Hey Blogging World
We do these things in English called soap boxes. Basically someone stands up in front of the class and talks about what irritates them. Then the rest of the class discuss it and everyone looks for a possible solution. The reality is that the person up the front is talking for a minute when another person buts in with their opinion, beginning a huge word war.
The thing that really frustrates me is all the people that begin to justify reasons for things happening by saying "It's all around us" or " It's what we're exposed to, we can't help it." In which I think to myself, what a load of crud.
The truth is, why can't we NOT expose ourselves to these things? People complain about body image and it's the fact that media is all around us and media distorts bodies and influences body image, but what if we didn't listen to media? I know that most of the photos in magazines or on websites are photoshopped. I know that I am never going to look like that famous person or have the same figure as that person but I also know that I am not an ugly person. I would never say I'm drop dead gorgeous, (but if you'd like to say that you're more than welcome) but I'm definitely not ugly and I'm happy with the way I am. Yes, media is a big thing and we are often involved with it one way or another but it does not need to rules our lives.
La Vie Vivante
(I found this post as a draft written a while ago, liked the size of it, so I left it as is. There may be an extension later on. Enjoy!)
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
Long time: Confusion, Music and Nicknames.
Hey Blogging World
Wow it's been a while. How have you been? Like I am genuinely interested to find out how you are as I haven't posted in what feels like forever. In fact it's only been a month but that feels like forever in blogging years. The truth is, I don't even have a reason for not posting. I guess I just haven't needed to share anything with you. But there is a time when you must either post to say sorry but you're quitting or get your act into gear and continue posting. I'm not a quitter.
I am a confused person though. I often become confused when I over think things, and this happens a lot. I started talking to a friend again the other night and they asked me some things that caused my brain to feel as though it was about to explode because of all the thoughts running through my head. When people ask you a direct question and you can't give them a direct answer, you feel kind of useless. You don't want to let them down but you don't want to have to write a whole paragraph explaining every thought going on in your head that just makes you look messed up. Even if you are actually messed up, which I probably am. Confusion also causes regret. Regret of not doing something. Regret of saying something completely opposite to how you feel. And you think you're doing it for the better of the other person, but does that mean that you don't care about yourself and your feelings? I don't think it does. I have a habit of putting other people before myself and then finding myself getting hurt but I can't complain for the fact that I usually bring it upon myself. I'm sick of being confused. Things are never straight forward and there's never a straight forward answer to any question so people should never expect one. There's always going to be an 'if'or a 'but' in an answer. I feel like I've just done the messed up thing and written a paragraph on every little thought. Woo.
Veering away from life's first world thinking problems.. I SAW MUSE THE OTHER NIGHT!!! It had to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Birds of Tokyo came on and were incredible. The half an hour wait, which became even longer when people wouldn't get to their seats! Lights went down, the crowd went wild and the best 90 minutes ever began. They just had a presence about them that was jaw dropping and I could see them a million times and love every time I saw them. Just pure perfection.
I have also developed a problem. Yes, another one. This blog should be re-entitled 'Annalise and her Issues.'
I recently started working at a cafe. It's a great job and I love it but the music is beginning to become repetitive. Not only am I learning all the lyrics to all the songs, but I come home and am listening to these songs. Thank goodness it's actually good music otherwise I would not cope! Just one of my favourites...
I need a nickname. One that will catch on. I have one friend who calls me kittycat as I smile like the Cheshire cat. It's wonderful and I love it however it isn't doing an excellent job of catching on as the nickname requires an explanation that I do not have the patience to tell whoever may ask. I also do have another nickname if you could even call it that, don't really appreciate being called anal in the school hallways. Therefore I need a nickname. You're probably thinking why could she just not go with Anna or Annie? I have developed the same disapproval as my mother on this matter that anyone who likes the name Anna or Annie so much can go ahead and find a girl with that name because it's not mine. Lisey could always catch on, but that's kind of a family thing with my little brother calling me that when he was younger.
I'm not sure if I have got everything out of my system, but anything else too personal I'm just going to have to write on a piece of paper and burn.
La Vie Vivante.
Wow it's been a while. How have you been? Like I am genuinely interested to find out how you are as I haven't posted in what feels like forever. In fact it's only been a month but that feels like forever in blogging years. The truth is, I don't even have a reason for not posting. I guess I just haven't needed to share anything with you. But there is a time when you must either post to say sorry but you're quitting or get your act into gear and continue posting. I'm not a quitter.
I am a confused person though. I often become confused when I over think things, and this happens a lot. I started talking to a friend again the other night and they asked me some things that caused my brain to feel as though it was about to explode because of all the thoughts running through my head. When people ask you a direct question and you can't give them a direct answer, you feel kind of useless. You don't want to let them down but you don't want to have to write a whole paragraph explaining every thought going on in your head that just makes you look messed up. Even if you are actually messed up, which I probably am. Confusion also causes regret. Regret of not doing something. Regret of saying something completely opposite to how you feel. And you think you're doing it for the better of the other person, but does that mean that you don't care about yourself and your feelings? I don't think it does. I have a habit of putting other people before myself and then finding myself getting hurt but I can't complain for the fact that I usually bring it upon myself. I'm sick of being confused. Things are never straight forward and there's never a straight forward answer to any question so people should never expect one. There's always going to be an 'if'or a 'but' in an answer. I feel like I've just done the messed up thing and written a paragraph on every little thought. Woo.
Veering away from life's first world thinking problems.. I SAW MUSE THE OTHER NIGHT!!! It had to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Birds of Tokyo came on and were incredible. The half an hour wait, which became even longer when people wouldn't get to their seats! Lights went down, the crowd went wild and the best 90 minutes ever began. They just had a presence about them that was jaw dropping and I could see them a million times and love every time I saw them. Just pure perfection.
I have also developed a problem. Yes, another one. This blog should be re-entitled 'Annalise and her Issues.'
I recently started working at a cafe. It's a great job and I love it but the music is beginning to become repetitive. Not only am I learning all the lyrics to all the songs, but I come home and am listening to these songs. Thank goodness it's actually good music otherwise I would not cope! Just one of my favourites...
I'm not sure if I have got everything out of my system, but anything else too personal I'm just going to have to write on a piece of paper and burn.
La Vie Vivante.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
So Happy.
Hey Blogging World
It's been a while and I haven't had much to write about, until now. I'm so happy but also feeling slightly upset. I bought two new songs and depending on which one I listen to, I feel completely different things. The power of music.
Girls Like You-The Naked and Famous
I would be happy becoming deaf to this song. It has been blaring in my ears over the last hour and I don't think I will ever get sick of it. If you ever want a song where you can dance around while cleaning up the kitchen, this is the perfect song. The way I see the song is that it's saying that strip a girl of all her beauty, everything that she thinks makes her special, and you get a real beautiful girls in which "people write songs about girls like you". I'm not sure if that's the exact message he is trying to portray, and it might not be. But it just makes me so happy.
In all honestly, life is pretty fabulous. I have gotten through the first round of auditions for a performing arts showcase. I have been accepted into the program I wanted to do based on an audition. I have been hanging out with many friends, talking to many new people. I love human beings. We are such strange things. We can go from loving someone to hating them in seconds, we use this thing called technology to interact with each other when we don't have the ability to see each other. Yet even talking through phones we're still horrified when we see the other has read our message and replying. We laugh for the sake of laughing, because apparently it makes us feel good. Crying lets out everything we have been holding in. We write blogs to attempt in putting our emotions into words. And we all have a special bond with one another. We can't help it.
Did you know we walk to a beat? When we talk, our voice has a rhythm. When our body hears music, it starts to move. It's uncontrollable, it's music and human beings could never live without it. There are people who have this thing called a voice and when they open it up, pure beauty comes out of it. Music isn't about looks, because you don't have to look at music. All you do is listen. It's that simple.
Stay-Mayday Parade
It's not so much that this song makes me sad, it makes me imagine singing it to someone. I'd be on a stage, with a band, and they'd be in the crowd. I imagine myself having a sad look on my face, but I still smile as if to say that this is the way it has to be. And it's hard to think about that because imagination can seem so real sometimes.
You imagine yourself doing something so much that you play out the whole story in your head, what you will say, what the other person will say, what you will do etc. It comes to the real moment and you've already got this story in your head. For me, it's usually worst case scenarios in my head so that I'm too scared that it will actually happen and steer clear of anything happening. Or I go ahead and make it worse by playing the best case scenario in my head. I arrive and realize how let down I am going to be. I feel like I am constantly regretting moments because I haven't wanted to wreck the scene in my head. Then I realize, that scene was not real and will never be real, I could have had a real memory, whether it be good or bad.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that thinks like this.
Life is so twisted and you always wish that for once everything could be in place, but when something falls into place then something else pops out. But I wouldn't want it any other way, anything or anyone that makes life interesting is welcomed into my life with open arms. My life just becomes more wonderful with every person I involve in it.
La Vie Vivante.
It's been a while and I haven't had much to write about, until now. I'm so happy but also feeling slightly upset. I bought two new songs and depending on which one I listen to, I feel completely different things. The power of music.
Girls Like You-The Naked and Famous
I would be happy becoming deaf to this song. It has been blaring in my ears over the last hour and I don't think I will ever get sick of it. If you ever want a song where you can dance around while cleaning up the kitchen, this is the perfect song. The way I see the song is that it's saying that strip a girl of all her beauty, everything that she thinks makes her special, and you get a real beautiful girls in which "people write songs about girls like you". I'm not sure if that's the exact message he is trying to portray, and it might not be. But it just makes me so happy.
In all honestly, life is pretty fabulous. I have gotten through the first round of auditions for a performing arts showcase. I have been accepted into the program I wanted to do based on an audition. I have been hanging out with many friends, talking to many new people. I love human beings. We are such strange things. We can go from loving someone to hating them in seconds, we use this thing called technology to interact with each other when we don't have the ability to see each other. Yet even talking through phones we're still horrified when we see the other has read our message and replying. We laugh for the sake of laughing, because apparently it makes us feel good. Crying lets out everything we have been holding in. We write blogs to attempt in putting our emotions into words. And we all have a special bond with one another. We can't help it.
Did you know we walk to a beat? When we talk, our voice has a rhythm. When our body hears music, it starts to move. It's uncontrollable, it's music and human beings could never live without it. There are people who have this thing called a voice and when they open it up, pure beauty comes out of it. Music isn't about looks, because you don't have to look at music. All you do is listen. It's that simple.
Stay-Mayday Parade
It's not so much that this song makes me sad, it makes me imagine singing it to someone. I'd be on a stage, with a band, and they'd be in the crowd. I imagine myself having a sad look on my face, but I still smile as if to say that this is the way it has to be. And it's hard to think about that because imagination can seem so real sometimes.
You imagine yourself doing something so much that you play out the whole story in your head, what you will say, what the other person will say, what you will do etc. It comes to the real moment and you've already got this story in your head. For me, it's usually worst case scenarios in my head so that I'm too scared that it will actually happen and steer clear of anything happening. Or I go ahead and make it worse by playing the best case scenario in my head. I arrive and realize how let down I am going to be. I feel like I am constantly regretting moments because I haven't wanted to wreck the scene in my head. Then I realize, that scene was not real and will never be real, I could have had a real memory, whether it be good or bad.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that thinks like this.
Life is so twisted and you always wish that for once everything could be in place, but when something falls into place then something else pops out. But I wouldn't want it any other way, anything or anyone that makes life interesting is welcomed into my life with open arms. My life just becomes more wonderful with every person I involve in it.
La Vie Vivante.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Crazy Hectic Life
Hey Blogging World
You know what I've realised recently? I have not published a post in a million years. Or thirteen days, but they're a similar number. The truth is, I have no idea why I haven't posted in a while. I will begin by blaming school, as every teenager should. If we didn't have to go there five days a week, didn't have to come home and do homework, then blogging would be a lot easier.
