I asked my friends a while ago what they would do if they could change the world. I have always meant to do something with their thoughts but have never actually known what to do about it. So I have thought, why not start here? Their names will be kept anonymous but here's the sort of things that they want to happen:
- Boys treat girls with the respect they deserve
- I want a boy who loves me for me; me in all my imperfections; not being a fake
- People won't judge a book by it's cover
- I would live in London
- Beauty was real; no photoshop, plastic surgery, fake tan, cake faces
- Love is equal no matter what gender
- No one would feel insecure about themselves
- There is no such thing as war
- Everyone has fresh food and clean water
- Everyone was loved no matter what the skin colour, race, culture, religion etc.
- That people didn't say things behind your back
- The only tears to be cried were tears of happiness
- Make the world so beautiful and peaceful that it's like a fairytale
- I would get rid of Cancer and Aids and all the horrible diseases in the world
- I would make childhood last longer
- Give homes to everyone and food and water and happiness to everyone
- Get rid of one direction!
- Make everybody friendly and nice and love each other
- I wish everyone would love their bodies
- I would get rid of depression
- No pollution or third world countries. I wish everything was equal.
- No divorce because everything would be simple and everyone would love each other.
- I would feed people who couldn't fee themselves
- I would change the way people treat the environment
- Change the way people are safe on the roads
- Make the world a safer place
- World Peace
- no war
- One cent and two cents come back
- Free lollies and chocolate
- No allergies and intolerances
- There would be no poverty or such things as third world countries
- No one would be homeless and everyone would be kind
- Everyone would feel loved by a girl/guy
As you can see some of them are light hearted but most really come through deep. These are just regular teenagers who genuinely want to see change. I thank them for sharing these thoughts with me as they were very curious to know why I had suddenly asked them a random question. Funny thing is, I never actually asked myself this question. I guess I would say all the things above: peace, happiness, love. All those usual things. The reality is that not all of this is possible. But most of it could be, if everyone was willing to make the change. Now I know you are probably thinking that you've heard this all before and I'm just another one of those people that are all talk and no action. But I want action and I will fight for action to be taking. There is one up there that I am extremely passionate about at the moment.
- I would get rid of depression
I have not experienced depression. I don't think I know of anyone who has. But it still affects me greatly. (Sorry not sure if I used the right affect/effect there) I just don't understand how someone could be that sad that they would want to take their own life away. So I want to change it. BriBry (A YouTuber) has started something called "Cut Cake Not Wrists" and I really like it. Therefore I want to help raise awareness for it and try and do something myself, so keep reading for more updates on it.
This video basically explains what he is trying to do and you can always youtube part 1 if you enjoyed it.
Anyways that was my little inspirational rant for the day and I hope you are thinking about what you would do. If you have anything you would like to add to the list of what you would change then feel free to leave a comment.
La Vie Vivante.
This video basically explains what he is trying to do and you can always youtube part 1 if you enjoyed it.
Anyways that was my little inspirational rant for the day and I hope you are thinking about what you would do. If you have anything you would like to add to the list of what you would change then feel free to leave a comment.
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Think. What Would You Do? |
La Vie Vivante.
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