Tuesday 27 August 2013

Day Sixteen - Mainstream Music

Hey Blogging World

I thought I would make it nice and colourful to show I am in a pretty happy mood. Well not really, more like I have been moody today. The bright colours represent my happiness and the dark colours represent my bored, annoyed, upset moods. But enough about life as a teen, onto the post prompt today!

Day 16: Your view on mainstream music.


Well this is a tough one. I'm not the biggest mainstream music fan. I have never been one to go with the crowd anyway so listening to that typical music of the 'duf duf'' or the three same words in the one song. But may I say that even though I don't necessarily like a lot of the songs, I do respect them still. Because of the new technology we have people are able to advance in music as well. It takes a lot of times to produce songs that have intricate beats in term of the equipment they use. I also do know that a lot of people like that music, making it mainstream, so I try not to judge them because everyone is allowed to have their own music taste.

I do that and surround yourself with a range of music that you like. I think that's the whole reason why they have different music styles so people can pick and choose and find different music that they like. It would be weird to just choose one style and say, "Okay this is the style I like and I don't like any other style." You would limit yourself so much!

Also, if everyone loved mainstream music, or everyone just loved rock music, then there wouldn't be any diversity in music which is what makes it so great! Music is like religion and different countries, well for me it's that because it's the way I want the world to be. Everyone should be able to like their own music, follow their own religion or belong to different countries, but we should all be able to come together and celebrate our differences and share them with one another. The thing I love the most is meeting someone with a different music taste to me and I just raid their iPod and they tell me all these songs to look up and I just fall in love with a whole different style of music. That's what makes it so wonderful.

La Vie Vivante.

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