the other laneway art.
I just loved this laneway. A truly talented person created this. |
Very clever. Loved the window head! |
I know there hasn't been a lot of writing in the post but oh well. I guess the photos can speak for themselves. People who don't see this as art, this is truly art. It is art expressed in a way that words cannot express for them.
La Vie Vivante.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Seven Reasons to Enter a Library
Hey Blogging World
So as you can probably guess I am in a library writing this. (Or I was when I started writing it.) But I was thinking how cool some libraries actually are. So, I came up with seven ideas to why one should venture through the library doors.
1. Warmth. Right now it is bucketing down rain outside. It's a freezing day and there's a sharp, icy wind. And as I watch the rain fall and drip down the windows, where am I? In the comfort of the heated library. The library is always a good choice in the Summer as well, with air conditioners and fans galore. Basically, libraries are going to suit your climatic needs.
2. Free wifi. Who doesn't love it? Need to check your emails, message a friend on facebook, but don't have the wifi to do so? Look no further than a library. All you need is a library card, use the pin number and you're in for thirty minutes of free internet usage. If you need more time simply put in the number again, or if that doesn't work, move to a different computer!
3. A good hiding spot. I shouldn't really be encouraging this one, but if you are ever in trouble with your parents or just don't want anyone to find you, then go to a library. Look down the aisles at the books, take a few off the shelf to read the blurbs of and you'll blend right in.
4.Curiousity. It still baffles me when people say they have never stepped foot in a library outside the school one. Wouldn't they be so curious to know what lies beyond the doors and the return chute. (Which by the way can be a very fun contraption depending on what library you go to) So if you are curious, which hopefully you will be tempted by now, then just walk in. If you don't like it, there's always the exit door.
5. Silence. There is nothing better than just wanting some peace and quiet and being able to walk into a library and feel just that. Whether you just want to sit around, listen to music, study (You know, for good grades and all) or actually read a book without any interruptions then this is the best place. Note: Do not go to a library with your friends expecting to have peace and quiet, trust me, you'll just be holding in the fits of laughter.
6. Music. Now I know I mentioned music above in number 5 but I also thought I would mention the countless selection of c.d's they offer at certain libraries. You can just borrow them out, listen to them and return them. It's a great way to see if an album is worth buying, or just particular tracks, or maybe finding out you don't even like the artist.
7. Books. 'Well duh,' I hear you saying. I know it's obvious that there will be books at a library but you must understand how amazing it is. I am probably going to sound like a massive nerd when I say this but books are seriously just awesome. There's no point in being one of those people that just say, "Oh na I'll wait till the movie comes out." Besides the fact that the books are always better, there's something about the feeling of the pages turning as your imagination opens up in this book.
So there you have it. My top seven reasons why you should enter a library. I'm not sure if anyone would actually listen to these or agree with them, but oh well. I guess it's just my opinion. Did you know, I once had a teacher who marked me down because she believed my opinion was wrong? Yes we had a very interesting discussion about it in class. But no more about my opinions, just go to a library and you won't regret it, like bungee jumping or skydiving.
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 3 June 2013
Let's have a Picnic.
I have officially lost my mind.
As in it has just got up from my mind and walked away. I would really love to find it, but it would be kind of weird to put out a flyer.
I partly blame the lack of sleep I have been having these past few nights. There have certainly been some late nights/early mornings going on. But there's nothing like living in the moment and in the moment, well it felt like living. I can tell you now, it sure as hell didn't the following night. So therefore I think my mind has decided to take a little walk while I catch up on sleep.
I wanted to have a picnic today. I was standing in the hall and all of a sudden I sat down. My friend walked up to me and said, "Annalise, what are you doing?"
I replied, "I'm having a picnic."
"At hanging rock?"
"No. Here on the ground. Would you like to have a picnic with me?"
"Of course."
I called my friend over who was selling chocolates. "We need your chocolates." I told her.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because we're having a picnic."
"Why?" (She always asks a lot of questions)
"Because this ground looks like a nice place to have a picnic."
Eventually they managed to get me off the ground and into class, but I really did feel like a picnic.
I remember being little and getting to go to 'teddy bears picnics' and everyone would bring along their favourite bear and they got to drink and eat food too. I now think what a waste of food that would have been having to throw it all out after a bunch of children just smushed it onto some teddy bears face, claiming it had was full. Oh how I would love to tell them all now that no teddy is not full, his fur can simply just not hold any more cake. But I guess that would ruin all their hopes and dreams to be a teddy bear feeder, or better yet a princess! I never really got the whole thing of little girls saying, "I want to be a princess!" I mean a princess would be pretty cool, but too much effort. I couldn't stand having to look good for people everyday! However that is the mind of a child that once everyone grows up they wish they had back. Once your head is filled with other problems and things, princesses and teddy bears merely becomes a distant memory. It's almost as if your innocence is taken.
La Vie Vivante
As in it has just got up from my mind and walked away. I would really love to find it, but it would be kind of weird to put out a flyer.
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Perhaps it wouldn't be so weird after all. |
I partly blame the lack of sleep I have been having these past few nights. There have certainly been some late nights/early mornings going on. But there's nothing like living in the moment and in the moment, well it felt like living. I can tell you now, it sure as hell didn't the following night. So therefore I think my mind has decided to take a little walk while I catch up on sleep.
I wanted to have a picnic today. I was standing in the hall and all of a sudden I sat down. My friend walked up to me and said, "Annalise, what are you doing?"
I replied, "I'm having a picnic."
"At hanging rock?"
"No. Here on the ground. Would you like to have a picnic with me?"
"Of course."
I called my friend over who was selling chocolates. "We need your chocolates." I told her.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because we're having a picnic."
"Why?" (She always asks a lot of questions)
"Because this ground looks like a nice place to have a picnic."
Eventually they managed to get me off the ground and into class, but I really did feel like a picnic.
I remember being little and getting to go to 'teddy bears picnics' and everyone would bring along their favourite bear and they got to drink and eat food too. I now think what a waste of food that would have been having to throw it all out after a bunch of children just smushed it onto some teddy bears face, claiming it had was full. Oh how I would love to tell them all now that no teddy is not full, his fur can simply just not hold any more cake. But I guess that would ruin all their hopes and dreams to be a teddy bear feeder, or better yet a princess! I never really got the whole thing of little girls saying, "I want to be a princess!" I mean a princess would be pretty cool, but too much effort. I couldn't stand having to look good for people everyday! However that is the mind of a child that once everyone grows up they wish they had back. Once your head is filled with other problems and things, princesses and teddy bears merely becomes a distant memory. It's almost as if your innocence is taken.
La Vie Vivante
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