Wednesday 19 June 2013

Balk (The First of Many Wordy Wednesdays to Come)

Hey Blogging World

So as you can see balk is the word of the day and being the nerd I am, I just love and the fact that they have a new, wacky, wonderful word each day up on their site. Therefore I have come up with a plan. Every Wednesday from now on will be known as Wordy Wednesday, original right? I'm not exactly sure what I will write about, but it will come around the basis of that word.

But back to balk, which by the way sounds really weird to say.
Try it. Balk balk balk balk. It kind of sounds like a chicken noise.

I'm trying to think of a way to use balk in a sentence. I mean one that is actually relevant to me.
I used to balk at singing in front of people.
Does that even make sense? It's true, I used to refuse to sing in front of people because I was so scared. But I have a performance on Monday so I won't be able to balk any more. Hey I think I'm getting the hang of this whole balk word!

Synonyms of balk: demur, desist, dodge, evade, recoil, refuse, resist, shirk, turn down.
I know maybe resist and turn down out of those words? Look at that, learning so many new words on Wordy Wednesday! (That is going to get very lame very quickly)

La Vie Vivante.

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