Friday 2 August 2013

I Know.. I Missed it.

Hey Blogging World

Yes, I know that once again I managed to forget about Wordy Wednesday but I do have a legitimate excuse. I was sick. It was just awful and I can't stand being sick, even though it was only for a day that I felt really ill. Many people have been feeling sick lately so I feel like it's just that time for everyone to take a few sick days and just relax. Therefore if you are reading my blog while you are sick, get better soon!

I looked up Wednesday's word on but it wasn't a very good one and I figured I would have a bit of trouble managing to write a half interesting post about such a word. So I looked up some different websites and found a pretty cool one.

It basically has a gigantic list of psychedelic word and there even psychedelicer meanings! (Yeah, I know I just invented a new word. But I mean, come one, psychedelicer is pretty cool)

Take a look on it and love some of the words just as I do. There are too many to choose from to pick the best one!

Short post I know and I'm sorry but I promise I will write a proper post as soon as possible.

La Vie Vivante.

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