Wednesday 14 August 2013

Drugs and Alcohol - Day Three

Hey Blogging World

Day 3: Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Well this is difficult. Not.

My views on drugs and alcohol: drugs really aren't a great thing but if you want to take them then that's your own decision and you are potentially ruining your life. Alcohol is okay if you are over 18, if under then fine go ahead and do it but once again you are potentially ruining your life. As long as it's drunk in moderation (once again I'm being very cliché) then it is okay, but don't become addicted to drugs or alcohol. That's where it gets bad.

I had a man next to me at the traffic lights one day and he started talking to me, something about his back  aching but it was okay because he can take care of himself. The little man in the pedestrian crossing box turned green and so we both began to walk. He asked me what way I was going, we were both going in different directions but he decided to follow me anyway and talk to me. "There are many things to make sure you have a good life," he said, "Don't drink alcohol because that's bad for you. But drugs, they are the worst. You then have to go on medication and you are on highs and lows and it's just not good. I should know, I've been on drugs. Anyway I shall let you keep walking as I have to go the other way. But tell that to all your friends and that is my message to you." This man walked back up the street, so glad he had shared his message with someone. True Story.

Another man approached my friend and I as we were sitting at the seats waiting for a bus. "Excuse me ladies, do you have twenty cents?" He asked. We subtly hid our purses and replied, "No sorry." So what does he do? "Well that's okay ladies but make sure you stay in school because love is on this line and education is on that line... this is important. Have a lovely day." Flapping his arms everywhere showing us where the line of love and education were. Then he simply walked off. As we were getting on the bus we saw him walk away and shout, "Thank you Victoria." That confirmed my beliefs on drinking in moderation.

So you see by these two inspirational men my views on drugs and alcohol have been confirmed that I would not like to engage in them, in the case that in the future I might be asking people for twenty cents and telling them about my aching back.

La Vie Vivante.


  1. Your blog is so lovely, keep posting!!! :) xxx