I would also like to blame this thing, people put up photos and you can like them and you can put photos up and spend hours of time lying on your bed scrolling up and down. A real finger workout if you ask me. Yes I am talking about Instagram. Society finally got the better of me and I signed up to this photo sharing app. It's wonderful and I don't even know why. It's just a whole bunch of people liking and posting photos. It's like blogging, without all the words though, and I'm not sure if you can like posts on a blog. It's also very accessible, just a click on my phone and it's there!
I should stop making excuses and just write many humourous and lovely posts that will make you smile, laugh and cry, therefore redeeming myself. I'm not sure if you are going to find this post extremely interesting, but I'll give it a shot.
I find the best way to remember what I have been up to is to look at the photos on my phone. They may be weird, they may be wacky but they help me remember a lot. It's like when you wake up in the morning after a big night and look on your phone to see the missed calls and text messages and have no idea what you have done! Although that's never actually happened to me...
I remember this night, I may have been a tad bored, not one bit tired, even though it was about midnight. Therefore I decided this would be the perfect time to go tattoo googling, I found a pretty good selection. Most of them are pretty self explanatory, most of them are music. You all know about my love for tacos, and if you don't, well I love them. I plan to make the monkey's face a pig's face instead, also based on my love of pigs. I have a nickname based on the fact that I smile like the Cheshire cat, Kitty. Maybe I should sign out as Kitty from now on, that would keep things interesting. The only problem is that I feel like I'm going to run out of wrists. Anybody not using their wrists and would like to donate to me? No no I'm only kidding, cut cakes not wrists.
Moving along my photos as some of them are quite strange and I'm not going to lie, a lot of them may be selfies. Basically I took a photo of objects in my room (Maybe I should do a "What's in my room" post?) and tried on a dress that made me look shapeless. Love shopping.
I must say I had a lot of spare time on my hands. Makes me wonder why I didn't just hop on my computer and write to you lovely people. Perhaps I was feeling artsy, hence why I painted this blonde beauty. As you can see her name is Iti B, but now I think about it her name should be spelt Itti as people will probably say it like eye-tie.
You love the eyes? Why thank you, sometimes a mistake can inspire you to create scary gnomes rather than pretty ones. I tried to paint on black eyebrows, it went too thick, I thought white paint would work over it, turns out it makes the paint grey. More people can relate to Iti B than if she were perfect, I mean, we've all had that photo where our eyes are red.
I also felt very bakery like in my spare time. I felt artsy, bakery, but never felt writesy? Not sure what happened there.
My aunty gave me a cake pop baking set for my birthday and having never made cake pops, took the set and gave it a whirl. I do believe they turned out very nice actually. Other than the fact that the icing dripped and the sticks didn't stick very well, I had a cute cake pop family! From left to right; Papa C, Mama P and lil CP.
I also baked banana bread, one of my specialities thanks to the family leaving bananas around to overripe. But that never made it to a photo before everyone gobbled it up. I didn't even get to name it.
That's just parts of my life that you've been missing out on. There have been boring train trips resulting in starburst towers, sunny days and rainy days, a lot of ice cream with chocolate topping. I have a busy weekend as I might finally be getting a job thanks to the wonderful caseycat. I am performing at a music festival with my wonderful band The Tangerines. Yes we came up with terrific name ourselves. And I'm sure I'll be doing a whole lot of finger exercising thanks to Instagram.
Bye for now but not forever.
La Vie Vivante.
You know what I've realised recently? I have not published a post in a million years. Or thirteen days, but they're a similar number. The truth is, I have no idea why I haven't posted in a while. I will begin by blaming school, as every teenager should. If we didn't have to go there five days a week, didn't have to come home and do homework, then blogging would be a lot easier.
I would also like to blame this thing, people put up photos and you can like them and you can put photos up and spend hours of time lying on your bed scrolling up and down. A real finger workout if you ask me. Yes I am talking about Instagram. Society finally got the better of me and I signed up to this photo sharing app. It's wonderful and I don't even know why. It's just a whole bunch of people liking and posting photos. It's like blogging, without all the words though, and I'm not sure if you can like posts on a blog. It's also very accessible, just a click on my phone and it's there!
I should stop making excuses and just write many humourous and lovely posts that will make you smile, laugh and cry, therefore redeeming myself. I'm not sure if you are going to find this post extremely interesting, but I'll give it a shot.
I find the best way to remember what I have been up to is to look at the photos on my phone. They may be weird, they may be wacky but they help me remember a lot. It's like when you wake up in the morning after a big night and look on your phone to see the missed calls and text messages and have no idea what you have done! Although that's never actually happened to me...
I remember this night, I may have been a tad bored, not one bit tired, even though it was about midnight. Therefore I decided this would be the perfect time to go tattoo googling, I found a pretty good selection. Most of them are pretty self explanatory, most of them are music. You all know about my love for tacos, and if you don't, well I love them. I plan to make the monkey's face a pig's face instead, also based on my love of pigs. I have a nickname based on the fact that I smile like the Cheshire cat, Kitty. Maybe I should sign out as Kitty from now on, that would keep things interesting. The only problem is that I feel like I'm going to run out of wrists. Anybody not using their wrists and would like to donate to me? No no I'm only kidding, cut cakes not wrists.
Moving along my photos as some of them are quite strange and I'm not going to lie, a lot of them may be selfies. Basically I took a photo of objects in my room (Maybe I should do a "What's in my room" post?) and tried on a dress that made me look shapeless. Love shopping.
You love the eyes? Why thank you, sometimes a mistake can inspire you to create scary gnomes rather than pretty ones. I tried to paint on black eyebrows, it went too thick, I thought white paint would work over it, turns out it makes the paint grey. More people can relate to Iti B than if she were perfect, I mean, we've all had that photo where our eyes are red.
I also felt very bakery like in my spare time. I felt artsy, bakery, but never felt writesy? Not sure what happened there.
My aunty gave me a cake pop baking set for my birthday and having never made cake pops, took the set and gave it a whirl. I do believe they turned out very nice actually. Other than the fact that the icing dripped and the sticks didn't stick very well, I had a cute cake pop family! From left to right; Papa C, Mama P and lil CP.
I also baked banana bread, one of my specialities thanks to the family leaving bananas around to overripe. But that never made it to a photo before everyone gobbled it up. I didn't even get to name it.
That's just parts of my life that you've been missing out on. There have been boring train trips resulting in starburst towers, sunny days and rainy days, a lot of ice cream with chocolate topping. I have a busy weekend as I might finally be getting a job thanks to the wonderful caseycat. I am performing at a music festival with my wonderful band The Tangerines. Yes we came up with terrific name ourselves. And I'm sure I'll be doing a whole lot of finger exercising thanks to Instagram.
Met this girl on a window. She was a bit stuck. |
Bye for now but not forever.
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Romeo and Juliet
Hey Blogging World
We have just recently started Romeo and Juliet in English and even though I said I wouldn't be writing any more about emotions, this is too good not to talk about it. The 1968 movie is wonderful. Over the top acting and two teenagers who love each other enough to kill themselves in the end. But I must admit, I do love it.
I am a huge shakespeare fan and the man was incredibly smart to come up with a story as such, oh and just to make it clear for all the confused people, no the movie is not based on a true story. We have the book and are starting to read it tomorrow, commence the war on who will be Juliet. But before that we had to come up with a movie, retelling the story in 120 seconds.
I am pretty happy with my movie. It basically involves a whole bunch of snapshots from the scenes and music that tells the story in a weird and wonderful way. The playlist consists of:
Kung Fu Fighting
Who's that Girl
All You Need is Love
Marry You
The Fighter
Thunder sound effects
Neutron Star Collision
By the time it has taken me to complete this post we are up to Act 3. Life has been hectic.
La Vie Vivante.
We have just recently started Romeo and Juliet in English and even though I said I wouldn't be writing any more about emotions, this is too good not to talk about it. The 1968 movie is wonderful. Over the top acting and two teenagers who love each other enough to kill themselves in the end. But I must admit, I do love it.
I am a huge shakespeare fan and the man was incredibly smart to come up with a story as such, oh and just to make it clear for all the confused people, no the movie is not based on a true story. We have the book and are starting to read it tomorrow, commence the war on who will be Juliet. But before that we had to come up with a movie, retelling the story in 120 seconds.
I am pretty happy with my movie. It basically involves a whole bunch of snapshots from the scenes and music that tells the story in a weird and wonderful way. The playlist consists of:
Kung Fu Fighting
Who's that Girl
All You Need is Love
Marry You
The Fighter
Thunder sound effects
Neutron Star Collision
By the time it has taken me to complete this post we are up to Act 3. Life has been hectic.
La Vie Vivante.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Too Many Emotions
Hey Blogging World
Here is the post I began to write on Monday:
How are you? I never really ask you that question. School has begun again for Australian youngsters and I am not happy about it one bit. However I have been in an exceptionally wonderful mood today.
I was in an amazing mood on Monday, this was with every other aspect than the school part. I think it was due to the fact that I have bought incredibly without a doubt love them with all my heart new albums and songs. Albums consist of Triple J Hottest 100: 20 years and The 1975. Of course the 1975 has songs by the band themselves, but I was blown away at the monstrosity of excellent music by an assortment of excellent artists!
I also bought four new songs: White Walls, which even though you all may be disgusted in me, I am obsessed with this song and love singing it in my own way. Nine in the Afternoon by Pan!c at the Disco. I have always loved this song and the fact that I can listen to it whenever and wherever I want (providing I have my iPod with me) is just lovely to say the least. Pumpin Blood by NONONO. Am I the only one who thinks they have a great band name? I heard this song on the radio, instantaneously fell in love with it, but didn't know what it was called. As soon as I remembered it was onto my iPod. It's one of those songs that make you want to dance around your room like a fool and forget about everything. The last but certainly not least, Miserable at Best by Mayday Parade. I love this band. I love this song. Goosebumps.
I didn't think about writing a post on Tuesday until it became Wednesday. My emotions that night ran incredibly high, too many words said. That's the problem, words. Your brain registers what is written and triggers emotions that it feels is necessary in accordance to the word. I however, do not appreciate my brain for this.
And Wednesday, today. I feel as though this is the right time because my friend and I completely went bananas after drinking a bottle of water. There was obviously something wrong with that water. But at that point, the only emotion I felt was happy. And it felt good! I don't want to continue writing emotional post after emotional post to bore you all. I've decided the only emotion I will feel from now on is happy. Maybe angry when it suits, sad where needed, love if we want a plot twist. But happy is the main one. Only happy, and a few (or a lot) others.
La Vie Vivante.
Here is the post I began to write on Monday:
How are you? I never really ask you that question. School has begun again for Australian youngsters and I am not happy about it one bit. However I have been in an exceptionally wonderful mood today.
I was in an amazing mood on Monday, this was with every other aspect than the school part. I think it was due to the fact that I have bought incredibly without a doubt love them with all my heart new albums and songs. Albums consist of Triple J Hottest 100: 20 years and The 1975. Of course the 1975 has songs by the band themselves, but I was blown away at the monstrosity of excellent music by an assortment of excellent artists!
I also bought four new songs: White Walls, which even though you all may be disgusted in me, I am obsessed with this song and love singing it in my own way. Nine in the Afternoon by Pan!c at the Disco. I have always loved this song and the fact that I can listen to it whenever and wherever I want (providing I have my iPod with me) is just lovely to say the least. Pumpin Blood by NONONO. Am I the only one who thinks they have a great band name? I heard this song on the radio, instantaneously fell in love with it, but didn't know what it was called. As soon as I remembered it was onto my iPod. It's one of those songs that make you want to dance around your room like a fool and forget about everything. The last but certainly not least, Miserable at Best by Mayday Parade. I love this band. I love this song. Goosebumps.
I didn't think about writing a post on Tuesday until it became Wednesday. My emotions that night ran incredibly high, too many words said. That's the problem, words. Your brain registers what is written and triggers emotions that it feels is necessary in accordance to the word. I however, do not appreciate my brain for this.

La Vie Vivante.
Friday, 4 October 2013
Mixed Emotions
Hey Blogging World
A Conversation with a Friend.
Me: Hey
Friend: Who's this?
