Wednesday 21 August 2013

Day Nine and Day Ten

Hey Blogging World

I am so sorry that I forgot a day! I feel like I am constantly apologising on this blog, but I was up till 11:30 last night trying to complete stressful school work which is now finished. (Thank goodness!) So I will catch up and give you a wonderfully long post filled with day nine and day ten. Although looking at the topics I'm not sure how long they will really be...

Day 9: How you hope your future will be like

I feel like all these prompts are just becoming sentimental, all warm and fuzzy. I didn't choose them though so I just have to roll, or write in this case, with what I am given.

Hmm, my future...

Indeed. I hope my future will be living in a chocolate castle. Although I may end up fat and homeless after I have eaten the whole thing.

But besides the jokes, (Or whatever that was supposed to be if you didn't find it amusing) I just really want my future to be a happy one. One where I'm alive preferably. I would love to be surrounded by all my family and friends still, be in university studying a course that I thoroughly enjoy, or if I'm in a job then a job that I love doing. I think I just hope my future is just what I want it to be and in my future that I will actually know what I want to do with my life. I have no idea what I want to do with my life yet but I am perfectly fine with that, and anyone entering into VCE and feeling a little nervous about it, I know exactly how you feel. There will come a day though where I will have to decide what I want to do with my life and I guess that in my future I hope that I will know and I will choose something that I love doing.

Okay well that did turn out all warm and fuzzy, I can be quite a sentimental person at times. However I am not too sure how today's prompt is going to turn out as there is nothing warm and fuzzy about it.

Day 10: Discuss your first love and first kiss

Now you're all probably thinking, 'What?! This is not warm and fuzzy?! What is this girl talking about?!' But before you click away from the page I beg you to hear me out. As you would know if you read my day one post, I have never been in a relationship. So you can probably gather from that post that I have never had a first love and a first kiss.

I think love is a very strong word. I don't use it very often on people, unless of course I'm talking to family members or I am mucking about with friends and say, "Ily babe!" (For all you non internet typers out there, ily stands for I love you) But I don't think you can really be in love with someone at such a young age. Once you have been going out with them for maybe a year you might love them. Okay a year might be a bit long, but you get the gist. You are not going to tell someone after a week of knowing them that you love them. I feel as though I am sounding hypocritical here as I unfortunately think I have done this before, but now I think about it, I never really meant it and I feel as though I just said it for the sake of replying. So my life message for all you lovely people out there longing for some love advice from a true expert such as myself: Don't every say you love someone until you really trully absoloutely mean it.

Oh and as for a first kiss. Well let's just say I'll be that Sweet 16 and never been kissed. And for the record, I will be proud of it. That's right, as far as I'm concerned, I have the most hygienic lips ever.

La Vie Vivante.

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