Monday 24 June 2013

The Tricky Stuff

Hey Blogging World

May I just begin by saying I am in an extremely good mood? I can say? Well, I am in an extremely good mood! I had a great day shopping with friends, my singing performance went wonderfully and I am just very happy to be here typing to you. But back to the topic.

Life faces us with many difficult questions that can be challenging to answer. So today I am going to attempt to answer them for you.

Question number one: Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

This is a damn good question. But if you think about it, would you put a square pizza in a round box? My thoughts are that the founder person of pizza thought that it looked classier to have a square box. It is also much easier to get out than if you put it in a round box and that way the box fits nicely in your recycle bin once you are done with it. Although I doubt most people wonder this when they are eating pizza because it's so scrumptious.

Question number two: If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?

Duh. Baby oil is made from: Mineral Oil, Aloe Vera Extract, Vitamin E, Acetate, Fragrance.
Too easy.

Question number 3: If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?

Yet another simple question. Of course! The definition of synchronize is to occur at the same rate or time. Therefore if one drowns then the rest are to occur at the same rate or time. It comes with the profession really.

Question number 4: What would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way?

It would look a little something like this:

Imagine having to sit on one of these.

Hope I answered some of your unanswered questions and if you have any more questions you would like me to attempt to answer then leave a comment below.

La Vie Vivante.

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