Me: Annalise? Is this not (friend's name)?
Friend: No?
Me: May I ask whom it is then?
Friend: This is pizzeria. I don't know how you got this number, but if you don't want to order, please leave.
Me: Where is this pizzeria located?
Friend: Originally Long Beach California. Our Australian stores are rebranded as a different pizzeria in Sydney.
Me: Do you do home deliveries?
Friend: Yes but only within a 20km radius of our store.
Me: Oh So I guess (my address here) doesn't fit in that radius then?
Friend: I'm trying to run a business here sh!t face, you obviously aren't ordering, I'm stopping this now.
Me: Okay well one last thing, this person I knew had this number, do you have any idea how it changed?
Friend: We only just got this line number, possible we have their old one.
Me: Oh okay, look I'm sorry for hassling you, thought this was their number and thought we were friends so kinda wanted to have a normal conversation with them for once, guess that won't be happening. Sorry again and good luck with your business...
Friend: This was fun. How are you?
The conversation was slightly tweaked in order to keep identities safe and pizza places that may or may not be real in business.
The thing is, I'm tired. Very emotional at the moment and just not sure how to feel. Should I be mad with them? I mean, I kind of knew it wasn't real the whole time, pizza places don't usually text their customers or call them names, so they blew it.
Or should I laugh at it? It wasn't that funny though. A lot more jokes could have been placed in there or something like a photo of a dancing llama to just lighten the mood. Or maybe because I'm too tired I just didn't see the funny side of it.
Should I commend their cleverness? They had obviously done their research on this pizza topic and figured out name, location, home delivery radius! Either excellent planning or amazing improvisation.
La Vie Vivante.
A Conversation with a Friend.
Me: Hey
Friend: Who's this?
Me: Annalise? Is this not (friend's name)?
Friend: No?
Me: May I ask whom it is then?
Friend: This is pizzeria. I don't know how you got this number, but if you don't want to order, please leave.
Me: Where is this pizzeria located?
Friend: Originally Long Beach California. Our Australian stores are rebranded as a different pizzeria in Sydney.
Me: Do you do home deliveries?
Friend: Yes but only within a 20km radius of our store.
Me: Oh So I guess (my address here) doesn't fit in that radius then?
Friend: I'm trying to run a business here sh!t face, you obviously aren't ordering, I'm stopping this now.
Me: Okay well one last thing, this person I knew had this number, do you have any idea how it changed?
Friend: We only just got this line number, possible we have their old one.
Me: Oh okay, look I'm sorry for hassling you, thought this was their number and thought we were friends so kinda wanted to have a normal conversation with them for once, guess that won't be happening. Sorry again and good luck with your business...
Friend: This was fun. How are you?
The conversation was slightly tweaked in order to keep identities safe and pizza places that may or may not be real in business.
The thing is, I'm tired. Very emotional at the moment and just not sure how to feel. Should I be mad with them? I mean, I kind of knew it wasn't real the whole time, pizza places don't usually text their customers or call them names, so they blew it.
Or should I laugh at it? It wasn't that funny though. A lot more jokes could have been placed in there or something like a photo of a dancing llama to just lighten the mood. Or maybe because I'm too tired I just didn't see the funny side of it.
Should I commend their cleverness? They had obviously done their research on this pizza topic and figured out name, location, home delivery radius! Either excellent planning or amazing improvisation.
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 30 September 2013
So I may have forgotten..
Hey Blogging World
Free wifi has been tight in these places so I apologize for not posting anything. I am also sorry for the fact that I am a terrible diary writing keeper. The best thing about a blog is I don't have to keep a schedule for it! Well I'm not sure of you're actually supposed to. The thing is, I may have written day one (which was posted) then forgot to continue the days that continued. It probably would have been boring anyway. I have decided I will give you a summary of the days gone by and the fun of going on a road trip.
We have had some good times in the car. There's been laughter over really bad jokes, really bad singing to wonderful songs, really bad singing to terrible songs too. But it hasn't all been smooth sailing, not that we've been sailing but you get what I mean. My little brother and I have had our moments, not enough space in the car for the two of us. But I'm not implying we're fat! We should be though with the amount of maccas stops along the road! My dad has been an excellent driver, but a not so excellent sign reader. We have got lost a few times, but with his (not so) calm head and (really not) soft voice we have reached our destination (eventually).
The only other bad thing about cars and road trips is they allow for too much thinking time. Now I'm not going to get too personal here because what I think about should not be put out on the World Wide Web for all to see, I would never live down the embarrasment. It's just been strange, with nothing else really to do my head just explodes with thoughts on life, and weird thoughts too. All those what if questions come back to you, those unanswered questions. I really do think I think too much, but that's just another thought. Thinking comes in handy when I have to write an interesting post to you all, so make sure to tell me if my thinking is heading in the right direction. Not one direction, the right direction.
Funny things. So much that has happened should not be put online. Let's just say my family is not the most classiest or the most sane, but we do know how to have fun. Car races throughout theaquarium, corny photos putting heads through the boards, even my dad making a strawberry sing. A lot of those 'you had to be there' moments I guess. We have been having a blast but only a few more days, then home sweet home. As far as I'm concerned though, we can stay at this place forever with free wifi.
The moral of this post: (because every post should actually have a purpose, shouldn't it?)
Always have space in the car, never think you think too much, never stop having fun and make sure free wifi is at the top of your must list for hotels.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Radical Road Trip (Day 1)
Hey blogging world
Sunday 22nd September
You must realise the dedication that is going into writing this and remembering the happenings of each day. Feel privelaged that I am scavenging for any small bit of wifi to write to you all.
As you know I'm on my road trip at the moment, first day in and we have been having heaps of fun. I have been making the most out of my brand new moustache onesie, which are surprisingly comfy. So comfortable that I have worn it while taking a photo with the smurfs. I got a tad excited when my brother sighted them, forgot what I was wearing and sprinted to them for a photo. I even received a free balloon out of it! (Boy, weren't they great in the car...)
We stopped at a few little towns, looked around, are some damn good hedgehog, a mighty huge milkshake and arrived at our hotel just before night fell. Excitement hit when mum brought in the wifi password. Much to my dismay, it wouldn't work properly! How I am going to survive, I'm not sure. At least I have my music.
Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to upload all my music onto my new iPod. Not that I am complaining, what I did put on there is amazing.
My survival music:
The neighbourhood- amazing band. Love them to bits. They are just so unique and their lyrics are so strange but also relatable.
Muse- I absolutely love Muse. After I got vouchers for my birthday, one of the first things I did was going to the store to purchase the newest album. I am not disappointed. Their sound is incredible and for those of you who don't know, I am going to their concert!!
The 1975- Listen to them. That's all I can say. The titles of the songs may be deceiving, but the music is amazing.
OneRepublic- Their new song Something I need is constantly stuck in my head, makes me overly happy and I always want to sing along, which isn't all that great in a car. But it is wonderful.
It has been very good so far, but a long and very tiring day. We are back in the car tomorrow so hopefully our next destination has better wifi! I'm sure I will have more stories for you, with my family, something hilarious is bound to happen. Oh and one more rather exciting thing! I saw/met/got a photograph with Mike Smith, the actor who plays Cal on Winners and Losers! For those of you who don't know, that's cool.
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Road Trip
Hey Blogging World
I apologise for not posting lately and I am also about to apologize as I am writing to tell you I may not be posing for another week, due to a rather exciting family holiday!! I will try and keep you up to date while on the road trip (wherever I can get free wifi) but have lovely holidays for those of you in Australia, sorry people of America but as you were on holidays, we were stuck in those boring classrooms five days a week. It's just time to swap over now!
Stay happy and keep smiling
La Vie Vivante.
I apologise for not posting lately and I am also about to apologize as I am writing to tell you I may not be posing for another week, due to a rather exciting family holiday!! I will try and keep you up to date while on the road trip (wherever I can get free wifi) but have lovely holidays for those of you in Australia, sorry people of America but as you were on holidays, we were stuck in those boring classrooms five days a week. It's just time to swap over now!
Stay happy and keep smiling
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 16 September 2013
Friday, 13 September 2013
Mia and Twig: The Beginning
Hey Blogging World
If any of you are keeping up to date, you will see that I have a new page, but also the fact that the post I wrote the other day, beginning a story has been replaced by this message. I figured that instead of you having to flick through posts, you may as well just read what I write as I continue writing it on that page as it will be a lot easier for you then! Therefore the beginning has been put over there and I will be sure to write the next bit up for you too. I am really excited about this as I have a feeling it might be a good story. We are watching Romeo and Juliet in English at the moment, so hopefully the story won't end up turning out like that.
Short post, but keep an eye peeled for more.
Yes that's right, just one eye. The other may do what it pleases.
La Vie Vivante.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
DAY 30
Hey Blogging World
Day 30: Your highs and lows of this month.
Oh my gosh. We have done it. Finally, we have made it to the last day of the thirty day blogging challenge. I would just like to thank all my fans and my parents for being so supportive...
Okay okay, I realise we are not at the logies but I really am so happy and so thankful for any of you that have been reading these posts and following along with me on this not so difficult but turned out to be difficult challenge. I have fallen behind, (Many a time) and I have been organised and ahead, (only once) but finally I have reached the end. I did not plan for that last sentence to rhyme, I promise. But the last prompt is one of the ones I am not particularly fond of. Although it is a perfect day to end this as today is my....
Sweet Sixteen. Wouldn't really call myself sweet but anywho. I thought I could use this to my advantage and talk about the highs and lows of this month, but only use today as this month.
Highs: Well it was my birthday so that makes it pretty wonderful in itself, and all the lovely people who wish you a happy birthday and make you jelly slice and cupcakes and buy you snakes and write all over the whiteboard so everyone can get their nice little message across to you. I just love birthdays.
I also love when people don't know it's your birthday and they have this entire conversation with you, then someone else says happy birthday to you and they break down in apologetic words and wish you a happy birthday over and over again! Sounds a bit harsh of me but that happened today and I was just cracking up laughing every time.
Low: I guess the only low will be that I'm not fifteen any more and the fact that I am growing up. Although I know that I will always be a kid at heart and I don't think any number will ever change that/
So there you have it. We are done. Not with the whole blog, I will be sure to keep writing to you all. But it's going to be a little different, just general writing, whatever interests me. I hope you all stay interested, and as I have said before, if you have anything you want me to write about then leave a comment and I will do my best to make it wonderful for you. Wonderful. I have been using that word a lot lately.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 30: Your highs and lows of this month.
Oh my gosh. We have done it. Finally, we have made it to the last day of the thirty day blogging challenge. I would just like to thank all my fans and my parents for being so supportive...
Okay okay, I realise we are not at the logies but I really am so happy and so thankful for any of you that have been reading these posts and following along with me on this not so difficult but turned out to be difficult challenge. I have fallen behind, (Many a time) and I have been organised and ahead, (only once) but finally I have reached the end. I did not plan for that last sentence to rhyme, I promise. But the last prompt is one of the ones I am not particularly fond of. Although it is a perfect day to end this as today is my....
Sweet Sixteen. Wouldn't really call myself sweet but anywho. I thought I could use this to my advantage and talk about the highs and lows of this month, but only use today as this month.
Highs: Well it was my birthday so that makes it pretty wonderful in itself, and all the lovely people who wish you a happy birthday and make you jelly slice and cupcakes and buy you snakes and write all over the whiteboard so everyone can get their nice little message across to you. I just love birthdays.
I also love when people don't know it's your birthday and they have this entire conversation with you, then someone else says happy birthday to you and they break down in apologetic words and wish you a happy birthday over and over again! Sounds a bit harsh of me but that happened today and I was just cracking up laughing every time.
Low: I guess the only low will be that I'm not fifteen any more and the fact that I am growing up. Although I know that I will always be a kid at heart and I don't think any number will ever change that/
So there you have it. We are done. Not with the whole blog, I will be sure to keep writing to you all. But it's going to be a little different, just general writing, whatever interests me. I hope you all stay interested, and as I have said before, if you have anything you want me to write about then leave a comment and I will do my best to make it wonderful for you. Wonderful. I have been using that word a lot lately.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 29 - Almost Done!
