Well this one may prove to be challenging...
Day 6: Write 30 interesting facts about yourself
I will let you know first of all that it is 11:15pm and I am incredibly tired, but I know I cannot break my promise to all of you so I must have this post finished before midnight! This may take a while because I'm not sure if I am thirty facts of interesting!
Fact 1: I was born on September 11. Not that exact year but it's close enough. So yes, while I was at home celebrating my birthday there were poor people being killed because of a terrorist attack. I am sorry.
Fact 2: When I was young I got my arm stuck in a chair and actually dislocated it. We had to go to the doctor where he popped my arm back into my socket!
Fact 3: My favourite animals are pigs as a result of kissing one on the bum at grade four camp. If you would love the full story see my pig post for the nitty gritty details.
Fact 4: I can suck my nose in. This may sound really strange and I would show you through a photo, but well it looks very unattractive. Basically my nostrils suck in, like some people can flare their nostrils, well I am the opposite of that. I have been told I look a little like this...
Charming I know. |
Fact 6: I love rollerblading. I found my older brother's old rollerblades in the garage ones day, got them out and started teaching myself how to rollerblade. I try to get out and rollerblade at least once a week, boy do I get some weird looks.
Fact 7: I cannot stand the colour pink. But I do have a pink wall in my bedroom and one of my favourite pillows is pink. Weird huh?
Fact 8: I have a goal to read Tolstoy's War and Peace in my lifetime as I know it is something that many people cannot say they have accomplished. Or really wanted to accomplish for that matter. I do have Volume 1 so I could begin to read, but if I get to interested in it I don't have Volume II so I shall have to wait.
Fact 9: I do believe in ghosts, spirits, bad luck and whatnot. My mum broke my mirror once and I was freaking out that she was going to have bad luck for five years. Lucky we don't have a black cat with green eyes in the neighbourhood!
Fact 10: I travelled to Sri Lanka when I was 12 with my grandparents and some other relations. Not my immediate family though, it was an amazing experience for me but I will admit I was a bit homesick at times.
Fact 11: I love anything France. It would have to be one of my favourite places as I just love the people and the landmarks and just everything about it. If I was lucky enough and rich enough I would definitely go and live there for a year.
Fact 12: Going on from favourite places, I cannot continues without saying that I also love Lorne with all my heart. I think that has a lot to do with the people though.
Fact 13: This is starting to get harder... Oh! I love cargo/ camo outfits. At the moment I am wearing a camo dress. And by camo I mean the camouflage pattern like they were in the army. Not that I'm promoting the army or anything, I just think it's cute!
Fact 14: I'm not sure if these are interesting anymore but I love to laugh and just be happy. There is not a day that goes by without me laughing.
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Hehe What a cutie |
Fact 16: I don't like the word ugly. It's just such a bad word and even the word itself sounds bad when you say it. However I have used the word before, unfortunately.
Fact 17: I love the word bucket. I wrote it all over my iPhone case once. On one side it had written tacos and on the other side bucket was scribbled over. People were constantly asking me, "Why bucket?" I had no real answer for them other than the fact that I liked the word.
Fact 18: I also adore tacos. They are just so delicious and tasty and easy to prepare because you can put whatever you want in them. I have always said that if I was really old, I wouldn't mind choking on a taco.
Fact 19: I am a musical junkie! I just love going to the theatres, sitting in the squashy seats, the buzz of the crowd as they wait for the curtains to open and the lights to dim. The shows are just amazing and I do believe that having a lead role in a broadway musical would be something to put on the bucket list.
Fact 20: My favourite genre of movies is comedy. As I said earlier I do enjoy a good laugh and a good comedy film is the perfect way to get those giggles out of me.
Fact 21: When I grow up I plan to leave a man at the alter. I have it all planned. I'm going to wear a white jumpsuit with white converses so I can run away easily. My bouquet will be thorns to throw them and I'm so sorry to the poor guy who is going to have that happen to them.
Fact 22: Then again, I plan on being the crazy dog lady for the rest of my life. Mainly because I don't really like cats and I don't think I will ever find a guy suited to this crazy girl.
Fact 23: I like to consider myself unique. Others may say I'm crazy or just need some help but I pride myself in being different because people do need to stand out from the crowd.
Fact 24: I do not have a preference of brand of chocolate. To me it is chocolate, and all chocolate, whatever brand it may be, is delicious chocolate.
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Mmmm so good |
Fact 26: I love writing stories as a hobby, but for such a happy person I can write some damn depressing stories at times!
Fact 27: I love to travel and have been to parts of America, Malaysia, France and Sri Lanka. But more travel is definitely on the to do list.
Fact 28: I actually don't mind school at times. That's when it's not boring of course. But I do work hard at school and I can be considered a nerd at times.
Fact 29: I don't have a job as I am too lazy to get one and the only places I have applied at are the ones you can do online.
Fact 30: I truly love blogging for all you wonderful people as it gives me something to do with my life but it also makes me feel like I am connecting with a whole lot of people out there so thank you so much for reading!
La Vie Vivante
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