Hey Blogging World
Day 29: Goals for the next 30 days.
Day 29: Goals for the next 30 days.
Well I am almost there and I am actually keeping up to date with it! I am pretty happy with myself and proud of myself for keeping it up but I'm not particularly happy about today's post.
The thing is, I don't really believe in goals or like the sound of goals because they just seem pointless to me. I know when I'm going to do things and I will do them at my own pace, therefore I don't need to have a set out schedule of all the things I am going to have completed and the way in which they must be completed and when. But they can be useful at times so I will give them a go for you today.
I am going to try and continue writing at least 4 times a week to you as I have really enjoyed this challenge because it really made me write even if I wasn't in the mood. The reason I say at least four times is I can get a bit busy, as I'm sure you could tell when I was doing catch up posts throughout the challenge. This will still give me enough time with you and I have some new things I want to try out, but if there is anything you want to see me writing about, reviewing, arguing about then don't hesitate to comment ad I will try my best to grant your wishes.
I guess I don't really have any other goals in terms of my blog. I would also like to start sharing more of my own photography with you actually, rather than the google images you are getting. So perhaps I will try that. You never know, the thirty day photo challenge might be next...
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1st instalment of original photography with help of Photo editor app. |
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Missing Day 28
Hey Blogging World
Day 28: Something that you miss.
Well this is pretty obvious so I might put in a couple of things that I miss.
I miss Lorne. My friends that I hang out there, the sunny days in which we can all go down to the beach or up the street for a magnificent slushie. I miss all that but it's okay because with Abby's help we are counting down and it is almost in the double digits!! To see everyone again will be so wonderful because that is half of what make up Lorne for me, the amazing people that I have met and will continue to meet.
Day 28: Something that you miss.
Well this is pretty obvious so I might put in a couple of things that I miss.
I miss Lorne. My friends that I hang out there, the sunny days in which we can all go down to the beach or up the street for a magnificent slushie. I miss all that but it's okay because with Abby's help we are counting down and it is almost in the double digits!! To see everyone again will be so wonderful because that is half of what make up Lorne for me, the amazing people that I have met and will continue to meet.
I will miss being 15. I am turning 16 tomorrow which is rather exciting (probably half the reason why I can't sleep, that and I didn't want this post to be even later than it already is!) I like, no I love, the idea of a birthday but I don't particularly like the idea of growing up, although 16 won't be too bad. I think I just love being a teenager overall and so as that ticks away I will miss it more and more.
I try not to miss things because it's just looking back on the past and we should always aim to be living in the present which is exactly what I am going to do tomorrow!
Sweet 16 and never been kissed, or have I?
La Vie Vivante.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Problematic Day 27
Hey Blogging World
Day 27: A problem that you have had.
This is also a little difficult as I don't want to delve too deep into my personal life but I don't really want to give you all a puny little problem either. Or maybe I might. Okay, I will. But it has a good solution to it and a nice moral so y'all are gonna listen up, ya hear me?
Yesterday I lost my myki card. Now for those of you who don't know what a myki card is, it's a card that allows you to use public transport, such as buses. I had to catch a bus into the city to meet mum, was rushing around my house with two minutes to leave, had everything, went to run out the door, checked my phone case for my myki card... It wasn't there. Quickly run back in the house and tear my bedroom apart, break into tears as the clock turns over to 2:03pm and I realise the bus would have already gone past.
I was agitated. In myself, I had lost my myki card which really is just another thing added to the list of items I have 'misplaced.' I was mad at the public transport company for making it compulsory to have a card because apparently it makes it easier to 'swipe on' and 'swipe off''. Pffft, the only thing it was useful for was getting lost. Then I thought to myself, people in third world countries would never be having this problem. They don't have myki cards so they wouldn't have to worry about keeping them safe. If they want to get somewhere, they walk. Which is exactly what I decided to do.
I put on my runners, packed my good clothes in my bag along with a water bottle and some food, I almost felt like I was running away from home. I text my mum to tell her what was happening and began to walk. It also helped the fact that I am doing Steptember for the moment so it increased my step count a lot. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I will inform you in a post soon to come. Anyway, my mum rang me up as I was about 30 minutes into the journey and told me it was still going to take me another two hours to walk into the city and I was crazy. But I was determined to keep going. I had one song on repeat for most of the time:
I am obsessed.
To end the story, I managed to get where I needed to be in 1 hour and 50 minutes, forty minutes shorter than my mum expected me. And it was a pretty fun walk! Even if walking for just under two hours can sound fun. That was a problem I had, but I overcame it with a few tears, a fair bit of sweat, and a whole lot of charge on my phone for music.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 27: A problem that you have had.
This is also a little difficult as I don't want to delve too deep into my personal life but I don't really want to give you all a puny little problem either. Or maybe I might. Okay, I will. But it has a good solution to it and a nice moral so y'all are gonna listen up, ya hear me?
Yesterday I lost my myki card. Now for those of you who don't know what a myki card is, it's a card that allows you to use public transport, such as buses. I had to catch a bus into the city to meet mum, was rushing around my house with two minutes to leave, had everything, went to run out the door, checked my phone case for my myki card... It wasn't there. Quickly run back in the house and tear my bedroom apart, break into tears as the clock turns over to 2:03pm and I realise the bus would have already gone past.
I was agitated. In myself, I had lost my myki card which really is just another thing added to the list of items I have 'misplaced.' I was mad at the public transport company for making it compulsory to have a card because apparently it makes it easier to 'swipe on' and 'swipe off''. Pffft, the only thing it was useful for was getting lost. Then I thought to myself, people in third world countries would never be having this problem. They don't have myki cards so they wouldn't have to worry about keeping them safe. If they want to get somewhere, they walk. Which is exactly what I decided to do.
I put on my runners, packed my good clothes in my bag along with a water bottle and some food, I almost felt like I was running away from home. I text my mum to tell her what was happening and began to walk. It also helped the fact that I am doing Steptember for the moment so it increased my step count a lot. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I will inform you in a post soon to come. Anyway, my mum rang me up as I was about 30 minutes into the journey and told me it was still going to take me another two hours to walk into the city and I was crazy. But I was determined to keep going. I had one song on repeat for most of the time:
I am obsessed.
To end the story, I managed to get where I needed to be in 1 hour and 50 minutes, forty minutes shorter than my mum expected me. And it was a pretty fun walk! Even if walking for just under two hours can sound fun. That was a problem I had, but I overcame it with a few tears, a fair bit of sweat, and a whole lot of charge on my phone for music.
La Vie Vivante.
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Attracting Day 26
Hey Blogging World
Day 26: What kind of person attracts you.
Now I hope you have all seen the post I did on the five most attractive celebrities according to moi, and if you haven't then I suggest you do as it is my best looking post I have done so far. But that doesn't mean they are all my sort of guy. I mean yeah, they are damn good looking but I don't know anything about their personality and I'm one of those people who like a good personality rather than just a pretty face. Although a pretty face is always nice.
What A Guy Needs To Be:
Day 26: What kind of person attracts you.
Now I hope you have all seen the post I did on the five most attractive celebrities according to moi, and if you haven't then I suggest you do as it is my best looking post I have done so far. But that doesn't mean they are all my sort of guy. I mean yeah, they are damn good looking but I don't know anything about their personality and I'm one of those people who like a good personality rather than just a pretty face. Although a pretty face is always nice.
What A Guy Needs To Be:
- Funny: This one is pretty self explanatory. If a guy ain't funny, then buh-bye. It's just so boring being around serious people who are constantly having the same serious conversation about politics, racism etc. Yes, I know they are big topics and I'm not saying that we shouldn't address them because they need to be spoken about, but non stop? Everyone needs to have a laugh, it's healthy for you.
- Musical: He has got to love music. And I don't mean just 'oh yeah I like this band a lot and I saw this band live last year'. I'm looking for ' I play this instrument and I practice constantly every night to this song and that song and I feel like if I'm not listening/playing/thinking about music then a part of me is missing' kind of guy. I'm starting to sound a bit fussy.
- Smart: Even though he has to be funny he also must be smart. I don't mean that he has to be crazy Albert Einstein going to create the next big thing smart, but some brains never hurt anyone. I really just have to be able to hold a conversation with them. If he is there going on about how good his hair looks or how the sky looks blue today, then I'm going to get bored quickly and my departure will be just as quick.
They are really the personality traits that I think would attract me most in a guy. Of course all the other things like kind, honest, friendly etc. come along with that but unfortunately there are not a lot of guys out there in the world who tick all the boxes, or they are just hiding from me. Yep, that's it, they all know what I look for in a guy now so they will all just be the opposite of that. Great.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 25
Hey Blogging World
Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why.
A person who fascinates me. Hmmm...
I would have to say that Albert Einstein fascinates me for some weird reason. I guess I just think that he was a really clever man who was also a complete nutter. In other words, I can relate well to him.
I wanted to know more about this crazy genius so I googled "Ten random facts about Albert Einstein" and picked out the ones I liked to expand on.
No socks: A part of Einstein's whole profile was his crazy look. Not only did he have the uncombed hair look happening, but he never wore socks. He believed that if you had socks and shoes that you should only wear one, what's the point in wearing both?
Einstein was not always seen as one of the smartest men to take the world. He didn't speak until the age of four and wasn't fluent until the age of nine. He failed all subjects except for science and maths and he was always seen as not being serious about his studies. One teacher even referred to him as a lazy dog. That teacher would have been a bit embarrassed years later.
He loved sailing, but never learnt how to swim.
He loved playing his violin which he called Luna. But this was only after he heard the music of Mozart that he actually enjoyed playing, his mother had been trying to get him to play for years.
The man did say some clever things which are such valuable quotes in life for us now. That's what I love about many quotes, it doesn't matter when they were said or who they were said by, they are still going to be relevant to the people of today and will continue to be important for future generations.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why.
A person who fascinates me. Hmmm...
I would have to say that Albert Einstein fascinates me for some weird reason. I guess I just think that he was a really clever man who was also a complete nutter. In other words, I can relate well to him.
I wanted to know more about this crazy genius so I googled "Ten random facts about Albert Einstein" and picked out the ones I liked to expand on.
No socks: A part of Einstein's whole profile was his crazy look. Not only did he have the uncombed hair look happening, but he never wore socks. He believed that if you had socks and shoes that you should only wear one, what's the point in wearing both?
Einstein was not always seen as one of the smartest men to take the world. He didn't speak until the age of four and wasn't fluent until the age of nine. He failed all subjects except for science and maths and he was always seen as not being serious about his studies. One teacher even referred to him as a lazy dog. That teacher would have been a bit embarrassed years later.
He loved sailing, but never learnt how to swim.
He loved playing his violin which he called Luna. But this was only after he heard the music of Mozart that he actually enjoyed playing, his mother had been trying to get him to play for years.
The man did say some clever things which are such valuable quotes in life for us now. That's what I love about many quotes, it doesn't matter when they were said or who they were said by, they are still going to be relevant to the people of today and will continue to be important for future generations.
La Vie Vivante.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Movie Time
Hey Blogging World
Day 24: Your favourite movie and what it's about.
I have many favourite movies so this is a bit of a hard one for me, some of them I have already spoken about briefly, or a lot, (Billy Maddison) so I wanted to find one that I have not mentioned at all in earlier posts. Therefore I decided to look at my DVD collection which is rather small and find one that I really like and drum roll please...
500 Days of Summer. Now I am constantly broke so if I buy a movie it means I really like it, which is the case for this movie. Either that or it may have been on sale for $10 so it wasn't too expensive. Either way this is a fabulous movie that I have watched on many occasions.
It is about a boy and a girl, who's name is Summer. The movie basically tells the story of their lives, how they intertwine and break apart. I'm not sure what else to really say about it as if I say anymore it will just spoil the whole movie for you.
One of the reasons I really love it, and this is going to sound dumb, but in the opening credits they play Regina Spektor's Us which is a fabulous song and I love Regina Spektor so it just makes the movie a whole lot better, even though it's still wonderful.
I also love the fact that we are told this is not a love story. It is a story about love. Now I am so sick of all the romantic movies these days when boy meets girl, obstacle in the way stopping them from being together, jump over the obstacle, boy and girl together. It is so predictable and so boring! This movie doesn't end the way you would expect it to, but I still believe it has a nice ending and it leaves the audience walking away happy, which is what a movie should always do in the end.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 24: Your favourite movie and what it's about.
I have many favourite movies so this is a bit of a hard one for me, some of them I have already spoken about briefly, or a lot, (Billy Maddison) so I wanted to find one that I have not mentioned at all in earlier posts. Therefore I decided to look at my DVD collection which is rather small and find one that I really like and drum roll please...
500 Days of Summer. Now I am constantly broke so if I buy a movie it means I really like it, which is the case for this movie. Either that or it may have been on sale for $10 so it wasn't too expensive. Either way this is a fabulous movie that I have watched on many occasions.
It is about a boy and a girl, who's name is Summer. The movie basically tells the story of their lives, how they intertwine and break apart. I'm not sure what else to really say about it as if I say anymore it will just spoil the whole movie for you.
One of the reasons I really love it, and this is going to sound dumb, but in the opening credits they play Regina Spektor's Us which is a fabulous song and I love Regina Spektor so it just makes the movie a whole lot better, even though it's still wonderful.
I also love the fact that we are told this is not a love story. It is a story about love. Now I am so sick of all the romantic movies these days when boy meets girl, obstacle in the way stopping them from being together, jump over the obstacle, boy and girl together. It is so predictable and so boring! This movie doesn't end the way you would expect it to, but I still believe it has a nice ending and it leaves the audience walking away happy, which is what a movie should always do in the end.
La Vie Vivante.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Attractive Day 23
Hey Blogging World
Day 23: Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
This is probably one of my favourite prompts out of all the prompts on the list.
Number 1: Now just so you know, these are in no particular order as I could never choose between them all! But to the lovely gentlemen.
Josh Hutcherson. An amazing actor and a very lovely looking young man. I'm not sure if there is much else to say about him. I don't exactly find the Hunger Games the best movie but having him in it does make the film a little better.

Number 2: Steven Motlop from the Geelong Cats football team. I would just like to thank Abby for this wonderful discovery as she was telling me about the wonderful men on the Cats team and sent me a photo through, I was hooked ever since. He actually is a very good football player as I have seen him (and his shiny legs) play before. But he also plays guitar and sings. Boy is he good! It's amazing because he is multitalented and just seems like a really nice guy. Although it's a bit awkward as he is 22 years old. This doesn't make it very legal, or at all legal for that matter.
Number 3: Alex Pettyfer is an amazing actor. I am trying not to make this about the looks entirely, even though I know that the prompt is based on that. I don't like just focusing on a person's looks as that isn't all there is to a person.
I genuinely think that you could Pettyfer in any role and he is able to play it. Although most of them contain him being the attractive male lead. Examples; Wild Child, Beastly and Magic Mike. Magic Mike... Don't even get me started on that amazingly wonderfully totally not a family type of movie.

Number 4: Jesse Rutherford from the Neighbourhood. He is the one right there ---->
Yes the one in front. I believe his looks are just an added bonus to what this guy can do. He has one of the most incredible voices and their band as a whole is just amazing. I would recommend listening to them as soon as possible. Now would be wonderful. Their song Sweater Weather is the most well known but just listen to all of them because they are bootifullll with their singing but also this guys looks. Seriously, you must see all his amazing tattoos.
Number 5: I could not go without putting this man on the top five. Ryan Gosling is one of the sexiest men alive. And I am not just saying that from my opinion. He is on the countless lists of the sexiest men of 2013. So I'm not the only girl who thinks he is good looking?
I realized today (as I wrote this post yesterday because I am so organised now!) that I forgot to put one very impressive guy up, but I also feel bad as this guy has passed on. Yes I am talking about the late, great, Heath Ledger. He was an amazing actor but also a wonderfully looking gentleman. Ten Things I Hate About You seems to be one the greatest movies I have seen.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 23: Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
This is probably one of my favourite prompts out of all the prompts on the list.
Number 1: Now just so you know, these are in no particular order as I could never choose between them all! But to the lovely gentlemen.
Josh Hutcherson. An amazing actor and a very lovely looking young man. I'm not sure if there is much else to say about him. I don't exactly find the Hunger Games the best movie but having him in it does make the film a little better.

Number 2: Steven Motlop from the Geelong Cats football team. I would just like to thank Abby for this wonderful discovery as she was telling me about the wonderful men on the Cats team and sent me a photo through, I was hooked ever since. He actually is a very good football player as I have seen him (and his shiny legs) play before. But he also plays guitar and sings. Boy is he good! It's amazing because he is multitalented and just seems like a really nice guy. Although it's a bit awkward as he is 22 years old. This doesn't make it very legal, or at all legal for that matter.
Number 3: Alex Pettyfer is an amazing actor. I am trying not to make this about the looks entirely, even though I know that the prompt is based on that. I don't like just focusing on a person's looks as that isn't all there is to a person.
I genuinely think that you could Pettyfer in any role and he is able to play it. Although most of them contain him being the attractive male lead. Examples; Wild Child, Beastly and Magic Mike. Magic Mike... Don't even get me started on that amazingly wonderfully totally not a family type of movie.

Number 4: Jesse Rutherford from the Neighbourhood. He is the one right there ---->
Yes the one in front. I believe his looks are just an added bonus to what this guy can do. He has one of the most incredible voices and their band as a whole is just amazing. I would recommend listening to them as soon as possible. Now would be wonderful. Their song Sweater Weather is the most well known but just listen to all of them because they are bootifullll with their singing but also this guys looks. Seriously, you must see all his amazing tattoos.
Number 5: I could not go without putting this man on the top five. Ryan Gosling is one of the sexiest men alive. And I am not just saying that from my opinion. He is on the countless lists of the sexiest men of 2013. So I'm not the only girl who thinks he is good looking?
I realized today (as I wrote this post yesterday because I am so organised now!) that I forgot to put one very impressive guy up, but I also feel bad as this guy has passed on. Yes I am talking about the late, great, Heath Ledger. He was an amazing actor but also a wonderfully looking gentleman. Ten Things I Hate About You seems to be one the greatest movies I have seen.
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Thought I would leave you with this :) |
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Changing - Day 22
Hey Blogging World
Day 22: How have you changed in the past 2 years?
I am in a pretty bad mood at the moment from something that just happened. It turns out I can't take criticism well when a lady comes in and says that I have to step back and be the sweet singer while the other singer takes power and tells the story. Therefore I am not in the best mood to write this post, so if it sounds a little moody, please forgive me.
I think I have changed in the fact that I am now more determined to get what I want. Two years ago I would have been happy to just float through everything, as I still am for some things. But I know when I want things now and I know the effort that I need to give in order to get there. People are not going to stop me from achieving these goals either.
I am a lot more positive on my outlook in life. Two years ago, as I was saying, I was simply floating through life and there were days when I didn't feel a whole lot and I wasn't that interested in many things. It really kicked in last year that I do need to be more positive in what I do. So I continuing to do this, but as you can see, sometimes people push my buttons and my positive outlook changes a little bit.
I don't even know how much I have changed! I got a haircut, long to short. But it has grown back to the length it almost was now. I'm not sure what else to say as I haven't really changed that much as far as I'm concerned. I have become more confident, also more whacky and I think my craziness has just escalated to the point where people call me mentally unstable.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 22: How have you changed in the past 2 years?
I am in a pretty bad mood at the moment from something that just happened. It turns out I can't take criticism well when a lady comes in and says that I have to step back and be the sweet singer while the other singer takes power and tells the story. Therefore I am not in the best mood to write this post, so if it sounds a little moody, please forgive me.
I think I have changed in the fact that I am now more determined to get what I want. Two years ago I would have been happy to just float through everything, as I still am for some things. But I know when I want things now and I know the effort that I need to give in order to get there. People are not going to stop me from achieving these goals either.
I am a lot more positive on my outlook in life. Two years ago, as I was saying, I was simply floating through life and there were days when I didn't feel a whole lot and I wasn't that interested in many things. It really kicked in last year that I do need to be more positive in what I do. So I continuing to do this, but as you can see, sometimes people push my buttons and my positive outlook changes a little bit.
I don't even know how much I have changed! I got a haircut, long to short. But it has grown back to the length it almost was now. I'm not sure what else to say as I haven't really changed that much as far as I'm concerned. I have become more confident, also more whacky and I think my craziness has just escalated to the point where people call me mentally unstable.
La Vie Vivante.
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Happy Fathers Day
Hey Blogging World
May I begin by saying Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. I have spoilt mine and I hope everyone else is doing the same. We all love our dads and they deserve this special day to sit back, relax and watch the footy. But isn't that what they do every Sunday?
Day 21: One of your favourite shows.
This is tricky as I am a bit of a t.v junky. At the moment I am watching Four Weddings Australia and just previously Wife Swap USA was on the wonderful television. I always say that if I were a vegetable I would be a potato because I love my couch. I love the shows Revenge, Twisted, Winners and Losers etc. but one of my all time favourites would have to be...
Gilmore Girls. The show follows the lives of Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter Lorelai, also known as Rory. Lorelai became pregnant at a young age so it shows the life of two women that seem like best friends most of the time, but of course every few episodes there is a little argument. It's okay though because usually the episode after they make up. The girls have their fair share of romance throughout the series, Lorelai dating the diner guy Luke and Rory's father Christopher on and off keeps the audience choosing their side like Team Edward and Jacob. Then there is Rory's love life, first love as a teenager makes us all aww for her. It's almost as if we get to see Rory grow up just like Lorelai does. Lorelai gets by with the wonderful help of her best friend Suki, otherwise known as Melissa McCarthy.
Indeed, the once adorable Suki on Gilmore Girls has turned into a crazy bridesmaid, a thief stealing identities into a crazy cop who is outrageously hilarious. I really think she is one of the best comedic actors at this time on screen. However all I can think of when I look at this actress cracking jokes, is this chef who was Lorelai's best friend, wife to Jackson and mother of two children in Gilmore Girls.
However in terms of movies, I would recommend seeing Identity Thief. I have heard that Bridesmaids is a hilarious movie even though I have not seen it. The Heat, however, is probably one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in the same movie, working together as crime fighting cops. I just loved it.
But back to the show. I think what I love most about Gilmore Girls is the fact that it just seems so real, and even though none of it is like me, I still feel as though I can relate to it all in my own way. You're left hooked after every episode and I would always run home after I got off the bus to arrive home and turn on the tv to find the most recent Gilmore Girls episode had been recorded. I was like a child at Christmas! I would recommend it to any teenage girl as you will laugh, cry and love watching the lives of these two amazing women.
La Vie Vivante.
May I begin by saying Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. I have spoilt mine and I hope everyone else is doing the same. We all love our dads and they deserve this special day to sit back, relax and watch the footy. But isn't that what they do every Sunday?
Day 21: One of your favourite shows.
This is tricky as I am a bit of a t.v junky. At the moment I am watching Four Weddings Australia and just previously Wife Swap USA was on the wonderful television. I always say that if I were a vegetable I would be a potato because I love my couch. I love the shows Revenge, Twisted, Winners and Losers etc. but one of my all time favourites would have to be...
Gilmore Girls. The show follows the lives of Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter Lorelai, also known as Rory. Lorelai became pregnant at a young age so it shows the life of two women that seem like best friends most of the time, but of course every few episodes there is a little argument. It's okay though because usually the episode after they make up. The girls have their fair share of romance throughout the series, Lorelai dating the diner guy Luke and Rory's father Christopher on and off keeps the audience choosing their side like Team Edward and Jacob. Then there is Rory's love life, first love as a teenager makes us all aww for her. It's almost as if we get to see Rory grow up just like Lorelai does. Lorelai gets by with the wonderful help of her best friend Suki, otherwise known as Melissa McCarthy.

However in terms of movies, I would recommend seeing Identity Thief. I have heard that Bridesmaids is a hilarious movie even though I have not seen it. The Heat, however, is probably one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in the same movie, working together as crime fighting cops. I just loved it.
But back to the show. I think what I love most about Gilmore Girls is the fact that it just seems so real, and even though none of it is like me, I still feel as though I can relate to it all in my own way. You're left hooked after every episode and I would always run home after I got off the bus to arrive home and turn on the tv to find the most recent Gilmore Girls episode had been recorded. I was like a child at Christmas! I would recommend it to any teenage girl as you will laugh, cry and love watching the lives of these two amazing women.
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The Cast. |
La Vie Vivante.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Day 20 is Important
Hey Blogging World
Day 20: How important you think education is.
I think education is very important. If I was not educated I would not be writing to you write now because I would not have the ability to write, nor would I be able to even read anything to know how to get onto this blog. You need it in everyday living; reading signs, communicating with others, buying things! Heck, where would us girls be if we didn't know about maths and being able to buy things accordingly!
Even though I am not the biggest fan of school and I know many people would want to be anywhere else, school is important because... well it's where the educating happens. It's not all bad, they give you a break from the educating and you get to make new friends and have fun at recess and lunchtime. It's also good because once you get to a certain point you are allowed to choose what you get educated in! There is actually a lot of choice at school and it's not all awful and boring. I appreciate school and the education that I am offered there because I know that there are people in there world who are not fortunate enough to receive the education that so many people loathe.
The sad reality is that there are countries in the world where children are not able to attend school or get an education. There are many factors that contribute to this such as there is no school nearby for the children to attend. For some kids they cannot afford to go to school as they have to stay home and help take care of the rest of the family. It's unfortunate and is something that needs to be changed. These kids are not only being affected at the time, but in the future they will find it difficult to get a job or even just get out of their community as they won't be able to do simple things such as reading and writing. There are people out there that will scam you if they don't think you are well educated. It's quite disturbing that this is the world we live in but it is the truth and it's an ugly truth that needs to be changed.
A big topic today. Hope I didn't make any brains hurt.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 20: How important you think education is.
I think education is very important. If I was not educated I would not be writing to you write now because I would not have the ability to write, nor would I be able to even read anything to know how to get onto this blog. You need it in everyday living; reading signs, communicating with others, buying things! Heck, where would us girls be if we didn't know about maths and being able to buy things accordingly!

The sad reality is that there are countries in the world where children are not able to attend school or get an education. There are many factors that contribute to this such as there is no school nearby for the children to attend. For some kids they cannot afford to go to school as they have to stay home and help take care of the rest of the family. It's unfortunate and is something that needs to be changed. These kids are not only being affected at the time, but in the future they will find it difficult to get a job or even just get out of their community as they won't be able to do simple things such as reading and writing. There are people out there that will scam you if they don't think you are well educated. It's quite disturbing that this is the world we live in but it is the truth and it's an ugly truth that needs to be changed.
A big topic today. Hope I didn't make any brains hurt.
La Vie Vivante.
Disrespecting Day 19
Hey Blogging World
Day 19: Disrespecting your parents.
Disrespecting is not a good thing, let alone disrespecting your parents! I don't think you should disrespect your parents as they are the people who raised you and guide you and all they really do is care about you. This is easier said than done.
I love my parents and I know that they love me and care about me, but sometimes I feel like they are against me and therefore I speak to them in a way which I usually regret afterwards. I think they know I am sorry for the things I say, but I like to remind them that I am every now and then. That's the thing, sometime we don't think before what we say and we might say or do something that we regret afterwards. But the most important thing is that you apologize for what you have done. And make sure you are sincere about it, there is nothing worse than someone apologizing because they feel like they have to, not because they actually want to.
I also know being a teenager is hard and we all want to fit in and be accepted by our peers. Sometimes this means doing things you wouldn't usually do, such as disrespecting your parents. This could be in the example of if you want to go to a party but your parents won't let you, so you sneak out or say you are going to a friend's house and sneak out in that way. We all want to be rebellious and do that sort of thing at times, but I can proudly say I have never done that or anything that bad to my parents. And being 'rebellious' won't get you anywhere. Sure, you may get a few friends that won't accept you if you're not you. Sure, you will most likely get in huge trouble with your parents who will end up trusting you less than they already do. Doesn't that sound like a real dealbreaker?
La Vie Vivante.
Day 19: Disrespecting your parents.
Disrespecting is not a good thing, let alone disrespecting your parents! I don't think you should disrespect your parents as they are the people who raised you and guide you and all they really do is care about you. This is easier said than done.
I love my parents and I know that they love me and care about me, but sometimes I feel like they are against me and therefore I speak to them in a way which I usually regret afterwards. I think they know I am sorry for the things I say, but I like to remind them that I am every now and then. That's the thing, sometime we don't think before what we say and we might say or do something that we regret afterwards. But the most important thing is that you apologize for what you have done. And make sure you are sincere about it, there is nothing worse than someone apologizing because they feel like they have to, not because they actually want to.
I also know being a teenager is hard and we all want to fit in and be accepted by our peers. Sometimes this means doing things you wouldn't usually do, such as disrespecting your parents. This could be in the example of if you want to go to a party but your parents won't let you, so you sneak out or say you are going to a friend's house and sneak out in that way. We all want to be rebellious and do that sort of thing at times, but I can proudly say I have never done that or anything that bad to my parents. And being 'rebellious' won't get you anywhere. Sure, you may get a few friends that won't accept you if you're not you. Sure, you will most likely get in huge trouble with your parents who will end up trusting you less than they already do. Doesn't that sound like a real dealbreaker?
La Vie Vivante.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Beliefs in Day 18
Hey Blogging World
Day 18: Your beliefs.
I believe in ghosts. They are real and I have heard of stories about ghosts being around from people who I believe are not insane. Going along with all those creepy things, I believe in the whole idea of luck and unluckiness. So seeing a black cat with green eyes freaks me out, walking underneath a ladder is a no no and if I were to break a mirror, I would hide in my bedroom for five years. In saying that, my favourite number is 13 so that kind of contradicts my beliefs in a way.
I do believe in the motto:
I think it is a wonderful way to live but it is really difficult to keep that belief at time because many people don't live like this. It is so hard to respect someone when they won't respect you, and at times you feel like just giving up on treating people like you would like to be treated because they don't return the favour. But you shouldn't give up because eventually, if everyone finally realizes that's the way that the whole world should be, maybe we might all be friends for once.
Not all my beliefs but just a few of them. Weird, whacky and valuable.
La Vie Vivante.
Day 18: Your beliefs.
I believe in ghosts. They are real and I have heard of stories about ghosts being around from people who I believe are not insane. Going along with all those creepy things, I believe in the whole idea of luck and unluckiness. So seeing a black cat with green eyes freaks me out, walking underneath a ladder is a no no and if I were to break a mirror, I would hide in my bedroom for five years. In saying that, my favourite number is 13 so that kind of contradicts my beliefs in a way.
I do believe in the motto:
I think it is a wonderful way to live but it is really difficult to keep that belief at time because many people don't live like this. It is so hard to respect someone when they won't respect you, and at times you feel like just giving up on treating people like you would like to be treated because they don't return the favour. But you shouldn't give up because eventually, if everyone finally realizes that's the way that the whole world should be, maybe we might all be friends for once.
Not all my beliefs but just a few of them. Weird, whacky and valuable.
La Vie Vivante.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Highs and Lows
Hey Blogging World
Today's prompt is another one of a sentimental one so I will try to find a way to make it half funny for you. I have actually been feeling unwell today so I spent half the day at home. But this gives me more time to write to you people of the internet!
Day 17: Your highs and lows of this past year.
See what I mean by the whole sentimental thing?
This past year I have had many high and lows. I go to Lorne as most of you know and there is a playground there which I love going on. I really am just a wee child at heart. I always feel really high when I am on that playground, especially when I am on the top of this twirly thing! But on the other hand, I feel low a lot of the time at the playground as I'm usually on the ground for most of it. Not because I am clumsy, which I am, but because I usually just fall to the ground from laughter or too much excitement. I'm not sure if it is the best thing for me, but meh.
Oh another thing about Lorne. (I feel like a lot of my high and lows happen there) My friends and I have a daily tradition of getting a slushie. Now I have a feeling that they are very sugar filled because usually after we have them, we are all feeling a little energetic after that. That's saying it nicely. But then I'm on a complete low when I have to leave Lorne as it is such an amazing place. Although you have heard about that in my Lorne post I guess.
I'm high when I am having fun. I'm low when I'm tired or sick. I'm high when I'm in a tower. I'm low when I'm lying on the ground. Maybe I'm never really in the middle?
La Vie Vivante.
Today's prompt is another one of a sentimental one so I will try to find a way to make it half funny for you. I have actually been feeling unwell today so I spent half the day at home. But this gives me more time to write to you people of the internet!
Day 17: Your highs and lows of this past year.
See what I mean by the whole sentimental thing?
This past year I have had many high and lows. I go to Lorne as most of you know and there is a playground there which I love going on. I really am just a wee child at heart. I always feel really high when I am on that playground, especially when I am on the top of this twirly thing! But on the other hand, I feel low a lot of the time at the playground as I'm usually on the ground for most of it. Not because I am clumsy, which I am, but because I usually just fall to the ground from laughter or too much excitement. I'm not sure if it is the best thing for me, but meh.
Oh another thing about Lorne. (I feel like a lot of my high and lows happen there) My friends and I have a daily tradition of getting a slushie. Now I have a feeling that they are very sugar filled because usually after we have them, we are all feeling a little energetic after that. That's saying it nicely. But then I'm on a complete low when I have to leave Lorne as it is such an amazing place. Although you have heard about that in my Lorne post I guess.
La Vie Vivante.
Day Sixteen - Mainstream Music
Hey Blogging World
I thought I would make it nice and colourful to show I am in a pretty happy mood. Well not really, more like I have been moody today. The bright colours represent my happiness and the dark colours represent my bored, annoyed, upset moods. But enough about life as a teen, onto the post prompt today!
Day 16: Your view on mainstream music.
Well this is a tough one. I'm not the biggest mainstream music fan. I have never been one to go with the crowd anyway so listening to that typical music of the 'duf duf'' or the three same words in the one song. But may I say that even though I don't necessarily like a lot of the songs, I do respect them still. Because of the new technology we have people are able to advance in music as well. It takes a lot of times to produce songs that have intricate beats in term of the equipment they use. I also do know that a lot of people like that music, making it mainstream, so I try not to judge them because everyone is allowed to have their own music taste.
I do that and surround yourself with a range of music that you like. I think that's the whole reason why they have different music styles so people can pick and choose and find different music that they like. It would be weird to just choose one style and say, "Okay this is the style I like and I don't like any other style." You would limit yourself so much!
Also, if everyone loved mainstream music, or everyone just loved rock music, then there wouldn't be any diversity in music which is what makes it so great! Music is like religion and different countries, well for me it's that because it's the way I want the world to be. Everyone should be able to like their own music, follow their own religion or belong to different countries, but we should all be able to come together and celebrate our differences and share them with one another. The thing I love the most is meeting someone with a different music taste to me and I just raid their iPod and they tell me all these songs to look up and I just fall in love with a whole different style of music. That's what makes it so wonderful.
La Vie Vivante.
I thought I would make it nice and colourful to show I am in a pretty happy mood. Well not really, more like I have been moody today. The bright colours represent my happiness and the dark colours represent my bored, annoyed, upset moods. But enough about life as a teen, onto the post prompt today!
Day 16: Your view on mainstream music.
Well this is a tough one. I'm not the biggest mainstream music fan. I have never been one to go with the crowd anyway so listening to that typical music of the 'duf duf'' or the three same words in the one song. But may I say that even though I don't necessarily like a lot of the songs, I do respect them still. Because of the new technology we have people are able to advance in music as well. It takes a lot of times to produce songs that have intricate beats in term of the equipment they use. I also do know that a lot of people like that music, making it mainstream, so I try not to judge them because everyone is allowed to have their own music taste.
I do that and surround yourself with a range of music that you like. I think that's the whole reason why they have different music styles so people can pick and choose and find different music that they like. It would be weird to just choose one style and say, "Okay this is the style I like and I don't like any other style." You would limit yourself so much!
Also, if everyone loved mainstream music, or everyone just loved rock music, then there wouldn't be any diversity in music which is what makes it so great! Music is like religion and different countries, well for me it's that because it's the way I want the world to be. Everyone should be able to like their own music, follow their own religion or belong to different countries, but we should all be able to come together and celebrate our differences and share them with one another. The thing I love the most is meeting someone with a different music taste to me and I just raid their iPod and they tell me all these songs to look up and I just fall in love with a whole different style of music. That's what makes it so wonderful.
La Vie Vivante.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Halfway Through
Hey Blogging World
It's the halfway point and may I say, I am just happy that I have gotten this far. After those days that I had missed, I could have easily given up. But I am quite proud that I didn't and I caught up to them. Although my friends did find it a bit funny that my blog had taken priority over my homework. Meh, there will always be another maths test.
Day 15: Your favourite Tumblrs.
And just when I thought that I was going well in this challenge...
See the problem that I have with this prompt is the fact that I don't have Tumblr. I don't know much about it other than that it is like a sharing site for photos and quotes, maybe blog posts as well? Therefore I can't really say my favourite Tumblrs as I don't even know many people that have it. I do know that most of the youtubers I spend half my time watching have Tumblr so if I did have it or took any interest in it, they would probably be my favourites.
So there you have it, I know this is a short post but besides blogging I really don't have many other ways to connect with the world. I don't even have Facebook! Apparently I'm not old enough... Not that I am wanting it that much anyway.
La Vie Vivante
It's the halfway point and may I say, I am just happy that I have gotten this far. After those days that I had missed, I could have easily given up. But I am quite proud that I didn't and I caught up to them. Although my friends did find it a bit funny that my blog had taken priority over my homework. Meh, there will always be another maths test.
Day 15: Your favourite Tumblrs.
And just when I thought that I was going well in this challenge...
See the problem that I have with this prompt is the fact that I don't have Tumblr. I don't know much about it other than that it is like a sharing site for photos and quotes, maybe blog posts as well? Therefore I can't really say my favourite Tumblrs as I don't even know many people that have it. I do know that most of the youtubers I spend half my time watching have Tumblr so if I did have it or took any interest in it, they would probably be my favourites.
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At least I know what the logo looks like. |
La Vie Vivante
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Day Fourteen - Back on Track
Hey Blogging World
Well you have heard about my whole day in the day twelve post so no need to repeat everything. I feel very glad to finally be back on track with my blogging and promise to make an effort to keep on track for the rest of the challenge. That might prove difficult and I can't promise that I will keep on track because as you have seen, I can be pretty busy at times. But I promised to make an effort and I shall stick to that promise.
Day 14: Your earliest memory
I love trying to think back to my childhood but the only problem with that is that I can never remember much about it. Besides the fact that I was an adorable child of course. I do love one particular memory the most though.
I remember when maybe I was three or four and I absolutely loved Hi-5. The original cast though, can't stand the people that come in and deceive those little kids by telling them they are "Hi-5". But I shall save my Hi-5 people rant for another post. Anyway, I'm not sure if any of you will remember the magic carpet song they always used to sing? I attempted to find it on YouTube, but no luck. So they sang this song about being on a magic carpet and they always looked like they were on, well I'm pretty sure they were on a regular carpet but the green screen showed blue clouds so I just presumed it was magical. As soon as the song came on I would run to my bedroom, grab a blanket, run back into the room where the song was playing and fly on my blanket with them. It was such a fun time. See how much I have changed! When I was little I would run to my bedroom to get a blanket for a thirty second song. Now I debate whether I really need that blanket in my bedroom to watch the two hour movie, even if it is freezing in the house.
La Vie Vivante
Well you have heard about my whole day in the day twelve post so no need to repeat everything. I feel very glad to finally be back on track with my blogging and promise to make an effort to keep on track for the rest of the challenge. That might prove difficult and I can't promise that I will keep on track because as you have seen, I can be pretty busy at times. But I promised to make an effort and I shall stick to that promise.
Day 14: Your earliest memory
I love trying to think back to my childhood but the only problem with that is that I can never remember much about it. Besides the fact that I was an adorable child of course. I do love one particular memory the most though.
I remember when maybe I was three or four and I absolutely loved Hi-5. The original cast though, can't stand the people that come in and deceive those little kids by telling them they are "Hi-5". But I shall save my Hi-5 people rant for another post. Anyway, I'm not sure if any of you will remember the magic carpet song they always used to sing? I attempted to find it on YouTube, but no luck. So they sang this song about being on a magic carpet and they always looked like they were on, well I'm pretty sure they were on a regular carpet but the green screen showed blue clouds so I just presumed it was magical. As soon as the song came on I would run to my bedroom, grab a blanket, run back into the room where the song was playing and fly on my blanket with them. It was such a fun time. See how much I have changed! When I was little I would run to my bedroom to get a blanket for a thirty second song. Now I debate whether I really need that blanket in my bedroom to watch the two hour movie, even if it is freezing in the house.
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The original cast. In case you didn't know. |
Day Thirteen - Another Catch Up Post
Hey Blogging World
If I was writing this to you when I should have been, (Yesterday) I would have been busy babysitting again in the night, getting over a traumatising haircut or at the movies with a friend. In other words, I couldn't write this to you yesterday.
Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit.
I know it may seem cliché but I have always loved France and I have actually already been there once with school, which kind of confirmed my love for it. Ever since I started learning french in prep, I fell in love with the language and therefore the country. I still learn it today and plan to take it all the way to year 12 and hopefully continue it in university as I would love to become fluent in it.
So after I become fluent in french I will be able to live there for a year (at least) and make my way around. If you look closely on the map you will see a town called Lyon. We went there on the school trip and I loved it the most. Indeed Paris is beautiful but I don't think I could live with all the hustle and bustle in the "city of love". Lyon on the other hand, has just the right amount of people for my liking and is still a beautiful place in itself. It has a way of combining the old with the new, by actually having the names 'Old Lyon' and 'New Lyon.
The little streets are just beautiful, of course you must be careful as you could easily get lost. But the beauty of the place is wonderful. I would love to just rent an apartment in Lyon, work at one of the many cafés and explore the town as much as possible. I would also use Lyon as a base though and explore all the other parts of France and the rest of Europe. Being fluent in french would give me a healthy advantage in finding a place to stay, work etc. But if I ever run into trouble I know I have my lovely homestay family that I could always count on to give me a helping hand.
That's where I would love to visit for me. I would also love to visit all the impoverished countries and spend time with them. I also know that sounds cliché but I have also done it before when going to Sri Lanka. I visited a girls orphanage with my grandparents and spent the whole afternoon there with the children. It was probably the highlight of my trip and something I will never forget. So to do something like that again would be amazing as well. However, all this means I need one important thing. Money.
La Vie Vivante.
If I was writing this to you when I should have been, (Yesterday) I would have been busy babysitting again in the night, getting over a traumatising haircut or at the movies with a friend. In other words, I couldn't write this to you yesterday.
Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit.
I know it may seem cliché but I have always loved France and I have actually already been there once with school, which kind of confirmed my love for it. Ever since I started learning french in prep, I fell in love with the language and therefore the country. I still learn it today and plan to take it all the way to year 12 and hopefully continue it in university as I would love to become fluent in it.
So after I become fluent in french I will be able to live there for a year (at least) and make my way around. If you look closely on the map you will see a town called Lyon. We went there on the school trip and I loved it the most. Indeed Paris is beautiful but I don't think I could live with all the hustle and bustle in the "city of love". Lyon on the other hand, has just the right amount of people for my liking and is still a beautiful place in itself. It has a way of combining the old with the new, by actually having the names 'Old Lyon' and 'New Lyon.

That's where I would love to visit for me. I would also love to visit all the impoverished countries and spend time with them. I also know that sounds cliché but I have also done it before when going to Sri Lanka. I visited a girls orphanage with my grandparents and spent the whole afternoon there with the children. It was probably the highlight of my trip and something I will never forget. So to do something like that again would be amazing as well. However, all this means I need one important thing. Money.
La Vie Vivante.
Day Twelve - Yes This Is Also Late
Hey Blogging World
My excuse for not blogging on Friday was that I had school (obviously) and then I had to come home, have a snack, get changed and head off to babysit for the night. By the time I arrived home it was 11:30pm and I watched some youtube videos and dozed off. But fear not, day twelve has not been forgotten.
Day 12: Bullet your whole day
Now I am not sure whether I should bullet Friday, as that was the day I was supposed to be writing this on, or bullet my day today in which I have a much better memory of. Today it is.
My excuse for not blogging on Friday was that I had school (obviously) and then I had to come home, have a snack, get changed and head off to babysit for the night. By the time I arrived home it was 11:30pm and I watched some youtube videos and dozed off. But fear not, day twelve has not been forgotten.
Day 12: Bullet your whole day
Now I am not sure whether I should bullet Friday, as that was the day I was supposed to be writing this on, or bullet my day today in which I have a much better memory of. Today it is.
- Went to sleep at 1:30 am. Technically today.
- Woke up at 9am and pulled all my blankets that had fallen off my bed back onto my bed.
- Hopped out of bed.
- Went to the toilet. Don't need to know too much information there...
- Washed my hands (Of course)
- Oh Wait! I flushed the toilet before I washed my hands. And then I walked to the bathroom before I washed my hands. And I turned off the toilet light before I walked to the bathroom. Gee this is harder than I thought.
- Walked out to the lounge room and greeted them with a sleep good morning.
- Dad had just arrived home with the groceries so I helped put some of them away.
- Sat down at the kitchen table.
- Played with some pegs while mum hung up the washing. I know, I probably should have helped.
- Debated whether to have nutella on toast or cereal for breakfast.
- Put bread in the toaster. I guess that made my decision final.
- Retrieved nutella jar from pantry.
- Admired the new fish that dad had bought from the pet shop.
- Took the now toast from the toaster and placed it on my plate.
- Opened the nutella jar.
- Went to spread the nutella onto the toast, but this nutella was funny and didn't spread easily. It was almost like butter after it's been in the fridge. Weird.
- Finally finished spreading the weird nutella onto the now toast.
- Walked to the table and ate breakfast.
- After finishing a delicious meal, I put my empty plate in the dishwasher
- I walked to the couch and turned on the T.V.
- Watched the end of an episode of Twisted. (Such a good show!)
- Dressed up in a skirt, tights, black long tee and a poncho.
- Hopped in the car at 10:45am as we were going on a little trip today.
- Arrived at our destination and had lunch at a schnitzel place. It was pretty yummy but the chips weren't the best in my opinion.
- Walked across the road where I had a quick toilet stop before we had our tickets scanned
- Walked through the door, took our seats and got out the big box of maltesers which disappeared too quickly.
- The pre show music stopped.
- The lights dimmed.
- A man came out on stage with a broom.
- Stomp had begun.
- It was amazing!! They made music out of anything and it was also hilarious. The performers were just incredible. I loved it and aspire to learn the cool things they do. Youtube stomp if you want to see exactly what they do, nothing short of spectacular.
- We hopped in the car and drove home. Well I had to have a toilet stop at Maccas but other than that it was straight home.
- I had to do some homework because I'm just wonderful and decide to revise the day before a test.
- Skype called with a couple of friends. Yes one of them was Abby. The other girl I will have to tell you about some time.
- My grandparents came over for dinner where we had scrumptious pinwheels, rice and salad. Ice cream for dessert.
- I went for a shower, once again no need to go into further detail...
- Sat down on my bed and well, began catching up on all my missed posts.
- I presume that after this I will study a little bit more for my test, brush my teeth, probably play Candy Crush and fall asleep.
So, do I have an interesting life?
La Vie Vivante.
Day Eleven - Yes I Know it's Late
Hey Blogging World
I have gotten into a bad habit of doing these posts late, which is not the point at all. But I do have a very good excuse for not posting this on the right night as I was at none other than the Pink Concert! It was amazing but I didn't get home till about 1am so I was not really in the mood to quickly write up a post for you, which would most likely have had a million spelling errors if I had done so. I am going to catch up on all my posts today and do today's while I'm at it just so I can be on track again.
Day 11: Put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
Now this is a bit hard as my iPhone only has ten songs as I am an extremely lazy person who would prefer to listen to the same ten songs on repeat every day rather than take the 15 minutes to upload all my other music onto my phone.
Song number 1: S.O.S by Gin Wigmore. Now I know I have spoken about this song before in an earlier post, something about the fact that it makes me rather happy. It is a wonderful song and I would recommend any Gin Wigmore song as she is simply amazing.
Song number 2: Resistance by Muse. I love Muse and my dad and I are planning on seeing them live at the end of this year. Eeeep! I have been trying to learn the songs better, as there are more I know than others. Unfortunately we only have two in the iTunes Library so I know those two a lot better than the rest. Let's just say that when they come on at the concert, I will be the loudest one singing along.
Song number 3: Jonathan Low by Vampire Weekend. I actually did not plan to have this song in my music, but school made us do an aerobics project and part of that was picking up the songs to go along with the routine. I was responsible for putting the playlist on my phone and so some of the songs are not actually ones I listen to at all. This one however, is quite good. It's off the twilight soundtrack, so if I had not been given this song I probably would have never discovered it and my ears would have never consumed the awesomeness of the song.
Song number 4: Neutron Star Collision by Muse. Yes this is the other song that I am going to be overly prepared for at the concert. I must say though that it is also a wonderful song to listen and be happy too. I just love the part where the guitar kicks in with the badududums.
Song number 5: Waka Waka by Shakira. This song was the official 2010 FIFA song. I think that is soccer? That's what the video clip showed anyway. It was there for our aerobics playlist but I actually quite like the song. After the thirty second introduction of weird African noises.
Song number 6: The bucket by Kings of Leon. I used this song for an iMovie I made about a day out with a few friends. I fell in love with the song and listen to it at least twice everyday. It is like my happy wake up good morning the day is going to be great (even if it isn't) song. As I'm sprinting down the hill to make sure I don't miss the bus I have the song blaring through my headphones, I must look so weird power walking and grinning at 8 o'clock in the morning.
Song number 7: What You Want from the musical "Legally Blonde". I must say that I love this musical and have in fact seen it twice. My new dream is to be the next Elle Woods. I'm not exactly sure why I only have this song, I think I started downloading them then realized I would just download them along with all the music (That still hasn't happened) and this one slipped in. It is a grand song though.
Song number 8: E.T by Katy Perry. This song was for the aerobics project. It is usually skipped past. That's not to say I don't like Katy Perry, I just don't like this particular song very much. If I'm feeling extremely lazy I don't bother changing it. Oh and just a quick add on that is kind of irrelevant, I do like Katy Perry's new single Roar.
Song number 9: Magid Fountain by Art vs Science. I think. Yep it is. This was another song for the aerobics project, it was my routine actually. I did a boxing routine which fits in perfectly with the beat of this song, fast paced. Not one that I regularly listen to though.
Song number 10: Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas. I went through a phase of loving TBEP (Just using short hand because I can't be bothered writing it all out) but this was also used for the aerobics project. Yes, half of the songs on my phone are related to school work. Most of the time when this song comes on, I fast forward it to Fergie's bit and just sing along to "la da di da da di da" as it is a bundle of fun.
There you have it. I feel like this post did not need to be this long and I could have just dot pointed all the songs, but what would be the fun in that?
La Vie Vivante
I have gotten into a bad habit of doing these posts late, which is not the point at all. But I do have a very good excuse for not posting this on the right night as I was at none other than the Pink Concert! It was amazing but I didn't get home till about 1am so I was not really in the mood to quickly write up a post for you, which would most likely have had a million spelling errors if I had done so. I am going to catch up on all my posts today and do today's while I'm at it just so I can be on track again.
Day 11: Put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
Now this is a bit hard as my iPhone only has ten songs as I am an extremely lazy person who would prefer to listen to the same ten songs on repeat every day rather than take the 15 minutes to upload all my other music onto my phone.
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Gin Wigmore and Band. |
Song number 2: Resistance by Muse. I love Muse and my dad and I are planning on seeing them live at the end of this year. Eeeep! I have been trying to learn the songs better, as there are more I know than others. Unfortunately we only have two in the iTunes Library so I know those two a lot better than the rest. Let's just say that when they come on at the concert, I will be the loudest one singing along.
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Vampire Weekend |
Song number 3: Jonathan Low by Vampire Weekend. I actually did not plan to have this song in my music, but school made us do an aerobics project and part of that was picking up the songs to go along with the routine. I was responsible for putting the playlist on my phone and so some of the songs are not actually ones I listen to at all. This one however, is quite good. It's off the twilight soundtrack, so if I had not been given this song I probably would have never discovered it and my ears would have never consumed the awesomeness of the song.
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The image is pretty self explanatory. |
Song number 5: Waka Waka by Shakira. This song was the official 2010 FIFA song. I think that is soccer? That's what the video clip showed anyway. It was there for our aerobics playlist but I actually quite like the song. After the thirty second introduction of weird African noises.
Song number 6: The bucket by Kings of Leon. I used this song for an iMovie I made about a day out with a few friends. I fell in love with the song and listen to it at least twice everyday. It is like my happy wake up good morning the day is going to be great (even if it isn't) song. As I'm sprinting down the hill to make sure I don't miss the bus I have the song blaring through my headphones, I must look so weird power walking and grinning at 8 o'clock in the morning.
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So girly. |
Song number 8: E.T by Katy Perry. This song was for the aerobics project. It is usually skipped past. That's not to say I don't like Katy Perry, I just don't like this particular song very much. If I'm feeling extremely lazy I don't bother changing it. Oh and just a quick add on that is kind of irrelevant, I do like Katy Perry's new single Roar.
Song number 9: Magid Fountain by Art vs Science. I think. Yep it is. This was another song for the aerobics project, it was my routine actually. I did a boxing routine which fits in perfectly with the beat of this song, fast paced. Not one that I regularly listen to though.
Song number 10: Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas. I went through a phase of loving TBEP (Just using short hand because I can't be bothered writing it all out) but this was also used for the aerobics project. Yes, half of the songs on my phone are related to school work. Most of the time when this song comes on, I fast forward it to Fergie's bit and just sing along to "la da di da da di da" as it is a bundle of fun.
There you have it. I feel like this post did not need to be this long and I could have just dot pointed all the songs, but what would be the fun in that?
La Vie Vivante
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Day Nine and Day Ten
Hey Blogging World
I am so sorry that I forgot a day! I feel like I am constantly apologising on this blog, but I was up till 11:30 last night trying to complete stressful school work which is now finished. (Thank goodness!) So I will catch up and give you a wonderfully long post filled with day nine and day ten. Although looking at the topics I'm not sure how long they will really be...
Day 9: How you hope your future will be like
I feel like all these prompts are just becoming sentimental, all warm and fuzzy. I didn't choose them though so I just have to roll, or write in this case, with what I am given.
Hmm, my future...
Indeed. I hope my future will be living in a chocolate castle. Although I may end up fat and homeless after I have eaten the whole thing.
But besides the jokes, (Or whatever that was supposed to be if you didn't find it amusing) I just really want my future to be a happy one. One where I'm alive preferably. I would love to be surrounded by all my family and friends still, be in university studying a course that I thoroughly enjoy, or if I'm in a job then a job that I love doing. I think I just hope my future is just what I want it to be and in my future that I will actually know what I want to do with my life. I have no idea what I want to do with my life yet but I am perfectly fine with that, and anyone entering into VCE and feeling a little nervous about it, I know exactly how you feel. There will come a day though where I will have to decide what I want to do with my life and I guess that in my future I hope that I will know and I will choose something that I love doing.
Okay well that did turn out all warm and fuzzy, I can be quite a sentimental person at times. However I am not too sure how today's prompt is going to turn out as there is nothing warm and fuzzy about it.
Day 10: Discuss your first love and first kiss
Now you're all probably thinking, 'What?! This is not warm and fuzzy?! What is this girl talking about?!' But before you click away from the page I beg you to hear me out. As you would know if you read my day one post, I have never been in a relationship. So you can probably gather from that post that I have never had a first love and a first kiss.
I think love is a very strong word. I don't use it very often on people, unless of course I'm talking to family members or I am mucking about with friends and say, "Ily babe!" (For all you non internet typers out there, ily stands for I love you) But I don't think you can really be in love with someone at such a young age. Once you have been going out with them for maybe a year you might love them. Okay a year might be a bit long, but you get the gist. You are not going to tell someone after a week of knowing them that you love them. I feel as though I am sounding hypocritical here as I unfortunately think I have done this before, but now I think about it, I never really meant it and I feel as though I just said it for the sake of replying. So my life message for all you lovely people out there longing for some love advice from a true expert such as myself: Don't every say you love someone until you really trully absoloutely mean it.
Oh and as for a first kiss. Well let's just say I'll be that Sweet 16 and never been kissed. And for the record, I will be proud of it. That's right, as far as I'm concerned, I have the most hygienic lips ever.
La Vie Vivante.
I am so sorry that I forgot a day! I feel like I am constantly apologising on this blog, but I was up till 11:30 last night trying to complete stressful school work which is now finished. (Thank goodness!) So I will catch up and give you a wonderfully long post filled with day nine and day ten. Although looking at the topics I'm not sure how long they will really be...
Day 9: How you hope your future will be like
I feel like all these prompts are just becoming sentimental, all warm and fuzzy. I didn't choose them though so I just have to roll, or write in this case, with what I am given.
Hmm, my future...
Indeed. I hope my future will be living in a chocolate castle. Although I may end up fat and homeless after I have eaten the whole thing.
But besides the jokes, (Or whatever that was supposed to be if you didn't find it amusing) I just really want my future to be a happy one. One where I'm alive preferably. I would love to be surrounded by all my family and friends still, be in university studying a course that I thoroughly enjoy, or if I'm in a job then a job that I love doing. I think I just hope my future is just what I want it to be and in my future that I will actually know what I want to do with my life. I have no idea what I want to do with my life yet but I am perfectly fine with that, and anyone entering into VCE and feeling a little nervous about it, I know exactly how you feel. There will come a day though where I will have to decide what I want to do with my life and I guess that in my future I hope that I will know and I will choose something that I love doing.
Okay well that did turn out all warm and fuzzy, I can be quite a sentimental person at times. However I am not too sure how today's prompt is going to turn out as there is nothing warm and fuzzy about it.
Day 10: Discuss your first love and first kiss
Now you're all probably thinking, 'What?! This is not warm and fuzzy?! What is this girl talking about?!' But before you click away from the page I beg you to hear me out. As you would know if you read my day one post, I have never been in a relationship. So you can probably gather from that post that I have never had a first love and a first kiss.
I think love is a very strong word. I don't use it very often on people, unless of course I'm talking to family members or I am mucking about with friends and say, "Ily babe!" (For all you non internet typers out there, ily stands for I love you) But I don't think you can really be in love with someone at such a young age. Once you have been going out with them for maybe a year you might love them. Okay a year might be a bit long, but you get the gist. You are not going to tell someone after a week of knowing them that you love them. I feel as though I am sounding hypocritical here as I unfortunately think I have done this before, but now I think about it, I never really meant it and I feel as though I just said it for the sake of replying. So my life message for all you lovely people out there longing for some love advice from a true expert such as myself: Don't every say you love someone until you really trully absoloutely mean it.
Oh and as for a first kiss. Well let's just say I'll be that Sweet 16 and never been kissed. And for the record, I will be proud of it. That's right, as far as I'm concerned, I have the most hygienic lips ever.
La Vie Vivante.
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